22 TAC §211.7

The Texas Board of Nursing (Board) proposes amendments to §211.7, relating to Executive Director. The amendments are being proposed under the authority of the Occupations Code §§301.151 and 301.101.

Background. The Board has established an agreed order to inactivate a nurse's license if it is found that their education is not substantially equivalent to a Texas approved nursing program's requirements. Traditionally, such orders have been ratified during a regular Board Meeting or a meeting of the Board's Eligibility and Disciplinary Committee. However, certain agreed orders are currently accepted on behalf of the Board by the Executive Director. The proposed amendment aims to include inactivation orders, based on educational deficiencies, among those that the Executive Director can accept. This delegation of authority is intended to reduce the time between a nurse's agreement to inactivate their license and their removal from practice. The Executive Director will provide summaries of these actions at regular Board meetings. Additionally, the amendments clarify the Executive Director's authority to accept orders for nurses facing temporary suspension under the Occupations Code §§301.455 & 301.4551. These changes aim to improve regulatory efficiency by processing monitoring or suspension orders signed by Respondents without waiting for a temporary suspension hearing or other Board meeting.

Section by Section Overview. The proposal includes the addition of §211.7(f)(4) to the categories of orders the Executive Director is authorized to accept on the Board's behalf. The Executive Director must report summaries of these orders to the Board during its regular meetings. Additionally, the proposal eliminates language from §211.7(i) that previously stated the Executive Director could only enter an order for a nurse following a temporary suspension hearing. The revised language broadens this authority, allowing the Executive Director to enter an order when a licensee is subject to temporary suspension or after the licensee has already been temporarily suspended.

Fiscal Note. Kristin Benton, RN, DNP, Executive Director, has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed new sections will be in effect, there will be no anticipated change in the revenue to state government as a result of the enforcement or administration of the proposal.

Public Benefit/Cost Note. Dr. Benton has also determined that for each year of the first five years that the proposed rules are in effect, the anticipated public benefit will be the adoption of rules that notice licensees and the public of the Board's view of the violations described in the proposed amendment.

There are no new anticipated costs of compliance associated with the proposal. The proposed amendments do not impose any requirement or condition on board regulated entities. Thus, the Board does not anticipate any new costs of compliance resulting from the proposal. Further, the Board is not required to comply with the requirements of Tex. Gov't Code. §2001.0045(b) because the proposed amendments are not anticipated to result in new costs of compliance and are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state.

Economic Impact Statement and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Small and Micro Businesses and Rural Communities. The Government Code §2006.002(c) and (f) require, that if a proposed rule may have an economic impact on small businesses or micro businesses or rural communities, state agencies must prepare, as part of the rulemaking process, an economic impact statement that assesses the potential impact of the proposed rule on these businesses and communities and a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the rule. Section 2006.002(c-1) requires that the regulatory analysis "consider, if consistent with the health, safety, and environmental and economic welfare of the state, using regulatory methods that will accomplish the objectives of applicable rules while minimizing adverse impacts on small businesses" are feasible. Therefore, an agency is not required to consider alternatives that, while possibly minimizing adverse impacts on small and micro businesses, would not be protective of the health, safety, and environmental and economic welfare of the state.

The Government Code §2006.001(1) defines a micro business as a legal entity, including a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that: (i) is formed for the purpose of making a profit; (ii) is independently owned and operated; and (iii) has not more than 20 employees. The Government Code §2006.001(2) defines a small business as a legal entity, including a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, that: (i) is formed for the purpose of making a profit; (ii) is independently owned and operated; and (iii) has fewer than 100 employees or less than $6 million in annual gross receipts. Each of the elements in §2006.001(1) and §2006.001(2) must be met for an entity to qualify as a micro business or small business. The Government Code §2006.001(1-a) defines a rural community as a municipality with a population of less than 25,000.

These proposed rules, mandated by statute, cannot be reasonably expected to result in any costs of compliance for small businesses, micro businesses, or rural communities. As such, the Board is not required to prepare an economic impact statement and regulatory flexibility analysis.

Government Growth Impact Statement. The Board is required, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2001.0221 and 34 Texas Administrative Code §11.1, to prepare a government growth impact statement. The Board has determined for each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect: (i) the proposal does not create or eliminate a government program; (ii) implementation of the proposal does not require the creation of new employee positions or the elimination of existing employee positions, as the proposal is not expected to have an effect on existing agency positions; (iii) implementation of the proposal does not require an increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to the Board, as the proposal is not as the Board intends to shift necessary resources to comply with the statutory mandate; (iv) the proposal does not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the Board; (v) the proposal references new statutory requirements for the Board to follow in investigations but does not add additional requirements for licensees; (vi) the proposal does not expand or repeal an existing regulation; (vii) the proposed rule does not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and (viii) the proposal does not have an effect on the state's economy.

Takings Impact Assessment. The Board has determined that no private real property interests are affected by this proposal and that this proposal does not restrict or limit an owner's right to property that would otherwise exist in the absence of government action and, therefore, does not constitute a taking or require a takings impact assessment under the Government Code §2007.043.

Request for Public Comment. Comments on this proposal may be submitted to James W. Johnston, General Counsel, Texas Board of Nursing, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200, Austin, Texas 78701, or by e-mail to dusty.johnston@bon.texas.gov, or faxed to (512) 305-8101. Comments must be received no later than thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this proposal. If a hearing is held, written and oral comments presented at the hearing will be considered.

Statutory Authority. These rule sections are proposed under the authority of Texas Occupations Code §§301.151 & 301.101.

Cross Reference to Statute. The following statutes are affected by this proposal: Texas Occupations Code §§301.151, 301.101.

§211.7.Executive Director.

(a) - (e) (No change.)

(f) The Executive Director is authorized to accept the following orders on behalf of the Board and ratification by the Board is not necessary. The Executive Director will report summaries of dispositions to the Board at its regular meetings.

(1) Orders issued under §213.32(2) and (5) of this title (relating to Corrective Action Proceedings and Schedule of Administrative Fines).

(2) Orders requiring a licensee to comply with a peer assistance program.

(3) Orders issued under subsection (i) of this section.

(4) Orders inactivating a license due to inadequate education.

(g) - (h) (No change).

(i) If a licensee is subject to temporary suspension or has been temporarily suspended, [Following the temporary suspension of an individual's license] pursuant to the Occupations Code §301.455 or §301.4551, the Executive Director may approve and accept on behalf of the Board an agreed order resolving the contested case if he/she is of the opinion that the agreed order falls within, and is consistent with, public safety and the parameters of §213.27 of this title (relating to Good Professional Character); §213.29 of this title (relating to Criteria and Procedure Regarding Intemperate Use and Lack of Fitness in Eligibility and Disciplinary Matters); and §213.33 of this title. The Executive Director shall report summaries of dispositions under this subsection to the Board at its regularly scheduled meetings.

(j) (No change.)

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 6, 2024.


James W. Johnston

General Counsel

Texas Board of Nursing

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-6879


22 TAC §213.33

(Editor's note: In accordance with Texas Government Code, §2002.014, which permits the omission of material which is "cumbersome, expensive, or otherwise inexpedient," the figure in 22 TAC §213.33 is not included in the print version of the Texas Register. The figure is available in the on-line version of the September 20, 2024, issue of the Texas Register.)

The Texas Board of Nursing (Board) proposes amendments to §213.33, relating to Factors Considered for Imposition of Penalties/Sanctions. The amendments are being proposed under the authority of the Occupations Code §301.151.

Background. On January 25, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) and law enforcement partners executed a coordinated, multi-state operation to apprehend individuals involved in selling fraudulent nursing degree diplomas and transcripts. The scheme allegedly involved the sale of fake nursing diplomas and transcripts from accredited Florida-based nursing schools to Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse (LPN/VN) candidates. Those who obtained these fraudulent credentials used them to qualify for the national nursing board exam. Upon passing the exam, these individuals were eligible to obtain licensure in various states, including Texas, to practice as RNs or LVNs.

The Board has begun disciplinary actions to revoke or deny the renewal of licenses and to deny initial licenses to individuals implicated in the scheme. According to Tex. Occ. Code §301.451, it is illegal to practice nursing with a diploma, license, or record obtained unlawfully or fraudulently. Tex. Occ. Code §301.452(b)(1) authorizes the Board to take action on violations of Chapter 301 or any related rule, regulation, or order. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to bridge the gap between a violation of Tex. Occ. Code §301.451 and the concurrent violation of Tex. Occ. Code §301.452(b)(1).

The proposed amendments aim to clarify the Board's stance on these violations, informing licensees and the public about the likely sanctions for such violations based on the Disciplinary Matrix's Tier and Sanction Level analysis. The amendments also specify disciplinary actions for applicants who falsely certify that they meet Texas's licensure qualifications. A number of applicants for renewal and licensure have inaccurately claimed to meet educational requirements, leading to the licensure of nurses who have not completed the necessary clinical or didactic education, posing a significant public health risk. The amendments seek to ensure applicants understand the Board's position on this behavior and to maintain consistency in applying the Board's disciplinary matrix.

Additionally, the proposed amendments distinguish between technical and substantive requirements of a Board order. Current language misclassifies remedial education, typically required in Board disciplinary orders, as technical, non-remedial requirements. The amendments remove this language to align with the Board's current view of these violations.

Section by Section Overview. The proposal introduces several changes to the Board's Disciplinary Matrix, found in §213.33(b), particularly concerning §301.452(b)(1). The amendments clarify the Board's stance on non-compliance with remedial education requirements in disciplinary orders, removing language that previously classified these requirements as technical and non-remedial. The Board now views non-compliance with remedial education requirements as substantive violations.

The proposed amendments in the Third Tier of §301.452(b)(1) articulate two proposed violations that the Board views as Third Tier offenses. The first offense involves practicing nursing with unlawfully or fraudulently obtained credentials, or credentials issued under false representation. The second offense pertains to inaccurately certifying on initial or renewal licensure applications that an applicant meets Texas's legal and regulatory qualifications. Proposed changes to Sanction Level I in the Third Tier include the denial of initial licensure or licensure renewal, aligning with Board precedent in similar cases. These proposed additional sanctions support the Board's authority under §301.453, which includes the denial of applications for licensure, renewal, or temporary permits. Additionally, a new aggravating factor related to evidence of fraud, misrepresentation, or falsity will guide the Board in determining the appropriate sanction level that will apply when undertaking a matrix analysis for the above stated violations.

Fiscal Note. Kristin Benton, RN, DNP, Executive Director, has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed new section will be in effect, there will be no anticipated change in the revenue to state government as a result of the enforcement or administration of the proposal.

Public Benefit/Cost Note. Dr. Benton has also determined that for each year of the first five years that the proposed rule is in effect, the anticipated public benefit will be the adoption of rules that notice licensees and the public of the Board's view of the violations described in the proposed amendment.

There are no new anticipated costs of compliance associated with the proposal. The proposed amendments do not impose any requirement or condition on board regulated entities. The amendments merely reflect the Board's view of already existing violations of the Nursing Practice Act. Thus, the Board does not anticipate any new costs of compliance resulting from the proposal. Further, the Board is not required to comply with the requirements of Tex. Gov't Code. §2001.0045(b) because the proposed amendments are not anticipated to result in new costs of compliance and are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state.

Economic Impact Statement and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Small and Micro Businesses and Rural Communities. The Government Code §2006.002(c) and (f) require, that if a proposed rule may have an economic impact on small businesses or micro businesses or rural communities, state agencies must prepare, as part of the rulemaking process, an economic impact statement that assesses the potential impact of the proposed rule on these businesses and communities and a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the rule. Section 2006.002(c-1) requires that the regulatory analysis "consider, if consistent with the health, safety, and environmental and economic welfare of the state, using regulatory methods that will accomplish the objectives of applicable rules while minimizing adverse impacts on small businesses" are feasible. Therefore, an agency is not required to consider alternatives that, while possibly minimizing adverse impacts on small and micro businesses, would not be protective of the health, safety, and environmental and economic welfare of the state.

The Government Code §2006.001(1) defines a micro business as a legal entity, including a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that: (i) is formed for the purpose of making a profit; (ii) is independently owned and operated; and (iii) has not more than 20 employees. The Government Code §2006.001(2) defines a small business as a legal entity, including a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, that: (i) is formed for the purpose of making a profit; (ii) is independently owned and operated; and (iii) has fewer than 100 employees or less than $6 million in annual gross receipts. Each of the elements in §2006.001(1) and §2006.001(2) must be met for an entity to qualify as a micro business or small business. The Government Code §2006.001(1-a) defines a rural community as a municipality with a population of less than 25,000.

These proposed rules, mandated by statute, cannot be reasonably expected to result in any costs of compliance for small businesses, micro businesses, or rural communities. As such, the Board is not required to prepare an economic impact statement and regulatory flexibility analysis.

Government Growth Impact Statement. The Board is required, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2001.0221 and 34 Texas Administrative Code §11.1, to prepare a government growth impact statement. The Board has determined for each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect: (i) the proposal does not create or eliminate a government program; (ii) implementation of the proposal does not require the creation of new employee positions or the elimination of existing employee positions, as the proposal is not expected to have an effect on existing agency positions; (iii) implementation of the proposal does not require an increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to the Board, as the proposal is not as the Board intends to shift necessary resources to comply with the statutory mandate; (iv) the proposal does not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the Board; (v) the proposal references new statutory requirements for the Board to follow in investigations but does not add additional requirements for licensees; (vi) the proposal does not expand or repeal an existing regulation; (vii) the proposed rule does not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and (viii) the proposal does not have an effect on the state's economy.

Takings Impact Assessment. The Board has determined that no private real property interests are affected by this proposal and that this proposal does not restrict or limit an owner's right to property that would otherwise exist in the absence of government action and, therefore, does not constitute a taking or require a takings impact assessment under the Government Code §2007.043.

Request for Public Comment. Comments on this proposal may be submitted to James W. Johnston, General Counsel, Texas Board of Nursing, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200, Austin, Texas 78701, or by e-mail to dusty.johnston@bon.texas.gov, or faxed to (512) 305-8101. Comments must be received no later than thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this proposal. If a hearing is held, written and oral comments presented at the hearing will be considered.

Statutory Authority. These rule sections are proposed under the authority of Texas Occupations Code §301.151.

Cross Reference to Statute. The following statutes are affected by this proposal: Texas Occupations Code §§301.151, 301.451, 301.452, 301.453.

§213.33.Factors Considered for Imposition of Penalties/Sanctions.

(a) (No change.)

(b) The Disciplinary Matrix is as follows:

Attached Graphic

Figure: 22 TAC §213.33(b) (.pdf)

[Figure: 22 TAC §213.33(b)]

(c) - (m) (No change.)

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 6, 2024.


James W. Johnston

General Counsel

Texas Board of Nursing

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-6879



22 TAC §§275.1 - 275.3

The Texas Optometry Board proposes amendments to 22 TAC Part 14 Chapter 275 Continuing Education.

The rules in the Chapter 275 were reviewed as a result of the Board's general rule review under Texas Government Code §2001.039. Notice of the review was published in the March 1, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 1288). No comments were received regarding the Board's notice of review. The Board has determined that there continues to be a need for the rules in Chapter 275.

The Board determined that changes to the following rules as currently in effect are necessary to further clarify the statute: §275.1 General Requirements; §275.2 Required Education; and §275.3 Continuing Education Tracking System.

Overview and Explanation of the Proposed Amendments. The majority of the changes made to Chapter 275 update the rule to reflect the requirements now that all licenses expire on a biennial basis. Additionally, the amendments clarify the continuing education requirements for licensees who are trying to activate an expired license and for new licensees when first licensed. The rule eliminates the continuing education requirement for the one-time controlled prescribing course and instead the course has been added to Chapter 271 as prerequisite for receiving a therapeutic license. Finally, the amendments provide non-substantive capitalization and grammatical changes to ensure consistency across the Board's rules. No changes are being made to the total number of continuing education courses required for renewal of a license.

Government Growth Impact Statement. For the first five-year period the proposed rules are in effect, the Board estimates that the proposed rules will have no effect on government growth. The proposed rules do not create or eliminate a government program; do not require the creation or elimination of employee positions; do not require the increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to this agency; do not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency; do not create a new regulation; do not expand an existing regulation; do not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and do not positively or adversely affect the state's economy.

Small Business, Micro-Business, and Rural Community Impact Statement. Ms. McCoy has determined for the first five-year period the proposed rules are in effect, there will be no adverse effect on small businesses, micro-businesses, or rural communities and the amendments do not positively or adversely impact the state's economy.

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Small and Micro-Businesses and Rural Communities. Ms. McCoy has determined that the proposed rules will have no adverse economic effect on small businesses, micro-businesses, or rural communities and do not positively or adversely impact the state's economy. Thus, the Board is not required to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis pursuant to §2006.002 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Takings Impact Assessment. Ms. McCoy has determined that there are no private real property interests affected by the proposed rules. Thus, the Board is not required to prepare a takings impact assessment pursuant to §2007.043 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Local Employment Impact Statement. Ms. McCoy has determined that the proposed rules will have no impact on local employment or a local economy. Thus, the Board is not required to prepare a local employment impact statement pursuant to §2001.024 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Public Benefit. Ms. McCoy has determined for the first five-year period the proposed rules are in effect there will be a benefit to the general public because the proposed rules ensure licensees maintain relevant and updated educational knowledge to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.

Fiscal Note. Janice McCoy, Executive Director of the Board, has determined that for the first five-year period the proposed rules are in effect, there will be no additional estimated cost, reduction in costs, or loss or increase in revenue to the state or local governments as a result of enforcing or administering the rules. Additionally, Ms. McCoy has determined that enforcing or administering the rules does not have foreseeable implications relating to the costs or revenues of state or local government.

Requirement for Rules Increasing Costs to Regulated Persons. The proposed rule does not impose any new or additional costs to regulated persons, state agencies, special districts, or local governments; therefore, pursuant to §2001.0045 of the Tex. Gov't Code, no repeal or amendment of another rule is required to offset any increased costs. Additionally, no repeal or amendment of another rule is required because the proposed rules are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state and because regulatory costs imposed by the Board on licensees is not expected to increase.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Comments on the amended rules may be submitted electronically to: janice.mccoy@tob.texas.gov or in writing to Janice McCoy, Executive Director, Texas Optometry Board, 1801 N. Congress, Suite 9.300, Austin, Texas 78701. The deadline for furnishing comments is thirty days after publication in the Texas Register.

Statutory Authority. The Board proposes this rule pursuant to the authority found in §351.151 of the Tex. Occ. Code which vests the Board with the authority to adopt rules necessary to perform its duties and implement Chapter 351 of the Tex. Occ. Code and under §351.308 of the Tex. Occ. Code which requires continuing education as a condition for renewal of a license.

No other sections are affected by the amendments.

§275.1.General Requirements.

(a) Number of hours required to renew.

[(1)] The [Texas Optometry] Act requires each optometrist licensed in this state to take 32 [16] hours of continuing education per two-year renewal cycle [calendar year] with at least 24 [six] hours in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease. [Beginning with the 2021 license renewal, at least 12 hours of the required 16 hours shall be in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease.] Additionally, the [The] subject of at least two hours [one hour] of the required 32 [16] hours shall be professional responsibility as defined in subsection (b)(1)(H) of this section. [The calendar year is considered to begin January 1 and run through December 31.]

[(2) Hours required beginning with the 2023 license renewal.]

[(A) 32 hours of continuing education taken during the two-year period preceding license renewal.]

[(B) 24 hours of the required 32 hours shall be in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease.]

[(C) Two hours of the required 32 hours shall be in professional responsibility as defined in subsection (b)(1)(H) of this section.]

(b) Providers.

(1) The Board has determined that the following providers who provide courses in subjects directly related to optometry may satisfy the criteria for acceptable continuing education hours and may be given automatic approval:

(A) Courses sponsored by an optometry college or school accredited by the American Optometric Council on Education (ACOE);

(B) Courses sponsored by the American Optometric Association (AOA) or an affiliate of the AOA;

(C) Courses sponsored by the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) or an affiliate of AAO;

(D) Courses accredited by the Council on Optometric Provider Education (COPE);

(E) Courses sponsored and or approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission;

(F) Courses sponsored by the American Board of Optometry;

(G) Courses approved by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (AACME); and

(H) Courses in professional responsibility given by a board accredited in-state college or school of optometry may be given approval if the course:

(i) is made available as a live course in this state and on the internet; and

(ii) includes the study of professional ethics, the Texas Optometry Act and Board Rules, judicious prescribing of dangerous drugs, pain management, or drug abuse by professionals.

(2) Notwithstanding the automatic approvals contemplated in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Board shall be entitled to reject individual courses.

(c) Provider Approval. Continuing education providers who are not preapproved under subsection (b) of this section shall make application and submit required materials to the Board through the continuing education tracking system outlined in §275.3 of this chapter (relating to Continuing Education Tracking System) [on the prescribed form, submit the appropriate fee, and submit all required materials for consideration of approval]. Failure to utilize the Board's continuing education tracking system [application form] or submit any of the required materials [requirements] shall be grounds to reject the application request. Provider applications may [will] be approved by the Board upon recommendation from the Continuing Education Committee.

(d) Renewal requirements. Licensees who have not complied with the education requirements may not be issued a renewal license unless such person is entitled to an exemption under §351.309 [Section 351.309] of the Act. The following persons are exempt:

(1) a licensee under §273.7 of this title (relating to Inactive Licenses); provided the licensee shall obtain 16 hours of Board approved continuing education prior to reactivating the license. At least 12 hours of the required 16 hours shall be in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease and one hour shall be professional responsibility as defined in subsection (b)(1)(H) of this section [who holds a Texas license, but does not practice optometry in Texas; provided, however, that if at any time during the calendar year for which such exemption has been obtained such person desires to practice optometry, such person shall not be entitled to practice optometry in Texas until the hours of continuing education credits set out in subsection (a) of this section are obtained and the board has been notified of the completion of such continuing education requirements];

(2) a licensee who served in the regular armed forces of the United States during part of the period immediately preceding the license renewal date; or

(3) upon recommendation from the Continuing Education Committee and approval by the Board, a licensee who submits proof [satisfactory to the board] that the licensee suffered a serious or disabling illness or physical disability which prevented the licensee from complying with the requirements of this section during the license renewal period. [immediately preceding the annual license renewal date; provided, however, that in lieu of claiming the exemption, a licensee who has submitted the requisite proof of illness or disability may elect to obtain the education requirement by correspondence or multi-media courses sponsored, monitored, or graded by colleges of optometry; or]

[(4) a licensee who was first licensed within the period immediately preceding the first renewal date is exempt from Board mandated continuing education for this first calendar year. A new licensee is not exempt from continuing education required by Texas laws].

(e) Availability. Approved courses must be available to all Texas licensed optometrists at a fee considered reasonable and nondiscriminatory.

(f) Proof of Attendance. Proof [Written proof] of attendance and completion of approved courses must be supplied by the licensed optometrist to the Board [board in conjunction with the renewal application for an optometry license] through the continuing education tracking system outlined in §275.3 of this chapter (relating to Continuing Education Tracking System). [If the licensed optometrist is practicing in Texas, the licensee should submit the original proof of attendance or the approved sponsors] Approved providers of continuing education may submit [to the board written] proof of attendance and completion of approved courses on behalf of the licensed optometrist through the continuing education tracking system outlined in §275.3 of this chapter. Information such as the following will be required: sponsoring organizations; location and dates; course names; instructors; names of attendee; number of education hours completed; and any other information deemed necessary by the Board [board]. [Proof of attendance supplied by the sponsor should contain at least one signature of the sponsor's designee.]

(g) Retired License Continuing Education.

[(1) An applicant with a current license applying for the Retired License shall obtain eight hours of Board approved continuing education during the calendar year preceding the date of application. All of the hours may be obtained on the Internet or by correspondence. At least one half of these hours must be diagnostic/therapeutic as approved by the Board and one hour must be professional responsibility.]

[(2) An applicant whose license has expired for one year or more shall obtain 16 hours of Board approved continuing education during the calendar year preceding the date of application. All of the hours may be obtained on the Internet or by correspondence. At least eight of these hours must be diagnostic/therapeutic as approved by the Board and one hour must be professional responsibility.]

[(3) The holder of a retired license shall obtain eight hours of Board approved continuing education during the calendar year prior to renewing the license. All of the hours may be obtained on the Internet or by correspondence. At least one half of these hours must be diagnostic/therapeutic as approved by the Board and one hour must be professional responsibility.]

[(4) Beginning with the 2023 license renewal, the] The holder of a retired license shall obtain 16 hours of Board approved continuing education prior to renewing the license. All of the hours may be obtained asynchronously [on the Internet or by correspondence]. At least one half of these hours must be diagnostic/therapeutic as approved by the Board and one hour must be professional responsibility.

(h) Expired License Continuing Education. An applicant whose license has expired for one year or more shall obtain 16 hours of Board approved continuing education during the calendar year preceding the date of application. At least 12 hours of the required 16 hours shall be in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease and one hour shall be professional responsibility as defined in subsection (b)(1)(H) of this section. At least eight of the required hours must be in a live or synchronous format.

(i) New Licensees Continuing Education. A new licensee is exempt from Board mandated continuing education for the remainder of the first calendar year of the initial license period. The new licensee is required to take 16 hours of continuing education during the second calendar year of the initial license period. At least 12 hours of the required 16 hours shall be in the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease and one hour shall be professional responsibility as defined in subsection (b)(1)(H) of this section. At least eight of the required hours must be in a live or synchronous format.

(j) Of the required 32 hours of continuing education, at least 16 hours must be in a live or synchronous format. A synchronous format means there is direct real-time audio-visual interaction between the licensee and the provider.

§275.2.Required Education.

(a) Education for an advanced degree in optometric field or optometrically related field. One-hour credit will be given for each semester hour earned, and a total of 16 credit hours will be allowed for each full academic year of study.

(b) Research in lieu of training. Credit will be given only for full-time research. Sixteen credit hours will be given for each full year of research.

(c) Teaching. One credit hour is allowed for each education hour of teaching of board-approved continuing education courses.

[(d) Continuing education courses. See §275.1(b) of this title (relating to General Requirements).]

(d) [(e)] Clinical rotations or rounds. One hour of continuing education credit will be given for each two clock hours spent on clinical rounds. [, for a maximum of four hours per calendar year. Beginning with the 2023 license renewal, credit] Credit will be given for a maximum of eight hours of clinical rotations or rounds hours taken during the two-year period preceding license renewal. Sponsoring organizations and universities must submit information regarding scheduled rounds and certify to the Board [board] at least on a quarterly basis the number of continuing education hours obtained.

[(f) Credit will be given for a maximum of eight hours of the combined total of correspondence course hours and on-line computer course hours per calendar year. Beginning with the 2023 license renewal, credit will be given for a maximum of 16 hours of the combined total of correspondence course hours and on-line computer course hours taken during the two-year period preceding license renewal. On-line computer courses are those courses described in §275.1(b)(8) of this title. Correspondence courses must be sponsored and graded by accredited optometry colleges.]

(e) [(g)] Requirements for renewal of license imposed by other state law. [A licensee that fails to timely meet these requirements may not renew the license.]

(1) [Two-hour controlled substances prescribing course. Section 481.07635 of the Health and Safety Code requires each active optometric glaucoma specialist licensed prior to September 1, 2020, to complete two hours of continuing education related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances on or before September 1, 2021. Each active optometric glaucoma specialist licensed after September 1, 2020, must complete the continuing education required by this subsection within one year of the initial optometric glaucoma specialist license date. Licensees will receive two credit hours upon submission of written proof of completion of the approved course. This is a one-time education requirement. The taking of board-approved courses described in this subsection in subsequent years may satisfy the professional responsibility requirement of §275.1(b) of this title.]

[(2)] One-hour opioid prescribing course. [To renew a license for 2021 and subsequent years,] §481.0764 of the Health and Safety Code requires all active licensees who prescribe or dispense opioids to take each year a one-hour board-approved continuing education course covering best practices, alternative treatment options, and multi-modal approaches to pain management that may include physical therapy, psychotherapy, and other treatments (for a total of two hours during the renewal period). These courses will be counted toward the hours needed for the diagnosis or treatment of ocular disease. [Licensees will receive one credit hour upon submission of written proof of completion of the approved course.]

(2) [(3)] One-hour human trafficking course. [Not later than January 1, 2021, all active licensees who provide direct patient care must submit proof of completion of a one-hour human trafficking course approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission as required by §116.002 of the Occupations Code. Commencing effective January 1, 2022, all] All active licensees who provide direct patient care shall complete one-hour of human trafficking continuing education prior to each biennial renewal as required by §116.003 of the Occupations Code. The courses taken to satisfy the human trafficking requirement shall include information on identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking and be approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

§275.3.Continuing Education Tracking System.

(a) [Effective January 1, 2022, each] Each licensee shall submit proof of completion for each continuing education course taken to the continuing education tracking system.

(b) Each licensee is responsible for reviewing the information contained in the tracking system to ensure its accuracy.

(c) [As of January 1, 2022,] Board staff will verify completion of continuing education renewal requirements through the tracking system.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 3, 2024.


Janice McCoy

Executive Director

Texas Optometry Board

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-8500




22 TAC §291.9

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy proposes amendments to §291.9, concerning Prescription Pick Up Locations. The amendments, if adopted, clarify that U.S. Mail is a type of common carrier.

Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D., Executive Director/Secretary, has determined that, for the first five-year period the rules are in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering the rule. Dr. Carroll has determined that, for each year of the first five-year period the rule will be in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the amendments will be clear and grammatically correct regulations. There is no anticipated adverse economic impact on large, small or micro-businesses (pharmacies), rural communities, or local or state employment. Therefore, an economic impact statement and regulatory flexibility analysis are not required.

For each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect, Dr. Carroll has determined the following:

(1) The proposed amendments do not create or eliminate a government program;

(2) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require the creation of new employee positions or the elimination of existing employee positions;

(3) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require an increase or decrease in the future legislative appropriations to the agency;

(4) The proposed amendments do not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency;

(5) The proposed amendments do not create a new regulation;

(6) The proposed amendments do not limit or expand an existing regulation;

(7) The proposed amendments do not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and

(8) The proposed amendments do not positively or adversely affect this state's economy.

Written comments on the amendments may be submitted to Eamon D. Briggs, Deputy General Counsel, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 13.100, Austin, Texas 78701-1319, FAX (512) 305-8061. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., October 29, 2024.

The amendments are proposed under §§551.002 and 554.051 of the Texas Pharmacy Act (Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code). The Board interprets §551.002 as authorizing the agency to protect the public through the effective control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy. The Board interprets §554.051(a) as authorizing the agency to adopt rules for the proper administration and enforcement of the Act.

The statutes affected by these amendments: Texas Pharmacy Act, Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code.

§291.9.Prescription Pick Up Locations.

(a) No person, firm, or business establishment may have, participate in, or permit an arrangement, branch, connection or affiliation whereby prescriptions are solicited, collected, picked up, or advertised to be picked up, from or at any location other than a pharmacy which is licensed and in good standing with the board.

(b) A pharmacist or pharmacy by means of its employee or by use of a common carrier (e.g., U.S. Mail) [or the U.S. Mail], at the request of the patient, may:

(1) pick up prescription orders at the:

(A) office or home of the prescriber;

(B) residence or place of employment of the person for whom the prescription was issued; or

(C) hospital or medical care facility in which the patient is receiving treatment; and

(2) deliver prescription drugs to the:

(A) office of the prescriber if the prescription is:

(i) for a dangerous drug; or

(ii) for a single dose of a controlled substance that is for administration to the patient in the prescriber's office;

(B) residence of the person for whom the prescription was issued;

(C) place of employment of the person for whom the prescription was issued, if the person is present to accept delivery; or

(D) hospital or medical care facility in which the patient is receiving treatment.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 5, 2024.


Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D.

Executive Director

Texas State Board of Pharmacy

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-8084


22 TAC §291.33

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy proposes amendments to §291.33, concerning Operational Standards. The amendments, if adopted, clarify a recordkeeping requirement for a donated prescription drug dispensed under Chapter 442, Health and Safety Code, in accordance with House Bill 4332.

Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D., Executive Director/Secretary, has determined that, for the first five-year period the rules are in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering the rule. Dr. Carroll has determined that, for each year of the first five-year period the rule will be in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the amendments will be to provide consistency between state law and Board rules. There is no anticipated adverse economic impact on large, small or micro-businesses (pharmacies), rural communities, or local or state employment. Therefore, an economic impact statement and regulatory flexibility analysis are not required.

For each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect, Dr. Carroll has determined the following:

(1) The proposed amendments do not create or eliminate a government program;

(2) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require the creation of new employee positions or the elimination of existing employee positions;

(3) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require an increase or decrease in the future legislative appropriations to the agency;

(4) The proposed amendments do not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency;

(5) The proposed amendments do not create a new regulation;

(6) The proposed amendments do limit an existing regulation in order to be consistent with state law;

(7) The proposed amendments do not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and

(8) The proposed amendments do not positively or adversely affect this state's economy.

Written comments on the amendments may be submitted to Eamon D. Briggs, Deputy General Counsel, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 13.100, Austin, Texas 78701-1319, FAX (512) 305-8061. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., October 29, 2024.

The amendments are proposed under §§551.002 and 554.051 of the Texas Pharmacy Act (Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code). The Board interprets §551.002 as authorizing the agency to protect the public through the effective control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy. The Board interprets §554.051(a) as authorizing the agency to adopt rules for the proper administration and enforcement of the Act.

The statutes affected by these amendments: Texas Pharmacy Act, Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code.

§291.33.Operational Standards.

(a) Licensing requirements.

(1) A Class A pharmacy shall register annually or biennially with the board on a pharmacy license application provided by the board, following the procedures as specified in §291.1 of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Application).

(2) A Class A pharmacy which changes ownership shall notify the board within ten days of the change of ownership and apply for a new and separate license as specified in §291.3 of this title (relating to Required Notifications).

(3) A Class A pharmacy which changes location and/or name shall notify the board as specified in §291.3 of this title.

(4) A Class A pharmacy owned by a partnership or corporation which changes managing officers shall notify the board in writing of the names of the new managing officers within ten days of the change, following the procedures as specified in §291.3 of this title.

(5) A Class A pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of closing, following the procedures as specified in §291.5 of this title (relating to Closing a Pharmacy).

(6) A separate license is required for each principal place of business and only one pharmacy license may be issued to a specific location.

(7) A fee as specified in §291.6 of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Fees) will be charged for the issuance and renewal of a license and the issuance of an amended license.

(8) A Class A pharmacy, licensed under the provisions of the Act, §560.051(a)(1), which also operates another type of pharmacy which would otherwise be required to be licensed under the Act, §560.051(a)(2) concerning Nuclear Pharmacy (Class B), is not required to secure a license for such other type of pharmacy; provided, however, such licensee is required to comply with the provisions of Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Nuclear Pharmacy (Class B)), to the extent such sections are applicable to the operation of the pharmacy.

(9) A Class A pharmacy engaged in the compounding of non-sterile preparations shall comply with the provisions of §291.131 of this title (relating to Pharmacies Compounding Non-Sterile Preparations).

(10) A Class A pharmacy shall not compound sterile preparations.

(11) A Class A pharmacy engaged in the provision of remote pharmacy services, including storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, shall comply with the provisions of §291.121 of this title (relating to Remote Pharmacy Services).

(12) Class A pharmacy engaged in centralized prescription dispensing and/or prescription drug or medication order processing shall comply with the provisions of §291.123 of this title (relating to Central Prescription Drug or Medication Order Processing) and/or §291.125 of this title (relating to Centralized Prescription Dispensing).

(b) Environment.

(1) General requirements.

(A) The pharmacy shall be arranged in an orderly fashion and kept clean. All required equipment shall be clean and in good operating condition.

(B) A Class A pharmacy shall have a sink with hot and cold running water within the pharmacy, exclusive of restroom facilities, available to all pharmacy personnel and maintained in a sanitary condition.

(C) A Class A pharmacy which serves the general public shall contain an area which is suitable for confidential patient counseling.

(i) Such counseling area shall be:

(I) easily accessible to both patient and pharmacists and not allow patient access to prescription drugs; and

(II) designed to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the pharmacist/patient communication.

(ii) In determining whether the area is suitable for confidential patient counseling and designed to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the pharmacist/patient communication, the board may consider factors such as the following:

(I) the proximity of the counseling area to the check-out or cash register area;

(II) the volume of pedestrian traffic in and around the counseling area;

(III) the presence of walls or other barriers between the counseling area and other areas of the pharmacy; and

(IV) any evidence of confidential information being overheard by persons other than the patient or patient's agent or the pharmacist or agents of the pharmacist.

(D) The pharmacy shall be properly lighted and ventilated.

(E) The temperature of the pharmacy shall be maintained within a range compatible with the proper storage of drugs. The temperature of the refrigerator shall be maintained within a range compatible with the proper storage of drugs requiring refrigeration.

(F) Animals, including birds and reptiles, shall not be kept within the pharmacy and in immediately adjacent areas under the control of the pharmacy. This provision does not apply to fish in aquariums, service animals accompanying disabled persons, or animals for sale to the general public in a separate area that is inspected by local health jurisdictions.

(G) If the pharmacy has flammable materials, the pharmacy shall have a designated area for the storage of flammable materials. Such area shall meet the requirements set by local and state fire laws.

(2) Security.

(A) Each pharmacist while on duty shall be responsible for the security of the prescription department, including provisions for effective control against theft or diversion of prescription drugs, and records for such drugs.

(B) The prescription department shall be locked by key, combination or other mechanical or electronic means to prohibit unauthorized access when a pharmacist is not on-site except as provided in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of this paragraph and paragraph (3) of this subsection. The following is applicable:

(i) If the prescription department is closed at any time when the rest of the facility is open, the prescription department must be physically or electronically secured. The security may be accomplished by means such as floor to ceiling walls; walls, partitions, or barriers at least 9 feet 6 inches high; electronically monitored motion detectors; pull down sliders; or other systems or technologies that will secure the pharmacy from unauthorized entrance when the pharmacy is closed. Pharmacies licensed prior to June 1, 2009, shall be exempt from this provision unless the pharmacy changes location. Change of location shall include the relocation of the pharmacy within the licensed address. A pharmacy licensed prior to June 1, 2009 that files a change of ownership but does not change location shall be exempt from the provisions.

(ii) The pharmacy's key, combination, or other mechanical or electronic means of locking the pharmacy may not be duplicated without the authorization of the pharmacist-in-charge or owner.

(iii) At a minimum, the pharmacy must have a basic alarm system with off-site monitoring and perimeter and motion sensors. The pharmacy may have additional security by video surveillance camera systems.

(C) Prior to authorizing individuals to enter the prescription department, the pharmacist-in-charge or owner may designate persons who may enter the prescription department to perform functions, other than dispensing functions or prescription processing, documented by the pharmacist-in-charge including access to the prescription department by other pharmacists, pharmacy personnel and other individuals. The pharmacy must maintain written documentation of authorized individuals other than individuals employed by the pharmacy who accessed the prescription department when a pharmacist is not on-site.

(D) Only persons designated either by name or by title including such titles as "relief" or "floater" pharmacist, in writing by the pharmacist-in-charge may unlock the prescription department except in emergency situations. An additional key to or instructions on accessing the prescription department may be maintained in a secure location outside the prescription department for use during an emergency or as designated by the pharmacist-in-charge.

(E) Written policies and procedures for the pharmacy's security shall be developed and implemented by the pharmacist-in-charge and/or the owner of the pharmacy. Such policies and procedures may include quarterly audits of controlled substances commonly abused or diverted; perpetual inventories for the comparison of the receipt, dispensing, and distribution of controlled substances; monthly reports from the pharmacy's wholesaler(s) of controlled substances purchased by the pharmacy; opening and closing procedures; product storage and placement; and central management oversight.

(3) Temporary absence of pharmacist.

(A) On-site supervision by pharmacist.

(i) If a pharmacy is staffed by only one pharmacist, the pharmacist may leave the prescription department for short periods of time without closing the prescription department and removing pharmacy technicians, pharmacy technician trainees, and other pharmacy personnel from the prescription department provided the following conditions are met:

(I) at least one pharmacy technician remains in the prescription department;

(II) the pharmacist remains on-site at the licensed location of the pharmacy and is immediately available;

(III) the pharmacist reasonably believes that the security of the prescription department will be maintained in his or her absence. If in the professional judgment of the pharmacist, the pharmacist determines that the prescription department should close during his or her absence, then the pharmacist shall close the prescription department and remove the pharmacy technicians, pharmacy technician trainees, and other pharmacy personnel from the prescription department during his or her absence; and

(IV) a notice is posted which includes the following information:

(-a-) the pharmacist is on a break and the time the pharmacist will return; and

(-b-) pharmacy technicians may begin the processing of prescription drug orders or refills brought in during the pharmacist's absence, but the prescription or refill may not be delivered to the patient or the patient's agent until the pharmacist verifies the accuracy of the prescription.

(ii) During the time a pharmacist is absent from the prescription department, only pharmacy technicians who have completed the pharmacy's training program may perform the following duties, provided a pharmacist verifies the accuracy of all acts, tasks, and functions performed by the pharmacy technicians prior to delivery of the prescription to the patient or the patient's agent:

(I) initiating and receiving refill authorization requests;

(II) entering prescription data into a data processing system;

(III) taking a stock bottle from the shelf for a prescription;

(IV) preparing and packaging prescription drug orders (e.g., counting tablets/capsules, measuring liquids, or placing them in the prescription container);

(V) affixing prescription labels and auxiliary labels to the prescription container;

(VI) prepackaging and labeling prepackaged drugs;

(VII) receiving oral prescription drug orders for dangerous drugs and reducing these orders to writing, either manually or electronically;

(VIII) transferring or receiving a transfer of original prescription information for dangerous drugs on behalf of a patient; and

(IX) contacting a prescriber for information regarding an existing prescription for a dangerous drug.

(iii) Upon return to the prescription department, the pharmacist shall:

(I) conduct a drug regimen review as specified in subsection (c)(2) of this section; and

(II) verify the accuracy of all acts, tasks, and functions performed by the pharmacy technicians prior to delivery of the prescription to the patient or the patient's agent.

(iv) An agent of the pharmacist may deliver a previously verified prescription to the patient or his or her agent provided a record of the delivery is maintained containing the following information:

(I) date of the delivery;

(II) unique identification number of the prescription drug order;

(III) patient's name;

(IV) patient's phone number or the phone number of the person picking up the prescription; and

(V) signature of the person picking up the prescription.

(v) Any prescription delivered to a patient when a pharmacist is not in the prescription department must meet the requirements for a prescription delivered to a patient as described in subsection (c)(1)(F) of this section.

(vi) During the times a pharmacist is absent from the prescription department a pharmacist intern shall be considered a registered pharmacy technician and may perform only the duties of a registered pharmacy technician.

(vii) In pharmacies with two or more pharmacists on duty, the pharmacists shall stagger their breaks and meal periods so that the prescription department is not left without a pharmacist on duty.

(B) Pharmacist is off-site.

(i) The prescription department must be secured with procedures for entry during the time that a pharmacy is not under the continuous on-site supervision of a pharmacist and the pharmacy is not open for pharmacy services.

(ii) Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees may not perform any duties of a pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee during the time that the pharmacist is off-site.

(iii) A pharmacy may use an automated dispensing and delivery system as specified in §291.121(d) of this title for pick-up of a previously verified prescription by a patient or patient's agent.

(iv) An agent of the pharmacist may deliver a previously verified prescription to a patient or patient's agent during short periods of time when a pharmacist is off-site, provided the following conditions are met:

(I) short periods of time may not exceed two consecutive hours in a 24 hour period;

(II) a notice is posted which includes the following information:

(-a-) the pharmacist is off-site and not present in the pharmacy;

(-b-) no new prescriptions may be prepared at the pharmacy but previously verified prescriptions may be delivered to the patient or the patient's agent; and

(-c-) the date/time when the pharmacist will return;

(III) the pharmacy must maintain documentation of the absences of the pharmacist(s); and

(IV) the prescription department is locked and secured to prohibit unauthorized entry.

(v) During the time a pharmacist is absent from the prescription department and is off-site, a record of prescriptions delivered must be maintained and contain the following information:

(I) date and time of the delivery;

(II) unique identification number of the prescription drug order;

(III) patient's name;

(IV) patient's phone number or the phone number of the person picking up the prescription; and

(V) signature of the person picking up the prescription.

(vi) Any prescription delivered to a patient when a pharmacist is not on-site at the pharmacy must meet the requirements for a prescription delivered to a patient as described in subsection (c)(1)(F) of this section.

(c) Prescription dispensing and delivery.

(1) Patient counseling and provision of drug information.

(A) To optimize drug therapy, a pharmacist shall communicate to the patient or the patient's agent information about the prescription drug or device which in the exercise of the pharmacist's professional judgment the pharmacist deems significant, such as the following:

(i) name and description of the drug or device;

(ii) dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy;

(iii) special directions and precautions for preparation, administration, and use by the patient;

(iv) common severe side or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and the action required if they occur;

(v) techniques for self-monitoring of drug therapy;

(vi) proper storage;

(vii) refill information; and

(viii) action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.

(B) Such communication shall be:

(i) provided to new and existing patients of a pharmacy with each new prescription drug order. A new prescription drug order is one that has not been dispensed by the pharmacy to the patient in the same dosage and strength within the last year;

(ii) provided for any prescription drug order dispensed by the pharmacy on the request of the patient or patient's agent;

(iii) communicated orally unless the patient or patient's agent is not at the pharmacy or a specific communication barrier prohibits such oral communication;

(iv) documented by recording the initials or identification code of the pharmacist providing the counseling in the prescription dispensing record as follows:

(I) on the original hard-copy prescription, provided the counseling pharmacist clearly records his or her initials on the prescription for the purpose of identifying who provided the counseling;

(II) in the pharmacy's data processing system;

(III) in an electronic logbook; or

(IV) in a hard-copy log; and

(v) reinforced with written information relevant to the prescription and provided to the patient or patient's agent. The following is applicable concerning this written information:

(I) Written information must be in plain language designed for the patient and printed in an easily readable font size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman. This information may be provided to the patient in an electronic format, such as by e-mail, if the patient or patient's agent requests the information in an electronic format and the pharmacy documents the request.

(II) When a compounded preparation is dispensed, information shall be provided for the major active ingredient(s), if available.

(III) For new drug entities, if no written information is initially available, the pharmacist is not required to provide information until such information is available, provided:

(-a-) the pharmacist informs the patient or the patient's agent that the product is a new drug entity and written information is not available;

(-b-) the pharmacist documents the fact that no written information was provided; and

(-c-) if the prescription is refilled after written information is available, such information is provided to the patient or patient's agent.

(IV) The written information accompanying the prescription or the prescription label shall contain the statement "Do not flush unused medications or pour down a sink or drain." A drug product on a list developed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration of medicines recommended for disposal by flushing is not required to bear this statement.

(C) Only a pharmacist may verbally provide drug information to a patient or patient's agent and answer questions concerning prescription drugs. Non-pharmacist personnel and/or the pharmacy's computer system may not ask questions of a patient or patient's agent which are intended to screen and/or limit interaction with the pharmacist.

(D) Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed as requiring a pharmacist to provide consultation when a patient or patient's agent refuses such consultation. The pharmacist shall document such refusal for consultation.

(E) In addition to the requirements of subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph, if a prescription drug order is delivered to the patient at the pharmacy, the following is applicable:

(i) So that a patient will have access to information concerning his or her prescription, a prescription may not be delivered to a patient unless a pharmacist is in the pharmacy, except as provided in subsection (b)(3) of this section.

(ii) Any prescription delivered to a patient when a pharmacist is not in the pharmacy must meet the requirements described in subparagraph (F) of this paragraph.

(F) In addition to the requirements of subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph, if a prescription drug order is delivered to the patient or his or her agent at the patient's residence or other designated location, the following is applicable:

(i) The information as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall be delivered with the dispensed prescription in writing.

(ii) If prescriptions are routinely delivered outside the area covered by the pharmacy's local telephone service, the pharmacy shall provide a toll-free telephone line which is answered during normal business hours to enable communication between the patient and a pharmacist.

(iii) The pharmacist shall place on the prescription container or on a separate sheet delivered with the prescription container in both English and Spanish the local and, if applicable, toll-free telephone number of the pharmacy and the statement: "Written information about this prescription has been provided for you. Please read this information before you take the medication. If you have questions concerning this prescription, a pharmacist is available during normal business hours to answer these questions at (insert the pharmacy's local and toll-free telephone numbers)."

(iv) The pharmacy shall maintain and use adequate storage or shipment containers and use shipping processes to ensure drug stability and potency. Such shipping processes shall include the use of appropriate packaging material and/or devices to ensure that the drug is maintained at an appropriate temperature range to maintain the integrity of the medication throughout the delivery process.

(v) The pharmacy shall use a delivery system which is designed to ensure that the drugs are delivered to the appropriate patient.

(G) The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to patients in facilities where drugs are administered to patients by a person required to do so by the laws of the state (i.e., nursing homes).

(2) Pharmaceutical care services.

(A) Drug regimen review.

(i) For the purpose of promoting therapeutic appropriateness, a pharmacist shall, prior to or at the time of dispensing a prescription drug order, review the patient's medication record. Such review shall at a minimum identify clinically significant:

(I) known allergies;

(II) rational therapy-contraindications;

(III) reasonable dose and route of administration;

(IV) reasonable directions for use;

(V) duplication of therapy;

(VI) drug-drug interactions;

(VII) drug-food interactions;

(VIII) drug-disease interactions;

(IX) adverse drug reactions; and

(X) proper utilization, including overutilization or underutilization.

(ii) Upon identifying any clinically significant conditions, situations, or items listed in clause (i) of this subparagraph, the pharmacist shall take appropriate steps to avoid or resolve the problem including consultation with the prescribing practitioner. The pharmacist shall document such occurrences as specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph.

(iii) The drug regimen review may be conducted by remotely accessing the pharmacy's electronic database from outside the pharmacy by:

(I) an individual Texas licensed pharmacist employee of the pharmacy provided the pharmacy establishes controls to protect the privacy of the patient and the security of confidential records; or

(II) a pharmacist employed by a Class E pharmacy provided the pharmacies have entered into a written contract or agreement which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each pharmacy in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.

(iv) Prior to dispensing, any questions regarding a prescription drug order must be resolved with the prescriber and written documentation of these discussions made and maintained as specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph.

(B) Other pharmaceutical care services which may be provided by pharmacists include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) managing drug therapy as delegated by a practitioner as allowed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act;

(ii) administering immunizations and vaccinations under written protocol of a physician;

(iii) managing patient compliance programs;

(iv) providing preventative health care services; and

(v) providing case management of patients who are being treated with high-risk or high-cost drugs, or who are considered "high risk" due to their age, medical condition, family history, or related concern.

(C) Documentation of consultation. When a pharmacist consults a prescriber as described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the pharmacist shall document on the prescription or in the pharmacy's data processing system associated with the prescription such occurrences and shall include the following information:

(i) date the prescriber was consulted;

(ii) name of the person communicating the prescriber's instructions;

(iii) any applicable information pertaining to the consultation; and

(iv) initials or identification code of the pharmacist performing the consultation clearly recorded for the purpose of identifying the pharmacist who performed the consultation.

(3) Substitution of generically equivalent drugs or interchangeable biological products. A pharmacist may dispense a generically equivalent drug or interchangeable biological product and shall comply with the provisions of §309.3 of this title (relating to Substitution Requirements).

(4) Substitution of dosage form.

(A) As specified in §562.012 of the Act, a pharmacist may dispense a dosage form of a drug product different from that prescribed, such as a tablet instead of a capsule or liquid instead of tablets, provided:

(i) the patient consents to the dosage form substitution; and

(ii) the dosage form so dispensed:

(I) contains the identical amount of the active ingredients as the dosage prescribed for the patient;

(II) is not an enteric-coated or time release product; and

(III) does not alter desired clinical outcomes.

(B) Substitution of dosage form may not include the substitution of a product that has been compounded by the pharmacist unless the pharmacist contacts the practitioner prior to dispensing and obtains permission to dispense the compounded product.

(5) Therapeutic Drug Interchange. A switch to a drug providing a similar therapeutic response to the one prescribed shall not be made without prior approval of the prescribing practitioner. This paragraph does not apply to generic substitution. For generic substitution, see the requirements of paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(A) The patient shall be notified of the therapeutic drug interchange prior to, or upon delivery of, the dispensed prescription to the patient. Such notification shall include:

(i) a description of the change;

(ii) the reason for the change;

(iii) whom to notify with questions concerning the change; and

(iv) instructions for return of the drug if not wanted by the patient.

(B) The pharmacy shall maintain documentation of patient notification of therapeutic drug interchange which shall include:

(i) the date of the notification;

(ii) the method of notification;

(iii) a description of the change; and

(iv) the reason for the change.

(C) The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to prescriptions for patients in facilities where drugs are administered to patients by a person required to do so by the laws of this state if the practitioner issuing the prescription has agreed to use of a formulary that includes a listing of therapeutic interchanges that the practitioner has agreed to allow. The pharmacy must maintain a copy of the formulary including a list of the practitioners that have agreed to the formulary and the signatures of these practitioners.

(6) Prescription containers.

(A) A drug dispensed pursuant to a prescription drug order shall be dispensed in a child-resistant container unless:

(i) the patient or the practitioner requests the prescription not be dispensed in a child-resistant container; or

(ii) the product is exempted from requirements of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970.

(B) A drug dispensed pursuant to a prescription drug order shall be dispensed in an appropriate container as specified on the manufacturer's container.

(C) Prescription containers or closures shall not be re-used. However, if a patient or patient's agent has difficulty reading or understanding a prescription label, a prescription container may be reused provided:

(i) the container is designed to provide audio-recorded information about the proper use of the prescription medication;

(ii) the container is reused for the same patient;

(iii) the container is cleaned; and

(iv) a new safety closure is used each time the prescription container is reused.

(7) Labeling.

(A) At the time of delivery of the drug, the dispensing container shall bear a label in plain language and printed in an easily readable font size, unless otherwise specified, with at least the following information:

(i) name, address and phone number of the pharmacy;

(ii) unique identification number of the prescription that is printed in an easily readable font size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman;

(iii) date the prescription is dispensed;

(iv) initials or an identification code of the dispensing pharmacist;

(v) name of the prescribing practitioner;

(vi) if the prescription was signed by a pharmacist, the name of the pharmacist who signed the prescription for a dangerous drug under delegated authority of a physician as specified in Subtitle B, Chapter 157, Occupations Code;

(vii) name of the patient or if such drug was prescribed for an animal, the species of the animal and the name of the owner that is printed in an easily readable font size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman. The name of the patient's partner or family member is not required to be on the label of a drug prescribed for a partner for a sexually transmitted disease or for a patient's family members if the patient has an illness determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, or the Governor's office to be pandemic;

(viii) instructions for use that are printed in an easily readable font size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman;

(ix) quantity dispensed;

(x) appropriate ancillary instructions such as storage instructions or cautionary statements such as warnings of potential harmful effects of combining the drug product with any product containing alcohol;

(xi) if the prescription is for a Schedule II - IV controlled substance, the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed";

(xii) if the pharmacist has selected a generically equivalent drug or interchangeable biological product pursuant to the provisions of the Act, Chapter 562, the statement "Substituted for Brand Prescribed" or "Substituted for 'Brand Name'" where "Brand Name" is the actual name of the brand name product prescribed;

(xiii) the name and strength of the actual drug or biological product dispensed that is printed in an easily readable size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman, unless otherwise directed by the prescribing practitioner;

(I) The name shall be either:

(-a-) the brand name; or

(-b-) if no brand name, then the generic drug or interchangeable biological product name and name of the manufacturer or distributor of such generic drug or interchangeable biological product. (The name of the manufacturer or distributor may be reduced to an abbreviation or initials, provided the abbreviation or initials are sufficient to identify the manufacturer or distributor. For combination drug products or non-sterile compounded drug preparations having no brand name, the principal active ingredients shall be indicated on the label).

(II) Except as provided in clause (xii) of this subparagraph, the brand name of the prescribed drug or biological product shall not appear on the prescription container label unless it is the drug product actually dispensed.

(xiv) if the drug is dispensed in a container other than the manufacturer's original container, the date after which the prescription should not be used or beyond-use-date. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, the beyond-use-date shall be one year from the date the drug is dispensed or the manufacturer's expiration date, whichever is earlier. The beyond-use-date may be placed on the prescription label or on a flag label attached to the bottle. A beyond-use-date is not required on the label of a prescription dispensed to a person at the time of release from prison or jail if the prescription is for not more than a 10-day supply of medication; and

(xv) either on the prescription label or the written information accompanying the prescription, the statement "Do not flush unused medications or pour down a sink or drain." A drug product on a list developed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration of medicines recommended for disposal by flushing is not required to bear this statement.

(B) If the prescription label required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph is printed in a type size smaller than ten-point Times Roman, the pharmacy shall provide the patient written information containing the information as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph in an easily readable font size comparable to but no smaller than ten-point Times Roman.

(C) The label is not required to include the initials or identification code of the dispensing pharmacist as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph if the identity of the dispensing pharmacist is recorded in the pharmacy's data processing system. The record of the identity of the dispensing pharmacist shall not be altered in the pharmacy's data processing system.

(D) The dispensing container is not required to bear the label as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph if:

(i) the drug is prescribed for administration to an ultimate user who is institutionalized in a licensed health care institution (e.g., nursing home, hospice, hospital);

(ii) no more than a 90-day supply is dispensed at one time;

(iii) the drug is not in the possession of the ultimate user prior to administration;

(iv) the pharmacist-in-charge has determined that the institution:

(I) maintains medication administration records which include adequate directions for use for the drug(s) prescribed;

(II) maintains records of ordering, receipt, and administration of the drug(s); and

(III) provides for appropriate safeguards for the control and storage of the drug(s); and

(v) the dispensing container bears a label that adequately:

(I) identifies the:

(-a-) pharmacy by name and address;

(-b-) unique identification number of the prescription;

(-c-) name and strength of the drug dispensed;

(-d-) name of the patient; and

(-e-) name of the prescribing practitioner or, if applicable, the name of the pharmacist who signed the prescription drug order;

(II) if the drug is dispensed in a container other than the manufacturer's original container, specifies the date after which the prescription should not be used or beyond-use-date. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, the beyond-use-date shall be one year from the date the drug is dispensed or the manufacturer's expiration date, whichever is earlier. The beyond-use-date may be placed on the prescription label or on a flag label attached to the bottle. A beyond-use-date is not required on the label of a prescription dispensed to a person at the time of release from prison or jail if the prescription is for not more than a 10-day supply of medication; and

(III) sets forth the directions for use and cautionary statements, if any, contained on the prescription drug order or required by law.

(8) Returning Undelivered Medication to Stock.

(A) A pharmacist may not accept an unused prescription or drug, in whole or in part, for the purpose of resale or re-dispensing to any person after the prescription or drug has been originally dispensed or sold, except as provided in §291.8 of this title (relating to Return of Prescription Drugs) or Subchapter M, Chapter 431, Health and Safety Code, or Chapter 442, Health and Safety Code. Prescriptions that have not been picked up by or delivered to the patient or patient's agent may be returned to the pharmacy's stock for dispensing.

(B) A pharmacist shall evaluate the quality and safety of the prescriptions to be returned to stock.

(C) Prescriptions returned to stock for dispensing shall not be mixed within the manufacturer's container.

(D) Prescriptions returned to stock for dispensing should be used as soon as possible and stored in the dispensing container. The expiration date of the medication shall be the lesser of one year from the dispensing date on the prescription label or the manufacturer's expiration date if dispensed in the manufacturer's original container.

(E) At the time of dispensing, the prescription medication shall be placed in a new prescription container and not dispensed in the previously labeled container unless the label can be completely removed. However, if the medication is in the manufacturer's original container, the pharmacy label must be removed so that no confidential patient information is released.

(9) Redistribution of Donated Prepackaged Prescription Drugs.

(A) A participating provider may dispense to a recipient donated prescription drugs that are prepackaged and labeled in accordance with §442.0515, Health and Safety Code, and this paragraph.

(B) Drugs may be prepackaged in quantities suitable for distribution to a recipient only by a pharmacist or by pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees under the direction and direct supervision of a pharmacist.

(C) The label of a prepackaged prescription drug a participating provider dispenses to a recipient shall indicate:

(i) brand name and strength of the drug; or if no brand name, then the generic name, strength, and name of the manufacturer or distributor;

(ii) participating provider's lot number;

(iii) participating provider's beyond use date; and

(iv) quantity of the drug, if the quantity is greater than one.

(D) Records of prepackaged prescription drugs dispensed to a recipient shall be maintained to show:

(i) name of the drug, strength, and dosage form;

(ii) participating provider's lot number;

(iii) manufacturer or distributor;

(iv) manufacturer's lot number;

(v) manufacturer's expiration date;

(vi) quantity per prepackaged unit;

(vii) number of prepackaged units;

(viii) date packaged;

(ix) name, initials, or written or electronic signature of the prepacker; and

(x) written or electronic signature of the responsible pharmacist.

(E) Stock packages, repackaged units, and control records shall be quarantined together until checked/released by the pharmacist.

(d) Equipment and supplies. Class A pharmacies dispensing prescription drug orders shall have the following equipment and supplies:

(1) data processing system including a printer or comparable equipment;

(2) refrigerator;

(3) adequate supply of child-resistant, light-resistant, tight, and if applicable, glass containers;

(4) adequate supply of prescription, poison, and other applicable labels;

(5) appropriate equipment necessary for the proper preparation of prescription drug orders; and

(6) metric-apothecary weight and measure conversion charts.

(e) Library. A reference library shall be maintained which includes the following in hard-copy or electronic format:

(1) current copies of the following:

(A) Texas Pharmacy Act and rules;

(B) Texas Dangerous Drug Act and rules;

(C) Texas Controlled Substances Act and rules; and

(D) Federal Controlled Substances Act and rules (or official publication describing the requirements of the Federal Controlled Substances Act and rules);

(2) at least one current or updated reference from each of the following categories:

(A) a patient prescription drug information reference text or leaflets which are designed for the patient and must be available to the patient;

(B) at least one current or updated general drug information reference which is required to contain drug interaction information including information needed to determine severity or significance of the interaction and appropriate recommendations or actions to be taken; and

(C) if the pharmacy dispenses veterinary prescriptions, a general reference text on veterinary drugs; and

(3) basic antidote information and the telephone number of the nearest Regional Poison Control Center.

(f) Drugs.

(1) Procurement and storage.

(A) The pharmacist-in-charge shall have the responsibility for the procurement and storage of drugs, but may receive input from other appropriate staff relative to such responsibility.

(B) Prescription drugs and devices and nonprescription Schedule V controlled substances shall be stored within the prescription department or a locked storage area.

(C) All drugs shall be stored at the proper temperature, as defined in the USP/NF and §291.15 of this title (relating to Storage of Drugs).

(2) Out-of-date drugs or devices.

(A) Any drug or device bearing an expiration date shall not be dispensed beyond the expiration date of the drug or device.

(B) Outdated drugs or devices shall be removed from dispensing stock and shall be quarantined together until such drugs or devices are disposed of properly.

(3) Nonprescription Schedule V controlled substances.

(A) Schedule V controlled substances containing codeine, dihydrocodeine, or any of the salts of codeine or dihydrocodeine may not be distributed without a prescription drug order from a practitioner.

(B) A pharmacist may distribute nonprescription Schedule V controlled substances which contain no more than 15 milligrams of opium per 29.5729 ml or per 28.35 Gm provided:

(i) such distribution is made only by a pharmacist; a nonpharmacist employee may not distribute a nonprescription Schedule V controlled substance even if under the supervision of a pharmacist; however, after the pharmacist has fulfilled professional and legal responsibilities, the actual cash, credit transaction, or delivery may be completed by a nonpharmacist:

(ii) not more than 240 ml (eight fluid ounces), or not more than 48 solid dosage units of any substance containing opium, may be distributed to the same purchaser in any given 48-hour period without a prescription drug order;

(iii) the purchaser is at least 18 years of age; and

(iv) the pharmacist requires every purchaser not known to the pharmacist to furnish suitable identification (including proof of age where appropriate).

(C) A record of such distribution shall be maintained by the pharmacy in a bound record book. The record shall contain the following information:

(i) true name of the purchaser;

(ii) current address of the purchaser;

(iii) name and quantity of controlled substance purchased;

(iv) date of each purchase; and

(v) signature or written initials of the distributing pharmacist.

(4) Class A Pharmacies may not sell, purchase, trade or possess prescription drug samples, unless the pharmacy meets the requirements as specified in §291.16 of this title (relating to Samples).

(g) Prepackaging of drugs.

(1) Drugs may be prepackaged in quantities suitable for internal distribution only by a pharmacist or by pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees under the direction and direct supervision of a pharmacist.

(2) The label of a prepackaged unit shall indicate:

(A) brand name and strength of the drug; or if no brand name, then the generic name, strength, and name of the manufacturer or distributor;

(B) facility's lot number;

(C) facility's beyond use date; and

(D) quantity of the drug, if the quantity is greater than one.

(3) Records of prepackaging shall be maintained to show:

(A) name of the drug, strength, and dosage form;

(B) facility's lot number;

(C) manufacturer or distributor;

(D) manufacturer's lot number;

(E) manufacturer's expiration date;

(F) quantity per prepackaged unit;

(G) number of prepackaged units;

(H) date packaged;

(I) name, initials, or electronic signature of the prepacker; and

(J) signature, or electronic signature of the responsible pharmacist.

(4) Stock packages, repackaged units, and control records shall be quarantined together until checked/released by the pharmacist.

(h) Customized patient medication packages.

(1) Purpose. In lieu of dispensing two or more prescribed drug products in separate containers, a pharmacist may, with the consent of the patient, the patient's caregiver, or the prescriber, provide a customized patient medication package (patient med-pak).

(2) Label.

(A) The patient med-pak shall bear a label stating:

(i) the name of the patient;

(ii) the unique identification number for the patient med-pak itself and a separate unique identification number for each of the prescription drug orders for each of the drug products contained therein;

(iii) the name, strength, physical description or identification, and total quantity of each drug product contained therein;

(iv) the directions for use and cautionary statements, if any, contained in the prescription drug order for each drug product contained therein;

(v) if applicable, a warning of the potential harmful effect of combining any form of alcoholic beverage with any drug product contained therein;

(vi) any storage instructions or cautionary statements required by the official compendia;

(vii) the name of the prescriber of each drug product;

(viii) the name, address, and telephone number of the pharmacy;

(ix) the initials or an identification code of the dispensing pharmacist;

(x) the date after which the prescription should not be used or beyond-use-date. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, the beyond-use-date shall be one year from the date the med-pak is dispensed or the earliest manufacturer's expiration date for a product contained in the med-pak if it is less than one-year from the date dispensed. The beyond-use-date may be placed on the prescription label or on a flag label attached to the bottle. A beyond-use-date is not required on the label of a prescription dispensed to a person at the time of release from prison or jail if the prescription is for not more than a 10-day supply of medication;

(xi) either on the prescription label or the written information accompanying the prescription, the statement "Do not flush unused medications or pour down a sink or drain." A drug product on a list developed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration of medicines recommended for disposal by flushing is not required to bear this statement; and

(xii) any other information, statements, or warnings required for any of the drug products contained therein.

(B) If the patient med-pak allows for the removal or separation of the intact containers therefrom, each individual container shall bear a label identifying each of the drug product contained therein.

(C) The dispensing container is not required to bear the label as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph if:

(i) the drug is prescribed for administration to an ultimate user who is institutionalized in a licensed health care institution (e.g., nursing home, hospice, hospital);

(ii) no more than a 90-day supply is dispensed at one time;

(iii) the drug is not in the possession of the ultimate user prior to administration;

(iv) the pharmacist-in-charge has determined that the institution:

(I) maintains medication administration records which include adequate directions for use for the drug(s) prescribed;

(II) maintains records of ordering, receipt, and administration of the drug(s); and

(III) provides for appropriate safeguards for the control and storage of the drug(s); and

(v) the dispensing container bears a label that adequately:

(I) identifies the:

(-a-) pharmacy by name and address;

(-b-) name and strength of each drug product dispensed;

(-c-) name of the patient; and

(-d-) name of the prescribing practitioner of each drug product, or the pharmacist who signed the prescription drug order;

(II) the date after which the prescription should not be used or beyond-use-date. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, the beyond-use-date shall be one year from the date the med-pak is dispensed or the earliest manufacturer's expiration date for a product contained in the med-pak if it is less than one-year from the date dispensed. The beyond-use-date may be placed on the prescription label or on a flag label attached to the bottle. A beyond-use-date is not required on the label of a prescription dispensed to a person at the time of release from prison or jail if the prescription is for not more than a 10-day supply of medication; and

(III) for each drug product sets forth the directions for use and cautionary statements, if any, contained on the prescription drug order or required by law.

(3) Labeling. The patient med-pak shall be accompanied by a patient package insert, in the event that any drug contained therein is required to be dispensed with such insert as accompanying labeling. Alternatively, such required information may be incorporated into a single, overall educational insert provided by the pharmacist for the total patient med-pak.

(4) Packaging. In the absence of more stringent packaging requirements for any of the drug products contained therein, each container of the patient med-pak shall comply with official packaging standards. Each container shall be either not reclosable or so designed as to show evidence of having been opened.

(5) Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the dispensing pharmacist when preparing a patient med-pak, to take into account any applicable compendial requirements or guidelines and the physical and chemical compatibility of the dosage forms placed within each container, as well as any therapeutic incompatibilities that may attend the simultaneous administration of the drugs.

(6) Recordkeeping. In addition to any individual prescription filing requirements, a record of each patient med-pak shall be made and filed. Each record shall contain, as a minimum:

(A) the name and address of the patient;

(B) the unique identification number for the patient med-pak itself and a separate unique identification number for each of the prescription drug orders for each of the drug products contained therein;

(C) the name of the manufacturer or distributor and lot number for each drug product contained therein;

(D) information identifying or describing the design, characteristics, or specifications of the patient med-pak sufficient to allow subsequent preparation of an identical patient med-pak for the patient;

(E) the date of preparation of the patient med-pak and the beyond-use date that was assigned;

(F) any special labeling instructions; and

(G) the initials or an identification code of the dispensing pharmacist.

(7) The patient med-pak label is not required to include the initials or identification code of the dispensing pharmacist as specified in paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection if the identity of the dispensing pharmacist is recorded in the pharmacy's data processing system. The record of the identity of the dispensing pharmacist shall not be altered in the pharmacy's data processing system.

(i) Automated devices and systems in a pharmacy.

(1) Automated counting devices. If a pharmacy uses automated counting devices:

(A) the pharmacy shall have a method to calibrate and verify the accuracy of the automated counting device and document the calibration and verification on a routine basis;

(B) the devices may be loaded with bulk drugs only by a pharmacist or by pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees under the direction and direct supervision of a pharmacist;

(C) the label of an automated counting device container containing a bulk drug shall indicate the brand name and strength of the drug; or if no brand name, then the generic name, strength, and name of the manufacturer or distributor;

(D) records of loading bulk drugs into an automated counting device shall be maintained to show:

(i) name of the drug, strength, and dosage form;

(ii) manufacturer or distributor;

(iii) manufacturer's lot number;

(iv) expiration date;

(v) date of loading;

(vi) name, initials, or electronic signature of the person loading the automated counting device; and

(vii) name, initials, or electronic signature of the responsible pharmacist; and

(E) the automated counting device shall not be used until a pharmacist verifies that the system is properly loaded and affixes his or her name, initials, or electronic signature to the record as specified in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.

(2) Automated pharmacy dispensing systems.

(A) Authority to use automated pharmacy dispensing systems. A pharmacy may use an automated pharmacy dispensing system to fill prescription drug orders provided that:

(i) the pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for the supervision of the operation of the system;

(ii) the automated pharmacy dispensing system has been tested by the pharmacy and found to dispense accurately. The pharmacy shall make the results of such testing available to the board upon request; and

(iii) the pharmacy will make the automated pharmacy dispensing system available for inspection by the board for the purpose of validating the accuracy of the system.

(B) Automated pharmacy dispensing systems may be stocked or loaded by a pharmacist or by a pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee under the supervision of a pharmacist.

(C) Quality assurance program. A pharmacy which uses an automated pharmacy dispensing system to fill prescription drug orders shall operate according to a quality assurance program of the automated pharmacy dispensing system which:

(i) requires continuous monitoring of the automated pharmacy dispensing system; and

(ii) establishes mechanisms and procedures to test the accuracy of the automated pharmacy dispensing system at least every twelve months and whenever any upgrade or change is made to the system and documents each such activity.

(D) Policies and procedures of operation.

(i) When an automated pharmacy dispensing system is used to fill prescription drug orders, it shall be operated according to written policies and procedures of operation. The policies and procedures of operation shall:

(I) provide for a pharmacist's review, approval, and accountability for the transmission of each original or new prescription drug order to the automated pharmacy dispensing system before the transmission is made;

(II) provide for access to the automated pharmacy dispensing system for stocking and retrieval of medications which is limited to licensed healthcare professionals or pharmacy technicians acting under the supervision of a pharmacist;

(III) require that a pharmacist checks, verifies, and documents that the correct medication and strength of bulk drugs, prepackaged containers, or manufacturer's unit of use packages were properly stocked, filled, and loaded in the automated pharmacy dispensing system prior to initiating the fill process; alternatively, an electronic verification system may be used for verification of manufacturer's unit of use packages or prepacked medication previously verified by a pharmacist;

(IV) provide for an accountability record to be maintained that documents all transactions relative to stocking and removing medications from the automated pharmacy dispensing system;

(V) require a prospective drug regimen review is conducted as specified in subsection (c)(2) of this section; and

(VI) establish and make provisions for documentation of a preventative maintenance program for the automated pharmacy dispensing system.

(ii) A pharmacy that uses an automated pharmacy dispensing system to fill prescription drug orders shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.

(E) Recovery Plan. A pharmacy that uses an automated pharmacy dispensing system to fill prescription drug orders shall maintain a written plan for recovery from a disaster or any other situation which interrupts the ability of the automated pharmacy dispensing system to provide services necessary for the operation of the pharmacy. The written plan for recovery shall include:

(i) planning and preparation for maintaining pharmacy services when an automated pharmacy dispensing system is experiencing downtime;

(ii) procedures for response when an automated pharmacy dispensing system is experiencing downtime; and

(iii) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.

(F) Final check of prescriptions dispensed using an automated pharmacy dispensing system. For the purpose of §291.32(c)(2)(D) of this title (relating to Personnel), a pharmacist must perform the final check of all prescriptions prior to delivery to the patient to ensure that the prescription is dispensed accurately as prescribed.

(i) This final check shall be considered accomplished if:

(I) a check of the final product is conducted by a pharmacist after the automated pharmacy dispensing system has completed the prescription and prior to delivery to the patient; or

(II) the following checks are conducted:

(-a-) if the automated pharmacy dispensing system contains bulk stock drugs, a pharmacist verifies that those drugs have been accurately stocked as specified in subparagraph (D)(i)(III) of this paragraph;

(-b-) if the automated pharmacy dispensing system contains manufacturer's unit of use packages or prepackaged medication previously verified by a pharmacist, an electronic verification system has confirmed that the medications have been accurately stocked as specified in subparagraph (D)(i)(III) of this paragraph;

(-c-) a pharmacist checks the accuracy of the data entry of each original or new prescription drug order entered into the automated pharmacy dispensing system; and

(-d-) an electronic verification process is used to verify the proper prescription label has been affixed to the correct medication container, prepackaged medication or manufacturer unit of use package for the correct patient.

(ii) If the final check is accomplished as specified in clause (i)(II) of this subparagraph, the following additional requirements must be met:

(I) the dispensing process must be fully automated from the time the pharmacist releases the prescription to the automated pharmacy dispensing system until a completed, labeled prescription ready for delivery to the patient is produced;

(II) the pharmacy has conducted initial testing and has a continuous quality assurance program which documents that the automated pharmacy dispensing system dispenses accurately as specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph;

(III) the automated pharmacy dispensing system documents and maintains:

(-a-) the name(s), initials, or identification code(s) of each pharmacist responsible for the checks outlined in clause (i)(II) of this subparagraph; and

(-b-) the name(s), initials, or identification code(s) and specific activity(ies) of each pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee who performs any other portion of the dispensing process; and

(IV) the pharmacy establishes mechanisms and procedures to test the accuracy of the automated pharmacy dispensing system at least every month rather than every twelve months as specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph.

(3) Automated checking device.

(A) For the purpose of §291.32(c)(2)(D) of this title, the final check of a dispensed prescription shall be considered accomplished using an automated checking device provided a check of the final product is conducted by a pharmacist prior to delivery to the patient or the following checks are performed:

(i) the drug used to fill the order is checked through the use of an automated checking device which verifies that the drug is labeled and packaged accurately; and

(ii) a pharmacist checks the accuracy of each original or new prescription drug order and is responsible for the final check of the order through the automated checking device.

(B) If the final check is accomplished as specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the following additional requirements must be met:

(i) the pharmacy has conducted initial testing of the automated checking device and has a continuous quality assurance program which documents that the automated checking device accurately confirms that the correct drug and strength has been labeled with the correct label for the correct patient;

(ii) the pharmacy documents and maintains:

(I) the name(s), initials, or identification code(s) of each pharmacist responsible for the checks outlined in subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph; and

(II) the name(s) initials, or identification code(s) and specific activity(ies) of each pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee who performs any other portion of the dispensing process;

(iii) the pharmacy establishes mechanisms and procedures to test the accuracy of the automated checking device at least monthly; and

(iv) the pharmacy establishes procedures to ensure that errors identified by the automated checking device may not be overridden by a pharmacy technician and must be reviewed and corrected by a pharmacist.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 5, 2024.


Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D.

Executive Director

Texas State Board of Pharmacy

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-8084


22 TAC §291.133

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy proposes amendments to §291.133, concerning Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations. The amendments, if adopted, update the personnel, environment, compounding process, cleaning and disinfecting, beyond-use dating, cleansing and garbing, environmental testing, sterility testing, recall procedure, and recordkeeping requirements for pharmacies compounding sterile preparations.

Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D., Executive Director/Secretary, has determined that, for the first five-year period the rules are in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering the rule. Dr. Carroll has determined that, for each year of the first five-year period the rule will be in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the amendments will be to ensure the safety and efficacy of compounded sterile preparations for patients, improve the health, safety, and welfare of patients by ensuring that Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class E pharmacies engaged in sterile compounding operate in a safe and sanitary environment, and provide clearer regulatory language that is appropriately informed by the recently updated guidance in the United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary. For each year of the first five-year period the rule will be in effect, the probable economic cost to persons required to comply with the amendments is estimated to be $0-$1,970 per employee, $0-$300 in fixed costs, and $0-$2,309.69 in variable costs based on batch size or number of preparations. Additionally, dependent on a pharmacy's current operations and equipment, a pharmacy would potentially incur one-time expenses of $0-$5,000 for cleanroom modifications, $0-$6,000 for a pharmaceutical grade oven or autoclave, and $0-$500 for temperature logs and monitors.

Economic Impact Statement

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (Board) anticipates a possible adverse economic impact on some small or micro-businesses (pharmacies) or rural communities as a result of the proposed amendments to §291.133. The Board is unable to estimate the number of small or micro-businesses subject to the proposed amendments. As of July 18, 2024, there are 867 Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class E pharmacies that perform sterile compounding, as indicated by the pharmacies on Board licensing forms. The Board estimates that 74 rural communities in Texas have a Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class E pharmacy that performs sterile compounding.

The economic impact of the proposed amendments on a particular pharmacy would be dependent on that pharmacy's current environment and the policies and procedures the pharmacy previously had in place for compounding sterile preparations. The additional costs of training personnel who do not compound nor supervise compounding personnel on a pharmacy's SOPs are estimated to be $0 to $1,200 per employee. The additional costs of the updated media-fill testing procedures depend on the compounding risk-level in which a pharmacy is currently engaged. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in only low-risk and medium-risk compounding, the additional costs are estimated to be $9.95 to $300 annually per employee who engages in sterile compounding. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in high-risk compounding, no additional costs are anticipated. The additional costs of the updated gloved fingertip sampling depend on the compounding risk-level in which a pharmacy is currently engaged. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in only low-risk and medium-risk compounding, the additional costs are estimated to be $90 to $250 annually per employee who engages in sterile compounding. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in high-risk compounding, no additional costs are anticipated. The additional costs of the updated garbing competency testing depend on the compounding risk-level in which a pharmacy is currently engaged. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in only low-risk and medium-risk compounding, the additional costs are estimated to be $0 to $220 annually per employee who engages in sterile compounding. For a pharmacy that is currently engaged in high-risk compounding, no additional costs are anticipated. The additional costs of the updated surface sampling requirements are estimated to be $85 to $300 per sample taken. The additional costs of the updated depyrogenation requirements, for a pharmacy that does not already possess a pharmaceutical oven or autoclave, are one-time costs of $1,000 to $6,000 for a pharmaceutical grade oven or autoclave and $500 for temperature logs and monitors, annual costs of $300 for calibration and $210 for endotoxin challenge testing, and $40 to $50 per usage for washing and wrapping supplies. The additional costs of updated container closure integrity testing are estimated to be $250 to $1,200 per formulation. The additional costs of the updated air exchange requirements are estimated to be a one-time cost of $0 to $5,000 based on the extent of the modifications, if any, needed for a pharmacy's cleanroom. The additional costs of expanded disinfecting with sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol in place of non-sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol are estimated to be a net increase of $4.69 per 32-ounce bottle. The additional costs of sterile low-lint garments and coverings are estimated to $0 to $45 per set. The additional costs of expanded sterility and bacterial endotoxin testing are estimated to be $300 to $500 per batch. The estimated cost of the new beyond-use date requirements is dependent on the pharmacy's current practices. A shortened beyond-use date may require the compound to be made more frequently or discarded more often. Additional testing costs may be incurred to prove that a specific compounded preparation can exceed a new beyond-use date standard.

The Board established a Compounding Rules Advisory Group, comprised of a Sterile Subcommittee and a Non-Sterile Subcommittee, to review the recently issued revisions to United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding- Nonsterile Preparations and United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding- Sterile Preparations, and the proposed amendments are based on the recommendations of the Sterile Subcommittee. The Subcommittee's recommendations were initially presented at the May 7, 2024, Board meeting and four Subcommittee members made oral public comments concerning the recommendations. The Board reviewed the recommendations and provided direction to Board staff on items for which the Subcommittee could not come to consensus. The amendments were presented and considered for proposal at the August 6, 2024, Board meeting. Alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed amendments were considered by the Sterile Subcommittee and the proposed amendments reflect the Subcommittee's recommendations for the least restrictive methods of ensuring the safety and efficacy of compounded sterile preparations.

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (Board) anticipates a possible adverse economic impact on some small or micro-businesses (pharmacies) or rural communities as a result of the proposed amendments to §291.133. The Board established a Compounding Rules Advisory Group, comprised of a Sterile Subcommittee and a Non-Sterile Subcommittee, to review the recently issued revisions to United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding- Nonsterile Preparations and United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding- Sterile Preparations, and the proposed amendments are based on the recommendations of the Sterile Subcommittee. The Sterile Subcommittee reviewed the new provisions of USP <797>, discussed whether any of the provisions should be added to §291.133 to ensure patient safety in Texas, and considered various methods of achieving this purpose.

The Sterile Subcommittee discussed the changes to USP <797>during its meetings held on August 2, August 23, 2023, October 3, 2023, October 30, 2023, and January 23, 2024 meetings. The Sterile Committee considered different options and levels of personnel training, beyond-use dating, environmental requirements, compounding processes, environmental testing requirements, recall procedures, and recordkeeping requirements in determining recommendations for the least restrictive methods of ensuring the safety and efficacy of compounded sterile preparations. In reviewing the new provisions of USP <797>, the Sterile Subcommittee recommended limiting or not adopting several of the new provisions, including preparation per approved labeling, initial gowning competency, use of isolators, precision and accuracy of pressure differentials, compounding notification on label, packaging of compounded sterile preparations, and compounding allergenic extracts.

The Sterile Subcommittee's recommendations were initially presented at the May 7, 2024, Board meeting and four Subcommittee members made oral public comments concerning the recommendations. The Board reviewed the recommendations and provided direction to Board staff on items for which the Subcommittee could not come to consensus. The amendments were presented and considered for proposal at the August 6, 2024, Board meeting. The Board finds that alternative regulatory methods would not be consistent with the health, safety, and environmental and economic welfare of the state.

For each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect, Dr. Carroll has determined the following:

(1) The proposed amendments do not create or eliminate a government program;

(2) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require the creation of new employee positions or the elimination of existing employee positions;

(3) Implementation of the proposed amendments does not require an increase or decrease in the future legislative appropriations to the agency;

(4) The proposed amendments do not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency;

(5) The proposed amendments do not create a new regulation;

(6) The proposed amendments both limit and expand an existing regulation by adding and amending operational standards for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class E, pharmacies engaged in sterile compounding;

(7) The proposed amendments do not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and

(8) The proposed amendments would have a de minimis impact on this state's economy.

Written comments on the amendments may be submitted to Eamon D. Briggs, Deputy General Counsel, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 13.100, Austin, Texas, 78701-1319, FAX (512) 305-8061. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., October 29, 2024.

The amendments are proposed under §§551.002 and 554.051 of the Texas Pharmacy Act (Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code). The Board interprets §551.002 as authorizing the agency to protect the public through the effective control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy. The Board interprets §554.051(a) as authorizing the agency to adopt rules for the proper administration and enforcement of the Act.

The statutes affected by these amendments: Texas Pharmacy Act, Chapters 551 - 569, Texas Occupations Code.

§291.133.Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations.

(a) Purpose. Pharmacies compounding sterile preparations, prepackaging pharmaceutical products, and distributing those products shall comply with all requirements for their specific license classification and this section. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the:

(1) compounding of sterile preparations pursuant to a prescription or medication order for a patient from a practitioner in Class A-S, Class B, Class C-S, and Class E-S pharmacies;

(2) compounding, dispensing, and delivery of a reasonable quantity of a compounded sterile preparation in Class A-S, Class B, Class C-S, and Class E-S pharmacies to a practitioner's office for office use by the practitioner;

(3) compounding and distribution of compounded sterile preparations by a Class A-S pharmacy for a Class C-S pharmacy; and

(4) compounding of sterile preparations by a Class C-S pharmacy and the distribution of the compounded preparations to other Class C or Class C-S pharmacies under common ownership.

(b) Definitions. In addition to the definitions for specific license classifications, the following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(1) ACPE--Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

(2) Airborne particulate cleanliness class--The level of cleanliness specified by the maximum allowable number of particles per cubic meter of air as specified in the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) Classification Air Cleanliness (ISO 14644-1). For example:

(A) ISO Class 5 (formerly Class 100) is an atmospheric environment that contains less than 3,520 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic meter of air (formerly stated as 100 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic foot of air);

(B) ISO Class 7 (formerly Class 10,000) is an atmospheric environment that contains less than 352,000 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic meter of air (formerly stated as 10,000 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic foot of air); and

(C) ISO Class 8 (formerly Class 100,000) is an atmospheric environment that contains less than 3,520,000 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic meter of air (formerly stated as 100,000 particles 0.5 microns in diameter per cubic foot of air).

(3) Ancillary supplies--Supplies necessary for the preparation and administration of compounded sterile preparations.

(4) Anteroom [Ante-area]--An ISO Class 8 or cleaner room with fixed walls and doors where personnel hand hygiene, garbing procedures, and other activities that generate high particulate levels may be performed. The anteroom is the transition room between the unclassified area of the pharmacy and the buffer room. [An ISO Class 8 or better area where personnel may perform hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, labeling, and other high-particulate generating activities. It is also a transition area that:]

[(A) provides assurance that pressure relationships are constantly maintained so that air flows from clean to dirty areas; and]

[(B) reduces the need for the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) control system to respond to large disturbances.]

(5) Aseptic processing [Processing]--A mode of processing pharmaceutical and medical preparations that involves the separate sterilization of the preparation and of the package (containers-closures or packaging material for medical devices) and the transfer of the preparation into the container and its closure under at least ISO Class 5 conditions.

(6) Automated compounding device--An automated device that compounds, measures, and/or packages a specified quantity of individual components in a predetermined sequence for a designated sterile preparation.

(7) Batch--A specific quantity of a drug or other material that is intended to have uniform character and quality, within specified limits, and is produced during a single preparation cycle.

(8) Batch preparation compounding--Compounding of multiple sterile preparation units, in a single discrete process, by the same individual(s), carried out during one limited time period. Batch preparation/compounding does not include the preparation of multiple sterile preparation units pursuant to patient specific medication orders.

(9) Beyond-use date--The date, or hour and the date, after which a compounded sterile preparation shall not be used, stored, or transported. The date is determined from the date and time the preparation is compounded. [The date or time after which the compounded sterile preparation shall not be stored or transported or begin to be administered to a patient. The beyond-use date is determined from the date or time the preparation is compounded.]

(10) Biological safety cabinet [Safety Cabinet], Class II--A ventilated cabinet for personnel, product or preparation, and environmental protection having an open front with inward airflow for personnel protection, downward HEPA filtered laminar airflow for product protection, and HEPA filtered exhausted air for environmental protection.

(11) Buffer room [Area]--An ISO Class 7 or cleaner or, if a Class B pharmacy, an ISO Class 8 or cleaner, room with fixed walls and doors where primary engineering controls that generate and maintain an ISO Class 5 environment are physically located. The buffer room may only be accessed through the anteroom or another buffer room. [An ISO Class 7 or, if a Class B pharmacy, ISO Class 8 or better, area where the primary engineering control area is physically located. Activities that occur in this area include the preparation and staging of components and supplies used when compounding sterile preparations.]

(12) Clean room--A room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled to meet a specified airborne particulate cleanliness class. Microorganisms in the environment are monitored so that a microbial level for air, surface, and personnel gear are not exceeded for a specified cleanliness class.

(13) Cleanroom suite--A classified area that consists of both an anteroom and buffer room.

(14) [(13)] Component--Any ingredient intended for use in the compounding of a drug preparation, including those that may not appear in such preparation.

(15) [(14)] Compounding--The preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, or labeling of a drug or device:

(A) as the result of a practitioner's prescription drug or medication order based on the practitioner-patient-pharmacist relationship in the course of professional practice;

(B) for administration to a patient by a practitioner as the result of a practitioner's initiative based on the practitioner-patient-pharmacist relationship in the course of professional practice;

(C) in anticipation of prescription drug or medication orders based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns; or

(D) for or as an incident to research, teaching, or chemical analysis and not for sale or dispensing, except as allowed under §562.154 or Chapter 563 of the Occupations Code.

(16) [(15)] Compounding aseptic isolator [Aseptic Isolator]--A form of barrier isolator specifically designed for compounding pharmaceutical ingredients or preparations. It is designed to maintain an aseptic compounding environment within the isolator throughout the compounding and material transfer processes. Air exchange into the isolator from the surrounding environment shall not occur unless it has first passed through a microbial retentive filter (HEPA minimum).

(17) [(16)] Compounding aseptic containment isolator [Aseptic Containment Isolator]--A compounding aseptic isolator designed to provide worker protection from exposure to undesirable levels of airborne drug throughout the compounding and material transfer processes and to provide an aseptic environment for compounding sterile preparations. Air exchange with the surrounding environment should not occur unless the air is first passed through a microbial retentive filter (HEPA minimum) system capable of containing airborne concentrations of the physical size and state of the drug being compounded. Where volatile hazardous drugs are prepared, the exhaust air from the isolator should be appropriately removed by properly designed building ventilation.

(18) [(17)] Compounding personnel [Personnel]--A pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee who performs the actual compounding; a pharmacist who supervises pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees compounding sterile preparations, and a pharmacist who performs an intermediate or final verification of a compounded sterile preparation.

(19) [(18)] Critical area [Area]--An ISO Class 5 environment.

(20) [(19)] Critical sites [Sites]--A location that includes any component or fluid pathway surfaces (e.g., vial septa, injection ports, beakers) or openings (e.g., opened ampules, needle hubs) exposed and at risk of direct contact with air (e.g., ambient room or HEPA filtered), moisture (e.g., oral and mucosal secretions), or touch contamination. Risk of microbial particulate contamination of the critical site increases with the size of the openings and exposure time.

(21) Designated person(s)--One or more individuals assigned to be responsible and accountable for the performance and operation of the pharmacy and personnel as related to the preparation of compounded sterile preparations.

(22) [(20)] Device--An instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in-vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component part or accessory, that is required under federal or state law to be ordered or prescribed by a practitioner.

(23) [(21)] Direct compounding area [Compounding Area]--A critical area within the ISO Class 5 primary engineering control where critical sites are exposed to unidirectional HEPA-filtered air, also known as first air.

(24) [(22)] Disinfectant--An agent that frees from infection, usually a chemical agent but sometimes a physical one, and that destroys disease-causing pathogens or other harmful microorganisms but may not kill bacterial and fungal spores. It refers to substances applied to inanimate objects.

(25) [(23)] First air [Air]--The air exiting the HEPA filter in a unidirectional air stream that is essentially particle free.

(26) [(24)] Hazardous drugs [Drugs]--Drugs that, studies in animals or humans indicate exposure to the drugs, have a potential for causing cancer, development or reproductive toxicity, or harm to organs. For the purposes of this chapter, radiopharmaceuticals are not considered hazardous drugs.

(27) [(25)] Hot water--The temperature of water from the pharmacy's sink maintained at a minimum of 105 degrees F (41 degrees C).

(28) [(26)] HVAC--Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

(29) [(27)] Immediate use--A sterile preparation that is not prepared according to USP 797 standards (i.e., outside the pharmacy and most likely not by pharmacy personnel) which shall be stored for no longer than four hours following the start of preparing [one hour after completion of] the preparation.

(30) [(28)] IPA--Isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol).

(31) [(29)] Labeling--All labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter on an immediate container of an article or preparation or on, or in, any package or wrapper in which it is enclosed, except any outer shipping container. The term "label" designates that part of the labeling on the immediate container.

(32) Master formulation record--A detailed record of procedures that describes how the compounded sterile preparation is to be prepared.

(33) [(30)] Media-fill test [Media-Fill Test]--A test used to qualify aseptic technique of compounding personnel or processes and to ensure that the processes used are able to produce sterile preparation without microbial contamination. During this test, a microbiological growth medium such as Soybean-Casein Digest Medium is substituted for the actual drug preparation to simulate admixture compounding. The issues to consider in the development of a media-fill test are the following: media-fill procedures, media selection, fill volume, incubation, time and temperature, inspection of filled units, documentation, interpretation of results, and possible corrective actions required.

(34) [(31)] Multiple-dose container [Multiple-Dose Container]--A multiple-unit container for articles or preparations intended for potential administration only and usually contains antimicrobial preservatives. The beyond-use date for an opened or entered (e.g., needle-punctured) multiple-dose container with antimicrobial preservatives is 28 days, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

(35) [(32)] Negative pressure room [Pressure Room]--A room that is at a lower pressure compared to adjacent spaces and, therefore, the net flow of air is into the room.

(36) [(33)] Office use--The administration of a compounded drug to a patient by a practitioner in the practitioner's office or by the practitioner in a health care facility or treatment setting, including a hospital, ambulatory surgical center, or pharmacy in accordance with Chapter 562 of the Act, or for administration or provision by a veterinarian in accordance with §563.054 of the Act.

(37) [(34)] Pharmacy bulk package [Bulk Package]--A container of a sterile preparation for potential use that contains many single doses. The contents are intended for use in a pharmacy admixture program and are restricted to the preparation of admixtures for infusion or, through a sterile transfer device, for the filling of empty sterile syringes. The closure shall be penetrated only one time after constitution with a suitable sterile transfer device or dispensing set, which allows measured dispensing of the contents. The pharmacy bulk package is to be used only in a suitable work area such as a laminar flow hood (or an equivalent clean air compounding area).

(38) [(35)] Prepackaging--The act of repackaging and relabeling quantities of drug products from a manufacturer's original container into unit dose packaging or a multiple-dose [multiple dose] container for distribution within a pharmacy [facility] licensed as a Class C pharmacy or to other pharmacies under common ownership for distribution within those pharmacies [facilities]. The term as defined does not prohibit the prepackaging of drug products for use within other pharmacy classes.

(39) [(36)] Preparation or compounded sterile preparation [Compounded Sterile Preparation]--A sterile admixture compounded in a licensed pharmacy or other healthcare-related facility pursuant to the order of a licensed prescriber. The components of the preparation may or may not be sterile products.

(40) [(37)] Primary engineering control [Engineering Control]--A device or room that provides an ISO Class 5 environment for the exposure of critical sites when compounding sterile preparations. Such devices include, but may not be limited to, laminar airflow workbenches, biological safety cabinets, compounding aseptic isolators, and compounding aseptic containment isolators.

(41) [(38)] Product--A commercially manufactured sterile drug or nutrient that has been evaluated for safety and efficacy by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Products are accompanied by full prescribing information, which is commonly known as the FDA-approved manufacturer's labeling or product package insert.

(42) [(39)] Positive control [Control]--A quality assurance sample prepared to test positive for microbial growth.

(43) [(40)] Quality assurance--The set of activities used to ensure that the process used in the preparation of sterile drug preparations lead to preparations that meet predetermined standards of quality.

(44) [(41)] Quality control--The set of testing activities used to determine that the ingredients, components (e.g., containers), and final compounded sterile preparations prepared meet predetermined requirements with respect to identity, purity, non-pyrogenicity, and sterility.

(45) [(42)] Reasonable quantity--An amount of a compounded drug that:

(A) does not exceed the amount a practitioner anticipates may be used in the practitioner's office or facility before the beyond-use [beyond use] date of the drug;

(B) is reasonable considering the intended use of the compounded drug and the nature of the practitioner's practice; and

(C) for any practitioner and all practitioners as a whole, is not greater than an amount the pharmacy is capable of compounding in compliance with pharmaceutical standards for identity, strength, quality, and purity of the compounded drug that are consistent with United States Pharmacopoeia guidelines and accreditation practices.

(46) Restricted-access barrier system--An enclosure that provides HEPA-filtered ISO Class 5 unidirectional air that allows for the ingress and/or egress of materials through defined openings that have been designed and validated to preclude the transfer of contamination, and that generally are not to be opened during operations.

(47) [(43)] Segregated compounding area [Compounding Area]--A designated space, area, or room that is not required to be classified and is defined with a visible perimeter. The segregated compounding area shall contain a PEC and is suitable for preparation of Category 1 compounded sterile preparations only. [A designated space, either a demarcated area or room, that is restricted to preparing low-risk level compounded sterile preparations with 12-hour or less beyond-use date. Such area shall contain a device that provides unidirectional airflow of ISO Class 5 air quality for preparation of compounded sterile preparations and shall be void of activities and materials that are extraneous to sterile compounding.]

(48) [(44)] Single-dose container--A single-unit container for articles or preparations intended for parenteral administration only. It is intended for a single use. A single-dose container is labeled as such. Examples of single-dose containers include pre-filled syringes, cartridges, fusion-sealed containers, and closure-sealed containers when so labeled.

(49) [(45)] SOPs--Standard operating procedures.

(50) [(46)] Sterilizing grade membranes [Grade Membranes]--Membranes that are documented to retain 100% of a culture of 107 microorganisms of a strain of Brevundimonas (Pseudomonas) diminuta per square centimeter of membrane surface under a pressure of not less than 30 psi (2.0 bar). Such filter membranes are nominally at 0.22-micrometer or 0.2-micrometer nominal pore size, depending on the manufacturer's practice.

(51) [(47)] Sterilization by filtration [Filtration]--Passage of a fluid or solution through a sterilizing grade membrane to produce a sterile effluent.

(52) [(48)] Terminal sterilization [Sterilization]--The application of a lethal process, e.g., steam under pressure or autoclaving, to sealed final preparation containers for the purpose of achieving a predetermined sterility assurance level of usually less than 10-6 or a probability of less than one in one million of a non-sterile unit.

(53) [(49)] Unidirectional airflow [Flow]--An airflow moving in a single direction in a robust and uniform manner and at sufficient speed to reproducibly sweep particles away from the critical processing or testing area.

(54) [(50)] USP/NF--The current edition of the United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary.

(c) Personnel.

(1) Pharmacist-in-charge.

(A) General. The pharmacy shall have a pharmacist-in-charge in compliance with the specific license classification of the pharmacy.

(B) Responsibilities. In addition to the responsibilities for the specific class of pharmacy, the pharmacist-in-charge shall have the responsibility for, at a minimum, the following concerning the compounding of sterile preparations:

(i) developing a system to ensure that all pharmacy personnel responsible for compounding and/or supervising the compounding of sterile preparations within the pharmacy receive appropriate education and training and competency evaluation;

(ii) determining that all personnel involved in compounding sterile preparations obtain continuing education appropriate for the type of compounding done by the personnel;

(iii) supervising a system to ensure appropriate procurement of drugs and devices and storage of all pharmaceutical materials including pharmaceuticals, components used in the compounding of sterile preparations, and drug delivery devices;

(iv) ensuring that the equipment used in compounding is properly maintained;

(v) developing a system for the disposal and distribution of drugs from the pharmacy;

(vi) developing a system for bulk compounding or batch preparation of drugs;

(vii) developing a system for the compounding, sterility assurance, quality assurance, and quality control of sterile preparations; and

(viii) if applicable, ensuring that the pharmacy has a system to dispose of hazardous waste in a manner so as not to endanger the public health.

(2) Pharmacists.

(A) General.

(i) A pharmacist is responsible for ensuring that compounded sterile preparations are accurately identified, measured, diluted, and mixed and are correctly purified, sterilized, packaged, sealed, labeled, stored, dispensed, and distributed.

(ii) A pharmacist shall inspect and approve all components, drug preparation containers, closures, labeling, and any other materials involved in the compounding process.

(iii) A pharmacist shall review all compounding records for accuracy and conduct periodic in-process checks as defined in the pharmacy's policy and procedures.

(iv) A pharmacist shall review all compounding records for accuracy and conduct a final check.

(v) A pharmacist is responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance, cleanliness, and use of all equipment used in the compounding process.

(vi) A pharmacist shall be accessible at all times, 24 hours a day, to respond to patients' and other health professionals' questions and needs.

(B) Initial training and continuing education.

(i) All pharmacists who compound sterile preparations or supervise pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees compounding sterile preparations shall comply with the following:

(I) complete through a single course, a minimum of 20 hours of instruction and experience in the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection. Such training shall be obtained through completion of a recognized course in an accredited college of pharmacy or a course sponsored by an ACPE accredited provider;

(II) complete a structured on-the-job didactic and experiential training program at this pharmacy which provides sufficient hours of instruction and experience in the pharmacy's [facility's ] sterile compounding processes and procedures. Such training may not be transferred to another pharmacy unless the pharmacies are under common ownership and control and use a common training program; and

(III) possess knowledge about:

(-a-) aseptic processing;

(-b-) quality control and quality assurance as related to environmental, component, and finished preparation release checks and tests;

(-c-) chemical, pharmaceutical, and clinical properties of drugs;

(-d-) container, equipment, and closure system selection; and

(-e-) sterilization techniques.

(ii) The required experiential portion of the training programs specified in this subparagraph shall [must] be supervised by an individual who is actively engaged in performing sterile compounding and is qualified and has completed training as specified in this paragraph or paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(iii) In order to renew a license to practice pharmacy, during the previous licensure period, a pharmacist engaged in sterile compounding shall complete a minimum of:

(I) two hours of ACPE-accredited continuing education relating to one or more of the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection if the pharmacist is engaged in compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded [low and medium risk] sterile preparations; or

(II) four hours of ACPE-accredited continuing education relating to one or more of the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection if the pharmacist is engaged in compounding Category 3 compounded [high risk] sterile preparations.

(3) Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees.

(A) General. All pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees shall meet the training requirements specified in §297.6 of this title (relating to Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacy Technician Trainee Training).

(B) Initial training and continuing education.

(i) Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees may compound sterile preparations provided the pharmacy technicians and/or pharmacy technician trainees are supervised by a pharmacist as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection.

(ii) All pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees who compound sterile preparations for administration to patients shall:

(I) have initial training obtained either through completion of:

(-a-) a single course, a minimum of 40 hours of instruction and experience in the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection. Such training shall be obtained through completion of a course sponsored by an ACPE accredited provider which provides 40 hours of instruction and experience; or

(-b-) a training program which is accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

(II) and

(-a-) complete a structured on-the-job didactic and experiential training program at this pharmacy which provides sufficient hours of instruction and experience in the pharmacy's [facility's ] sterile compounding processes and procedures. Such training may not be transferred to another pharmacy unless the pharmacies are under common ownership and control and use a common training program; and

(-b-) possess knowledge about:

(-1-) aseptic processing;

(-2-) quality control and quality assurance as related to environmental, component, and finished preparation release checks and tests;

(-3-) chemical, pharmaceutical, and clinical properties of drugs;

(-4-) container, equipment, and closure system selection; and

(-5-) sterilization techniques.

(iii) Individuals enrolled in training programs accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists may compound sterile preparations in a licensed pharmacy provided the:

(I) compounding occurs only during times the individual is assigned to a pharmacy as a part of the experiential component of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists training program;

(II) individual is under the direct supervision of and responsible to a pharmacist who has completed training as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection;

(III) supervising pharmacist conducts periodic in-process checks as defined in the pharmacy's policy and procedures; and

(IV) supervising pharmacist conducts a final check.

(iv) The required experiential portion of the training programs specified in this subparagraph shall [must] be supervised by an individual who is actively engaged in performing sterile compounding, is qualified and has completed training as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection or this paragraph.

(v) In order to renew a registration as a pharmacy technician, during the previous registration period, a pharmacy technician engaged in sterile compounding shall complete a minimum of:

(I) two hours of ACPE accredited continuing education relating to one or more of the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection if the pharmacy technician is engaged in compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded [low and medium risk] sterile preparations; or

(II) four hours of ACPE accredited continuing education relating to one or more of the areas listed in paragraph (4)(D) of this subsection if the pharmacy technician is engaged in compounding Category 3 compounded [high risk] sterile preparations.

(4) Evaluation and testing requirements.

(A) All persons who perform or oversee compounding or support activities shall be trained in the pharmacy's SOPs. All pharmacy personnel preparing sterile preparations shall be trained conscientiously and skillfully by expert personnel through multimedia instructional sources and professional publications in the theoretical principles and practical skills of aseptic manipulations, garbing procedures, aseptic work practices, achieving and maintaining ISO Class 5 environmental conditions, and cleaning and disinfection procedures before beginning to prepare compounded sterile preparations.

(B) All pharmacy personnel preparing sterile preparations shall perform didactic review and pass written and media-fill testing of aseptic manipulative skills initially and every 12 months. [followed by:]

[(i) every 12 months for low- and medium-risk level compounding; and]

[(ii) every six months for high-risk level compounding.]

(C) Pharmacy personnel who fail written tests or whose media-fill tests result in gross microbial colonization shall:

(i) be immediately re-instructed and re-evaluated by expert compounding personnel to ensure correction of all aseptic practice deficiencies; and

(ii) not be allowed to compound sterile preparations for patient use until passing results are achieved.

(D) The didactic and experiential training shall include instruction, experience, and demonstrated proficiency in the following areas:

(i) aseptic technique;

(ii) critical area contamination factors;

(iii) environmental monitoring;

(iv) structure and engineering controls related to facilities;

(v) equipment and supplies;

(vi) sterile preparation calculations and terminology;

(vii) sterile preparation compounding documentation;

(viii) quality assurance procedures;

(ix) aseptic preparation procedures including proper gowning and gloving technique;

(x) handling of hazardous drugs, if applicable;

(xi) cleaning procedures; and

(xii) general conduct in the clean room.

(E) The aseptic technique of all compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound [each person compounding or responsible for the direct supervision of personnel compounding sterile preparations] shall be observed and evaluated by expert personnel as satisfactory through written and practical tests, and challenge testing, and such evaluation documented. Compounding personnel shall not evaluate their own aseptic technique or results of their own media-fill challenge testing. The pharmacy's SOPs shall define the aseptic technique evaluation for personnel who do not compound nor have direct oversight of compounding personnel such as personnel who restock or clean and disinfect the sterile compounding area, personnel who perform in-process checks or final verification of compounded sterile preparations, and others (e.g., maintenance personnel, certifiers, contractors, inspectors, surveyors).

(F) Media-fill tests shall [must] be conducted at each pharmacy where an individual compounds Category 1 or Category 2 [low or medium risk] sterile preparations. If pharmacies are under common ownership and control, the media-fill testing may be conducted at only one of the pharmacies provided each of the pharmacies are operated under equivalent policies and procedures and the testing is conducted under the most challenging or stressful conditions. In addition, each pharmacy shall [must] maintain documentation of the media-fill test. No preparation intended for patient use shall be compounded by an individual until the on-site media-fill tests indicate that the individual can competently perform aseptic procedures, except that a pharmacist may temporarily compound sterile preparations and supervise pharmacy technicians compounding sterile preparations without media-fill tests provided the pharmacist completes the on-site media-fill tests within seven days of commencing work at the pharmacy.

(G) Media-fill tests shall [must] be conducted at each pharmacy where an individual compounds Category 3 [high risk] sterile preparations. No preparation intended for patient use shall be compounded by an individual until the on-site media-fill tests indicate that the individual can competently perform aseptic procedures, except that a pharmacist may temporarily compound sterile preparations and supervise pharmacy technicians compounding sterile preparations without media-fill tests provided the pharmacist completes the on-site media-fill tests within seven days of commencing work at the pharmacy.

(H) For media-fill testing of compounds using only sterile starting components, the components shall be manipulated in a manner that simulates sterile-to-sterile compounding activities. The sterile soybean-casein digest media shall be transferred into the same types of container closure systems commonly used at the pharmacy.

[(H) Media-fill testing procedures for assessing the preparation of specific types of sterile preparations shall be representative of the most challenging or stressful conditions encountered by the pharmacy personnel being evaluated and, if applicable, for sterilizing high-risk level compounded sterile preparations.]

(I) For media-fill testing of compounds using any non-sterile starting components, a commercially available non-sterile soybean-casein digest powder shall be dissolved in non-bacteriostatic water to make a 3.0% non-sterile solution. The components shall be manipulated in a manner that simulates non-sterile-to-sterile compounding activities. At least one container shall be prepared as the positive control to demonstrate growth promotion, as indicated by visible turbidity upon incubation.

[(I) Media-fill challenge tests simulating high-risk level compounding shall be used to verify the capability of the compounding environment and process to produce a sterile preparation.]

(J) Final containers shall be incubated in an incubator at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius and 30 to 35 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 7 days at each temperature band to detect a broad spectrum of microorganisms. The order of the incubation temperatures shall be described in the pharmacy's SOPs. Failure is indicated by visible turbidity or other visual manifestations of growth in the media in one or more container closure unit(s) on or before 14 days.

[(J) Commercially available sterile fluid culture media for low and medium risk level compounding or non-sterile fluid culture media for high risk level compounding shall be able to promote exponential colonization of bacteria that are most likely to be transmitted to compounding sterile preparations from the compounding personnel and environment. Media-filled vials are generally incubated at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius or at 30 to 35 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 14 days. If two temperatures are used for incubation of media-filled samples, then these filled containers should be incubated for at least 7 days at each temperature. Failure is indicated by visible turbidity in the medium on or before 14 days.]

(K) The pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure continuing competency of pharmacy personnel through in-service education, training, and media-fill tests to supplement initial training. Personnel competency shall be evaluated:

(i) during orientation and training prior to the regular performance of those tasks;

(ii) whenever the quality assurance program yields an unacceptable result;

(iii) whenever unacceptable techniques are observed; and

(iv) at least every 12 months [on an annual basis for low- and medium-risk level compounding, and every six months for high-risk level compounding].

(L) The pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure that proper hand hygiene and garbing practices of all compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound are evaluated prior to compounding, supervising, or verifying sterile preparations intended for patient use and whenever an aseptic media-fill [media fill] is performed.

(i) Gloved fingertip sampling shall be performed for all [Sampling of] compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound [glove fingertips shall be performed for all risk level compounding]. If pharmacies are under common ownership and control, the gloved fingertip and thumb sampling may be conducted at only one of the pharmacies provided each of the pharmacies are operated under equivalent policies and procedures and the testing is conducted under the most challenging or stressful conditions. In addition, each pharmacy shall [must] maintain documentation of the gloved fingertip and thumb sampling[ of all compounding personnel].

(ii) All compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound shall demonstrate competency in proper hand hygiene and garbing procedures and in aseptic work practices (e.g., disinfection of component surfaces, routine disinfection of gloved hands).

(iii) Sterile contact agar plates shall be used to sample the gloved fingertips of compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound after garbing in order to assess garbing competency and after completing the media-fill preparation (without applying sterile 70% IPA).

(iv) The visual observation shall be documented and maintained to provide a permanent record and long-term assessment of personnel competency.

(v) All compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound shall successfully complete an initial competency evaluation and gloved fingertip and thumb [fingertip/thumb] sampling procedure no less than three times before initially being allowed to compound sterile preparations for patient use. Immediately after the [compounding] personnel completes the hand hygiene and garbing procedure (i.e., after donning of sterile gloves and before any disinfecting with sterile 70% IPA), the evaluator will collect a gloved fingertip and thumb sample from both hands of the compounding personnel onto contact plates or swabs by having the individual lightly touching each fingertip onto the testing medium. The media device shall be incubated at 30 to 35 degrees Celsius for no less than 48 hours and then at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for no less than five additional days. Samples shall be incubated in an incubator. Media devices shall be handled and stored so as to avoid contamination and prevent condensate from dropping onto the agar during incubation and affecting the accuracy of the cfu reading (e.g., invert containers) [The contact plates or swabs will be incubated for the appropriate incubation period and at the appropriate temperature]. Action levels for gloved fingertip and thumb sampling are based on the total cfu count from both hands. Results of the initial gloved fingertip and thumb sampling evaluations after garbing shall indicate not greater than zero colony-forming units (0 cfu) [(0 CFU)] growth on the contact plates or swabs, or the test shall be considered a failure. Results of the initial gloved fingertip evaluations after media-fill testing shall indicate not greater than three colony-forming units (3 cfus) growth on the contact plates or swabs, or the test shall be considered a failure. In the event of a failed gloved fingertip and thumb test, the evaluation shall be repeated until the individual can successfully don sterile gloves and pass the gloved fingertip and thumb sampling evaluation, defined as zero cfus [CFUs] growth. Surface sampling of the direct compounding area shall be performed. No preparation intended for patient use shall be compounded by an individual until the results of the initial gloved fingertip and thumb and surface sampling evaluations [evaluation] indicate that the individual can competently perform aseptic procedures except that a pharmacist may temporarily physically supervise pharmacy technicians compounding sterile preparations before the results of the evaluation have been received for no more than three days from the date of the test.

(vi) Re-evaluation of all compounding personnel shall occur at least every six months [annually for compounding personnel who compound low and medium risk level preparations and every six months for compounding personnel who compound high risk level preparations]. Re-evaluation of personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound shall occur at least every 12 months. Results of gloved fingertip and thumb tests conducted immediately after compounding personnel complete a compounding procedure shall indicate no more than 3 cfus [CFUs] growth, or the test shall be considered a failure, in which case, the evaluation shall be repeated until an acceptable test can be achieved (i.e., the results indicated no more than 3 cfus [CFUs] growth).

(vii) Personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound shall complete a garbing competency evaluation every 12 months. The pharmacy's SOPs shall define the garbing competency evaluation for personnel who do not compound nor have direct oversight of compounding personnel such as personnel who restock or clean and disinfect the sterile compounding area, personnel who perform in-process checks or final verification of compounded sterile preparations, and others (e.g., maintenance personnel, certifiers, contractors, inspectors, surveyors).

(M) The pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure surface sampling shall be conducted in all ISO classified areas on a periodic basis. Sampling shall be accomplished using contact plates or swabs at the conclusion of compounding. The sample area shall be gently touched with the agar surface by rolling the plate across the surface to be sampled.

(i) Each classified area, including each room and the interior of each ISO Class 5 primary engineering control (PEC) and pass-through chambers connecting to classified areas (e.g., equipment contained within the PEC, staging or work area(s) near the PEC, frequently touched areas), shall be sampled for microbial contamination using a risk-based approach.

(ii) For pharmacies compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations, surface sampling of all classified areas and pass-through chambers connecting to classified areas shall be conducted at least monthly. For pharmacies compounding any Category 3 compounded sterile preparations, surface sampling of all classified areas and pass-through chambers connecting to classified areas shall be completed prior to assigning a beyond-use-date longer than the limits established for Category 2 compounded sterile preparations and at least weekly on a regularly scheduled basis regardless of the frequency of compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(iii) The following action levels for surface sampling apply:

(I) for ISO Class 5, greater than 3 cfus per media device;

(II) for ISO Class 7, greater than 5 cfus per media device; and

(III) for ISO Class 8, greater than 50 cfus per media device.

(iv) If levels measured during surface sampling exceed the levels in clause (iii) of this subparagraph for the ISO classification levels of the area sampled, the cause shall be investigated and corrective action shall be taken. Data collected in response to corrective actions shall be reviewed to confirm that the actions taken have been effective. The corrective action plan shall be dependent on the cfu count and the microorganism recovered. The corrective action plan shall be documented. If levels measured during surface sampling exceed the levels in clause (iii) of this subparagraph, an attempt shall be made to identify any microorganism recovered to the genus level with the assistance of a competent microbiologist.

(N) Personnel who only perform restocking or cleaning and disinfecting duties outside of the primary engineering control shall complete ongoing training as required by the pharmacy's SOPs.

(5) Documentation of training [Training]. The pharmacy shall maintain a record of the training and continuing education on each person who compounds sterile preparations. The record shall contain, at a minimum, a written record of initial and in-service training, education, and the results of written and practical testing and media-fill testing of pharmacy personnel. The record shall be maintained and available for inspection by the board and contain the following information:

(A) name of the person receiving the training or completing the testing or media-fill tests;

(B) date(s) of the training, testing, or media-fill challenge testing;

(C) general description of the topics covered in the training or testing or of the process validated;

(D) name of the person supervising the training, testing, or media-fill challenge testing; and

(E) signature or initials of the person receiving the training or completing the testing or media-fill challenge testing and the pharmacist-in-charge or other pharmacist employed by the pharmacy and designated by the pharmacist-in-charge as responsible for training, testing, or media-fill challenge testing of personnel.

(d) Operational standards [Standards].

(1) General requirements [Requirements].

(A) Sterile preparations may be compounded:

(i) upon presentation of a practitioner's prescription drug or medication order based on a valid pharmacist/patient/prescriber relationship;

(ii) in anticipation of future prescription drug or medication orders based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns; or

(iii) in reasonable quantities for office use by a practitioner and for use by a veterinarian.

(B) Sterile compounding in anticipation of future prescription drug or medication orders shall [must] be based upon a history of receiving valid prescriptions issued within an established pharmacist/patient/prescriber relationship, provided that in the pharmacist's professional judgment the quantity prepared is stable for the anticipated shelf time. The maximum batch size for all preparations requiring sterility testing shall be limited to 500 final yield units.

(i) The pharmacist's professional judgment shall be based on the criteria used to determine a beyond-use date outlined in paragraph (8)(J) [(6)(G)] of this subsection.

(ii) Documentation of the criteria used to determine the stability for the anticipated shelf time shall [must] be maintained and be available for inspection.

(iii) Any preparation compounded in anticipation of future prescription drug or medication orders shall be labeled. Such label shall contain:

(I) name and strength of the compounded preparation or list of the active ingredients and strengths;

(II) facility's lot number;

(III) beyond-use date as determined by the pharmacist using appropriate documented criteria as outlined in paragraph (8)(J) [(6)(G)] of this subsection;

(IV) quantity or amount in the container;

(V) appropriate ancillary instructions, such as storage instructions or cautionary statements, including hazardous drug warning labels where appropriate; and

(VI) device-specific instructions, where appropriate.

(C) Commercially available products may be compounded for dispensing to individual patients or for office use provided the following conditions are met:

(i) the commercial product is not reasonably available from normal distribution channels in a timely manner to meet individual patient's needs;

(ii) the pharmacy maintains documentation that the product is not reasonably available due to a drug shortage or unavailability from the manufacturer; and

(iii) the prescribing practitioner has requested that the drug be compounded as described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.

(D) A pharmacy may not compound preparations that are essentially copies of commercially available products (e.g., the preparation is dispensed in a strength that is only slightly different from a commercially available product) unless the prescribing practitioner specifically orders the strength or dosage form and specifies why the individual patient needs the particular strength or dosage form of the preparation or why the preparation for office use is needed in the particular strength or dosage form of the preparation. The prescribing practitioner shall provide documentation of a patient specific medical need and the preparation produces a clinically significant therapeutic response (e.g., the physician requests an alternate preparation due to hypersensitivity to excipients or preservative in the FDA-approved product, or the physician requests an effective alternate dosage form) or if the drug product is not commercially available. The unavailability of such drug product shall [must] be documented prior to compounding. The methodology for documenting unavailability includes maintaining a copy of the wholesaler's notification showing back-ordered, discontinued, or out-of-stock items. This documentation shall [must] be available in hard-copy or electronic format for inspection by the board.

(E) A pharmacy may enter into an agreement to compound and dispense prescription drug or medication orders for another pharmacy provided the pharmacy complies with the provisions of §291.125 of this title (relating to Centralized Prescription Dispensing).

(F) Compounding pharmacies/pharmacists may advertise and promote the fact that they provide sterile prescription compounding services, which may include specific drug preparations and classes of drugs.

(G) A pharmacy may not compound veterinary preparations for use in food producing animals except in accordance with federal guidelines.

(H) Compounded sterile preparations, including hazardous drugs and radiopharmaceuticals, shall be prepared only under conditions that protect the pharmacy personnel in the preparation and storage areas.

(2) Compounded sterile preparation categories. Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 are primarily based on the state of environmental control under which they are compounded, the probability for microbial growth during the time they will be stored, and the time period within which they must be used.

(A) A Category 1 compounded sterile preparation is a compounded sterile preparation that is assigned a beyond-use date in accordance with paragraph (8)(J)(ii)(I) of this subsection and all applicable requirements of this section for Category 1 compounded sterile preparations.

(B) A Category 2 compounded sterile preparation is a compounded sterile preparation that is assigned a beyond-use date in accordance with paragraph (8)(J)(ii)(II) of this subsection and all applicable requirements of this section for Category 2 compounded sterile preparations.

(C) A Category 3 compounded sterile preparation is a compounded sterile preparation that is assigned a beyond-use date in accordance with paragraph (8)(J)(ii)(III) of this subsection and all applicable requirements of this section for Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

[(2) Microbial Contamination Risk Levels. Risk Levels for sterile compounded preparations shall be as outlined in Chapter 797, Pharmacy Compounding--Sterile Preparations of the USP/NF and as listed in this paragraph.]

[(A) Low-risk level compounded sterile preparations.]

[(i) Low-Risk conditions. Low-risk level compounded sterile preparations are those compounded under all of the following conditions:]

[(I) The compounded sterile preparations are compounded with aseptic manipulations entirely within ISO Class 5 or better air quality using only sterile ingredients, products, components, and devices;]

[(II) The compounding involves only transfer, measuring, and mixing manipulations using not more than three commercially manufactured packages of sterile products and not more than two entries into any one sterile container or package (e.g., bag, vial) of sterile product or administration container/device to prepare the compounded sterile preparation;]

[(III) Manipulations are limited to aseptically opening ampules, penetrating disinfected stoppers on vials with sterile needles and syringes, and transferring sterile liquids in sterile syringes to sterile administration devices, package containers of other sterile products, and containers for storage and dispensing;]

[(IV) For a low-risk level preparation, in the absence of passing a sterility test the storage periods cannot exceed the following time periods: before administration, the compounded sterile preparation is stored properly and are exposed for not more than 48 hours at controlled room temperature, for not more than 14 days if stored at a cold temperature, and for 45 days if stored in a frozen state between minus 25 degrees Celsius and minus 10 degrees Celsius. For delayed activation device systems, the storage period begins when the device is activated.]

[(ii) Examples of Low-Risk Level Compounding. Examples of low-risk level compounding include the following:]

[(I) Single volume transfers of sterile dosage forms from ampules, bottles, bags, and vials using sterile syringes with sterile needles, other administration devices, and other sterile containers. The solution content of ampules shall be passed through a sterile filter to remove any particles;]

[(II) Simple aseptic measuring and transferring with not more than three packages of manufactured sterile products, including an infusion or diluent solution to compound drug admixtures and nutritional solutions.]

[(B) Low-Risk Level compounded sterile preparations with 12-hour or less beyond-use date. Low-risk level compounded sterile preparations are those compounded pursuant to a physician's order for a specific patient under all of the following conditions:]

[(i) The compounded sterile preparations are compounded in compounding aseptic isolator or compounding aseptic containment isolator that does not meet the requirements described in paragraph (7)(C) or (D) of this subsection (relating to Primary Engineering Control Device) or the compounded sterile preparations are compounded in laminar airflow workbench or a biological safety cabinet that cannot be located within the buffer area;]

[(ii) The primary engineering control device shall be certified and maintain ISO Class 5 for exposure of critical sites and shall be located in a segregated compounding area restricted to sterile compounding activities that minimizes the risk of contamination of the compounded sterile preparation;]

[(iii) The segregated compounding area shall not be in a location that has unsealed windows or doors that connect to the outdoors or high traffic flow, or that is adjacent to construction sites, warehouses, or food preparation.]

[(iv) For a low-risk level preparation compounded as described in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph, administration of such compounded sterile preparations must commence within 12 hours of preparation or as recommended in the manufacturers' package insert, whichever is less. However, the administration of sterile radiopharmaceuticals, with documented testing of chemical stability, may be administered beyond 12 hours of preparation.]

[(C) Medium-risk level compounded sterile preparations.]

[(i) Medium-Risk Conditions. Medium-risk level compounded sterile preparations, are those compounded aseptically under low-risk conditions and one or more of the following conditions exists:]

[(I) Multiple individual or small doses of sterile products are combined or pooled to prepare a compounded sterile preparation that will be administered either to multiple patients or to one patient on multiple occasions;]

[(II) The compounding process includes complex aseptic manipulations other than the single-volume transfer;]

[(III) The compounding process requires unusually long duration, such as that required to complete the dissolution or homogenous mixing (e.g., reconstitution of intravenous immunoglobulin or other intravenous protein products);]

[(IV) The compounded sterile preparations do not contain broad spectrum bacteriostatic substances and they are administered over several days (e.g., an externally worn infusion device); or]

[(V) For a medium-risk level preparation, in the absence of passing a sterility test the storage periods cannot exceed the following time periods: before administration, the compounded sterile preparations are properly stored and are exposed for not more than 30 hours at controlled room temperature, for not more than 9 days at a cold temperature, and for 45 days in solid frozen state between minus 25 degrees Celsius and minus 10 degrees Celsius.]

[(ii) Examples of medium-risk compounding. Examples of medium-risk compounding include the following:]

[(I) Compounding of total parenteral nutrition fluids using a manual or automated device during which there are multiple injections, detachments, and attachments of nutrient source products to the device or machine to deliver all nutritional components to a final sterile container;]

[(II) Filling of reservoirs of injection and infusion devices with more than three sterile drug products and evacuations of air from those reservoirs before the filled device is dispensed;]

[(III) Filling of reservoirs of injection and infusion devices with volumes of sterile drug solutions that will be administered over several days at ambient temperatures between 25 and 40 degrees Celsius (77 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit); and]

[(IV) Transfer of volumes from multiple ampules or vials into a single, final sterile container or product.]

[(D) High-risk level compounded sterile preparations.]

[(i) High-risk Conditions. High-risk level compounded sterile preparations are those compounded under any of the following conditions:]

[(I) Non-sterile ingredients, including manufactured products not intended for sterile routes of administration (e.g., oral) are incorporated or a non-sterile device is employed before terminal sterilization.]

[(II) Any of the following are exposed to air quality worse than ISO Class 5 for more than 1 hour:]

[(-a-) sterile contents of commercially manufactured products;]

[(-b-) CSPs that lack effective antimicrobial preservatives; and]

[(-c-) sterile surfaces of devices and containers for the preparation, transfer, sterilization, and packaging of CSPs;]

[(III) Compounding personnel are improperly garbed and gloved;]

[(IV) Non-sterile water-containing preparations are exposed no more than 6 hours before being sterilized;]

[(V) It is assumed, and not verified by examination of labeling and documentation from suppliers or by direct determination, that the chemical purity and content strength of ingredients meet their original or compendial specifications in unopened or in opened packages of bulk ingredients;]

[(VI) For a sterilized high-risk level preparation, in the absence of passing a sterility test, the storage periods cannot exceed the following time periods: before administration, the compounded sterile preparations are properly stored and are exposed for not more than 24 hours at controlled room temperature, for not more than 3 days at a cold temperature, and for 45 days in solid frozen state between minus 25 degrees Celsius and minus 10 degrees Celsius; or]

[(VII) All non-sterile measuring, mixing, and purifying devices are rinsed thoroughly with pyrogen-free or depyrogenated sterile water, and then thoroughly drained or dried immediately before use for high-risk compounding. All high-risk compounded sterile solutions subjected to terminal sterilization are prefiltered by passing through a filter with a nominal pore size not larger than 1.2 micron preceding or during filling into their final containers to remove particulate matter. Sterilization of high-risk level compounded sterile preparations by filtration shall be performed with a sterile 0.2 micrometer or 0.22 micrometer nominal pore size filter entirely within an ISO Class 5 or superior air quality environment.]

[(ii) Examples of high-risk compounding. Examples of high-risk compounding include the following.]

[(I) Dissolving non-sterile bulk drug powders to make solutions, which will be terminally sterilized;]

[(II) Exposing the sterile ingredients and components used to prepare and package compounded sterile preparations to room air quality worse than ISO Class 5 for more than one hour;]

[(III) Measuring and mixing sterile ingredients in non-sterile devices before sterilization is performed; and]

[(IV) Assuming, without appropriate evidence or direct determination, that packages of bulk ingredients contain at least 95% by weight of their active chemical moiety and have not been contaminated or adulterated between uses.]

(3) Depyrogenation. Dry heat depyrogenation shall be used to render glassware, metal, and other thermostable containers and components pyrogen free. The duration of the exposure period shall include sufficient time for the items to reach the depyrogenation temperature. The items shall remain at the depyrogenation temperature for the duration of the depyrogenation period. The effectiveness of the dry heat depyrogenation cycle shall be established initially and verified annually using endotoxin challenge vials to demonstrate that the cycle is capable of achieving a greater than or equal to 3-log reduction in endotoxins. The effectiveness of the depyrogenation cycle shall be re-established if there are changes to the depyrogenation cycle described in the pharmacy's SOPs (e.g., changes in load conditions, duration, or temperature). This verification shall be documented.

(4) [(3)] Immediate use compounded sterile preparations [Use Compounded Sterile Preparations]. When all of the following conditions are met, compounding of compounded sterile preparations for direct and immediate administration is not subject to the requirements for Category 1, Category 2, or Category 3 compounded sterile preparations: [For the purpose of emergency or immediate patient care, such situations may include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency room treatment, preparation of diagnostic agents, or critical therapy where the preparation of the compounded sterile preparation under low-risk level conditions would subject the patient to additional risk due to delays in therapy. Compounded sterile preparations are exempted from the requirements described in this paragraph for low-risk level compounded sterile preparations when all of the following criteria are met:]

(A) Only simple aseptic measuring and transfer manipulations are performed with not more than three different sterile [ non-hazardous commercial drug and diagnostic radiopharmaceutical] drug products, including an infusion or diluent solution, from the manufacturers' original containers and not more than two entries into any one container or package of sterile infusion solution or administration container/device;

(B) Unless required for the preparation, the compounding procedure occurs continuously without delays or interruptions and does not exceed 1 hour;

(C) During preparation, aseptic technique is followed and, if not immediately administered, the finished compounded sterile preparation is under continuous supervision to minimize the potential for contact with nonsterile surfaces, introduction of particulate matter of biological fluids, mix-ups with other compounded sterile preparations, and direct contact with outside surfaces;

(D) Administration begins not later than four hours [one hour] following the start [completion ] of preparing the compounded sterile preparation;

(E) When the compounded sterile preparation [preparations] is not administered by the person who prepared it, or its administration is not witnessed by the person who prepared it, the compounded sterile preparation shall bear a label listing patient identification information such as name and identification number(s), the names and amounts of all ingredients, the name or initials of the person who prepared the compounded sterile preparation, and the exact 4-hour [1-hour] beyond-use time and date;

(F) If administration has not begun within four hours [one hour] following the completion of preparing the compounded sterile preparation, the compounded sterile preparation is promptly and safely discarded. Immediate use compounded sterile preparations shall not be stored for later use;[ and]

(G) Hazardous drugs shall not be prepared as immediate use compounded sterile preparations; and[.]

(H) Personnel are trained and demonstrate competency in aseptic processes as they relate to assigned tasks and the pharmacy's SOPs.

(5) [(4)] Single-dose and multiple-dose [multiple dose] containers.

(A) Opened or needle punctured single-dose containers, such as bags bottles, syringes, and vials of sterile products shall be used within one hour if opened in worse than ISO Class 5 air quality. Any remaining contents shall [must] be discarded.

(B) If a single-dose vial is entered or punctured only in ISO Class 5 or cleaner air, it may be used up to 12 hours after initial entry or puncture as long as the labeled storage requirements during that 12 hour period are maintained [Single-dose containers, including single-dose large volume parenteral solutions and single-dose vials, exposed to ISO Class 5 or cleaner air may be used up to six hours after initial needle puncture].

(C) Open single-dose ampules shall not be stored for any time period [Opened single-dose fusion sealed containers shall not be stored for any time period].

(D) Once initially entering or puncturing a multiple-dose container, the multiple-dose container shall not be used for more than 28 days unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer on the labeling [Multiple-dose containers may be used up to 28 days after initial needle puncture unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer].

(E) Conventionally manufactured pharmacy bulk packages shall be restricted to the sterile preparation of admixtures for infusion or, through a sterile transfer device, for the filling of empty sterile containers. The pharmacy bulk package shall be used according to the manufacturer's labeling and entered or punctured only in an ISO Class 5 primary engineering control.

(F) Multiple-dose compounded sterile preparations shall meet the criteria for antimicrobial effectiveness testing and the requirements of subparagraph (G) of this paragraph. Multiple-dose compounded sterile preparations shall be stored under conditions upon which the beyond-use date is based (e.g., refrigerator or controlled room temperature). After a multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation is initially entered or punctured, the multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation shall not be used for longer than the assigned beyond-use date or 28 days, whichever is shorter.

(G) A multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation shall be prepared as a Category 2 or Category 3 compounded sterile preparation. In the absence of supporting documentation or data, an aqueous multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation shall additionally pass antimicrobial effectiveness testing. The compounding personnel may rely on antimicrobial effectiveness testing conducted or contracted for once for each formulation in the particular container closure system in which it will be packaged. In the absence of container closure data, the container closure system used to package the multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation shall be evaluated for and conform to container closure integrity. The container closure integrity test shall be conducted only once on each formulation and on fill volume in the particular container closure system in which the multiple-dose compounded sterile preparation shall be packaged.

(H) Multiple-dose, nonpreserved, aqueous topical, and topical ophthalmic compounded sterile preparations. Antimicrobial effectiveness testing under subparagraph (G) of this paragraph is not required if the preparation is prepared as a Category 2 or Category 3 compounded sterile preparation, for use by a single patient, and labeled to indicate that once opened, it shall be discarded after 24 hours when stored at controlled room temperature, 72 hours when stored under refrigeration, or 90 days when frozen if based on documented published stability and effectiveness data.

(I) When a single-dose compounded sterile preparation or compounded sterile preparation stock solution is used as a component to compound additional compounded sterile preparations, the original single-dose compounded sterile preparation or compounded sterile preparation stock solution shall be entered or punctured in ISO Class 5 or cleaner air and stored under the conditions upon which its beyond-use date is based (e.g., refrigerator or controlled room temperature). The component compounded sterile preparation may be used for sterile compounding for up to 12 hours or its assigned beyond-use date, whichever is shorter, and any remainder shall be discarded.

(6) Proprietary bag and vial systems. Docking and activation of proprietary bag and vial systems in accordance with the manufacturer's labeling for immediate administration to an individual patient is not considered compounding and may be performed outside of an ISO Class 5 environment. Docking of the proprietary bag and vial system for future activation and administration is considered compounding and shall be performed in an ISO Class 5 environment. Beyond-use dates for proprietary bag and vial systems shall not be longer than those specified in the manufacturer's labeling.

(7) [(5)] Library. In addition to the library requirements of the pharmacy's specific license classification, a pharmacy shall maintain current or updated copies in hard-copy or electronic format of each of the following:

(A) a reference text on injectable drug preparations, such as Handbook on Injectable Drug Products;

(B) a specialty reference text appropriate for the scope of pharmacy services provided by the pharmacy, e.g., if the pharmacy prepares hazardous drugs, a reference text on the preparation of hazardous drugs;

(C) the United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary containing USP Chapter 71, Sterility Tests, USP Chapter 85, Bacterial Endotoxins Test, Pharmaceutical Compounding--Nonsterile Preparations, USP Chapter 795, USP Chapter 797, Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, and USP Chapter 1163, Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding; and

(D) any additional USP/NF chapters applicable to the practice of the pharmacy (e.g., USP Chapter 800, Hazardous Drugs--Handling in Healthcare Settings, USP Chapter 823, Positron Emission Tomography Drugs for Compounding, Investigational, and Research Uses).

(8) [(6)] Environment. Compounding facilities shall be physically designed and environmentally controlled to minimize airborne contamination from contacting critical sites.

(A) Air exchange requirements. For cleanroom suites, adequate HEPA-filtered airflow to the buffer room(s) and anteroom(s) is required to maintain appropriate ISO classification during compounding activities. Airflow is measured in terms of the number of air changes per hour (ACPH).

(i) Unclassified sterile compounding area. No requirement for ACPH.

(ii) ISO Class 7 room(s). A minimum of 30 total HEPA-filtered ACPH shall be supplied to ISO Class 7 rooms. At least 15 ACPH of the total air change rate in a room shall come from the HVAC through HEPA filters located in the ceiling.

(iii) ISO Class 8 room(s). A minimum of 20 total HEPA-filtered ACPH shall be supplied to ISO Class 8 rooms. At least 15 ACPH of the total air change rate in a room shall come from the HVAC through HEPA filters located in the ceiling.

(B) Cleanroom suite. Seals and sweeps should not be installed at doors between buffer rooms and anterooms. Access doors should be hands-free. Tacky mats shall not be placed within ISO-classified areas.

(C) [(A)] Category 1 and Category 2 preparations [Low and Medium Risk Preparations]. A pharmacy that prepares Category 1 compounded sterile preparations outside of a segregated compounding area or Category 2 compounded sterile [low- and medium-risk] preparations shall have a clean room for the compounding of sterile preparations that is constructed to minimize the opportunities for particulate and microbial contamination. The clean room shall:

(i) be clean, well lit, and of sufficient size to support sterile compounding activities;

(ii) be maintained at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius or cooler and at a humidity of 60% or below [ 60%];

(iii) be used only for the compounding of sterile preparations;

(iv) be designed such that hand sanitizing and gowning occurs outside the buffer room [area] but allows hands-free access by compounding personnel to the buffer room [area];

(v) have non-porous and washable floors or floor covering to enable regular disinfection;

(vi) be ventilated in a manner to avoid disruption from the HVAC system and room cross-drafts;

(vii) have walls, ceilings, floors, fixtures, shelving, counters, and cabinets that are smooth, impervious, free from cracks and crevices (e.g., coved), non-shedding and resistant to damage by disinfectant agents;

(viii) have junctures of ceilings to walls coved or caulked to avoid cracks and crevices;

(ix) have drugs and supplies stored on shelving areas above the floor to permit adequate floor cleaning;

(x) contain only the appropriate compounding supplies and not be used for bulk storage for supplies and materials. Objects that shed particles shall not be brought into the clean room. A Class B pharmacy may use low-linting absorbent materials in the primary engineering control device;

(xi) contain an anteroom [ante-area] that contains a sink with hot and cold running water that enables hands-free use with a closed system of soap dispensing to minimize the risk of extrinsic contamination. A Class B pharmacy may have a sink with hot and cold running water that enables hands-free use with a closed system of soap dispensing immediately outside the anteroom [ante-area] if antiseptic hand cleansing is performed using a waterless alcohol-based surgical hand scrub with persistent activity following manufacturers' recommendations once inside the anteroom [ante-area]; and

(xii) contain a buffer room [area]. The following is applicable for the buffer room [area]:

(I) There shall be some demarcation designation that delineates the anteroom [ante-area] from the buffer room [area]. The demarcation shall be such that it does not create conditions that could adversely affect the cleanliness of the room [area];

(II) The buffer room [area] shall be segregated from surrounding, unclassified spaces to reduce the risk of contaminants being blown, dragged, or otherwise introduced into the filtered unidirectional airflow environment, and this segregation should be continuously monitored;

(III) A buffer room [area] that is not physically separated from the anteroom [ante-area] shall employ the principle of displacement airflow as defined in Chapter 797, Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, of the USP/NF, with limited access to personnel; and

(IV) The buffer room [area] shall not contain sources of water (i.e., sinks) or floor drains other than distilled or sterile water introduced for facilitating the use of heat block wells for radiopharmaceuticals.

(D) [(B)] Category 3 preparations [High-risk Preparations].

(i) In addition to the requirements in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, when Category 3 compounded sterile [high-risk] preparations are compounded, the primary engineering control shall be located in a buffer room [area] that provides a physical separation, through the use of walls, doors and pass-throughs and has a minimum differential positive pressure of 0.02 to 0.05 inches water column.

(ii) Presterilization procedures for Category 3 [high-risk level] compounded sterile preparations, such as weighing and mixing, shall be completed in no worse than an ISO Class 8 environment.

(E) [(C)] Automated compounding device.

(i) General. If automated compounding devices are used, the pharmacy shall have a method to calibrate and verify the accuracy of automated compounding devices used in aseptic processing and document the calibration and verification on a daily basis, based on the manufacturer's recommendations, and review the results at least weekly.

(ii) Loading bulk drugs into automated compounding devices.

(I) Automated compounding devices may be loaded with bulk drugs only by a pharmacist or by pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees under the direction and direct supervision of a pharmacist.

(II) The label of an automated compounding device container shall indicate the brand name and strength of the drug; or if no brand name, then the generic name, strength, and name of the manufacturer or distributor.

(III) Records of loading bulk drugs into an automated compounding device shall be maintained to show:

(-a-) name of the drug, strength, and dosage form;

(-b-) manufacturer or distributor;

(-c-) manufacturer's lot number;

(-d-) manufacturer's expiration date;

(-e-) quantity added to the automated compounding device;

(-f-) date of loading;

(-g-) name, initials, or electronic signature of the person loading the automated compounding device; and

(-h-) name, initials, or electronic signature of the responsible pharmacist.

(IV) The automated compounding device shall not be used until a pharmacist verifies that the system is properly loaded and affixes his or her signature or electronic signature to the record specified in subclause (III) of this clause.

(F) [(D)] Hazardous drugs. If the preparation is hazardous, the following is also applicable:

(i) Hazardous drugs shall be prepared only under conditions that protect personnel during preparation and storage;

(ii) Hazardous drugs shall be stored separately from other inventory in a manner to prevent contamination and personnel exposure;

(iii) All personnel involved in the compounding of hazardous drugs shall wear appropriate protective apparel, such as gowns, face masks, eye protection, hair covers, shoe covers or dedicated shoes, and appropriate gloving at all times when handling hazardous drugs, including receiving, distribution, stocking, inventorying, preparation, for administration and disposal;

(iv) Appropriate safety and containment techniques for compounding hazardous drugs shall be used in conjunction with aseptic techniques required for preparing sterile preparations;

(v) Disposal of hazardous waste shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal requirements;

(vi) Prepared doses of hazardous drugs shall [must] be dispensed, labeled with proper precautions inside and outside, and distributed in a manner to minimize patient contact with hazardous agents.

(G) [(E)] Blood-labeling procedures. When compounding activities require the manipulation of a patient's blood-derived material (e.g., radiolabeling a patient's or donor's white blood cells), the manipulations shall be performed in an [a] ISO Class 5 biological safety cabinet located in a buffer room [area] and shall be clearly separated from routine material-handling procedures and equipment used in preparation activities to avoid any cross-contamination. The preparations shall not require sterilization.

(H) [(F)] Cleaning and disinfecting the sterile compounding areas. The following cleaning and disinfecting practices and frequencies apply to direct and contiguous compounding areas, which include ISO Class 5 compounding areas for exposure of critical sites as well as buffer rooms [areas], anterooms [ante-areas], and segregated compounding areas.

(i) The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for developing written standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cleaning and disinfecting the direct and contiguous compounding areas and assuring the procedures are followed.

(ii) In a PEC, sterile 70% IPA shall be applied after cleaning and disinfecting, or after the application of a one-step disinfectant cleaner or sporicidal disinfectant, to remove any residue. Sterile 70% IPA shall also be applied immediately before initiating compounding. During the compounding process sterile 70% IPA shall be applied to the horizontal work surface, including any removable work trays, of the PEC at least every 30 minutes if the compounding process takes 30 minutes or less. If the compounding process takes more than 30 minutes, compounding shall not be disrupted and the work surface of the PEC shall be disinfected immediately after compounding [These procedures shall be conducted at the beginning of each work shift, before each batch preparation is started, when there are spills, and when surface contamination is known or suspected resulting from procedural breaches, and every 30 minutes during continuous compounding of individual compounded sterile preparations, unless a particular compounding procedure requires more than 30 minutes to complete, in which case, the direct compounding area is to be cleaned immediately after the compounding activity is completed].

(iii) Surfaces shall be cleaned prior to being disinfected unless a one-step disinfectant cleaner is used to accomplish both the cleaning and disinfection in one step. The manufacturer's directions or published data for the minimum contact time shall be followed for each of the cleaning, disinfecting, and sporicidal disinfectants used. When sterile 70% IPA is used, it shall be allowed to dry. [Before compounding is performed, all items shall be removed from the direct and contiguous compounding areas and all surfaces are cleaned by removing loose material and residue from spills, followed by an application of a residue-free disinfecting agent (e.g., IPA), which is allowed to dry before compounding begins]. In a Class B pharmacy, objects used in preparing sterile radiopharmaceuticals (e.g., dose calibrator) which cannot be reasonably removed from the compounding area shall be sterilized with an application of a residue-free disinfection agent.

(iv) Surfaces in classified areas used to prepare Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 compounded sterile preparations shall be cleaned, disinfected, and sporicidal disinfectants applied in accordance with the following:

(I) PEC(s) and equipment inside PEC(s).

(-a-) Equipment and all interior surfaces of the PEC shall be cleaned daily on days when compounding occurs and when surface contamination is known or suspected. Equipment and all interior surfaces of the PEC shall be disinfected on days when compounding occurs and when surface contamination is known or suspected. Sporicidal disinfectants shall be applied monthly for pharmacies compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations and weekly for pharmacies compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(-b-) Cleaning and disinfecting agents, with the exception of sporicidal disinfectants, used within the PEC shall be sterile. When diluting concentrated cleaning and disinfecting agents for use in the PEC, sterile water shall be used.

(II) Removable work tray of the PEC, when applicable. Work surfaces of the tray shall be cleaned daily on days when compounding occurs and all surfaces and the area underneath the work tray shall be cleaned monthly. Work surfaces of the tray shall be disinfected on days when compounding occurs and all surfaces and the area underneath the work tray shall be disinfected monthly. Sporicidal disinfectants shall be applied monthly on work surfaces of the tray, all surfaces, and the area underneath the work tray monthly.

(III) Pass-through chambers. Pass-through chambers shall be cleaned daily on days when compounding occurs and disinfected daily on days when compounding occurs. Sporicidal disinfectants shall be applied monthly for pharmacies compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations and weekly for pharmacies compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(IV) Work surface(s) outside the PEC. Work surfaces outside the PEC shall be cleaned daily on days when compounding occurs and disinfected daily on days when compounding occurs. Sporicidal disinfectants shall be applied monthly for pharmacies compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations and weekly for pharmacies compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(V) Floor(s). Floors shall be cleaned daily on days when compounding occurs and disinfected daily on days when compounding occurs. Sporicidal disinfectants shall be applied monthly for pharmacies compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations and weekly for pharmacies compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(VI) Wall(s), door(s), door frame(s), storage shelving and bin(s), and equipment outside of the PEC(s). Walls, doors, door frames, storage shelving and bins, and equipment outside of the PECs shall be cleaned, disinfected, and sporicidal disinfectants applied on a monthly basis.

(VII) Ceiling(s). Ceilings of the classified areas shall be cleaned, disinfected, and sporicidal disinfectant applied on a monthly basis. Ceilings of the segregated compounding area shall be cleaned, disinfected, and sporicidal disinfectants applied when visibly soiled and when surface contamination is known or suspected.

[(iv) Work surfaces in the buffer areas and ante-areas, as well as segregated compounding areas, shall be cleaned and disinfected at least daily. Dust and debris shall be removed when necessary from storage sites for compounding ingredients and supplies using a method that does not degrade the ISO Class 7 or 8 air quality.]

[(v) Floors in the buffer area, ante-area, and segregated compounding area shall be cleaned by mopping with a cleaning and disinfecting agent at least once daily when no aseptic operations are in progress. Mopping shall be performed by trained personnel using approved agents and procedures described in the written SOPs. It is incumbent on compounding personnel to ensure that such cleaning is performed properly.]

[(vi) In the buffer area, ante-area, and segregated compounding area, walls, ceilings, and shelving shall be cleaned and disinfected monthly. Cleaning and disinfecting agents shall be used with careful consideration of compatibilities, effectiveness, and inappropriate or toxic residues.]

(v) [(vii)] All cleaning materials, such as wipers, sponges, and mops, shall be non-shedding, and dedicated to use in the buffer room [area], anteroom [ante-area], and segregated compounding areas and shall not be removed from these areas except for disposal. Floor mops may be used in both the buffer room [area] and anteroom [ante-area], but only in that order. If cleaning materials are reused, procedures shall be developed that ensure that the effectiveness of the cleaning device is maintained and that repeated use does not add to the bio-burden of the area being cleaned.

(vi) [(viii)] Supplies and equipment removed from shipping cartons shall [must] be wiped with a disinfecting agent, such as sterile IPA. After the disinfectant is sprayed or wiped on a surface to be disinfected, the disinfectant shall be allowed to dry, during which time the item shall not be used for compounding purposes. However, if sterile supplies are received in sealed pouches, the pouches may be removed as the supplies are introduced into the ISO Class 5 area without the need to disinfect the individual sterile supply items. No shipping or other external cartons may be taken into the buffer room [area] or segregated compounding area.

(vii) Before any item is introduced into the clean side of the anteroom(s), placed into pass-through chamber(s), or brought into the segregated compounding area, providing that packaging integrity will not be compromised, the item shall be wiped with a sporicidal disinfectant, EPA-registered disinfectant, or sterile 70% IPA using low-lint wipers by personnel wearing gloves. If an EPA-registered disinfectant or sporicidal disinfectant is used, the agent shall be allowed to dwell the minimum contact time specified by the manufacturer. If sterile 70% IPA is used, it shall be allowed to dry. The wiping procedure should not compromise the packaging integrity or render the product label unreadable.

(viii) Immediately before any item is introduced into the PEC, it shall be wiped with sterile 70% IPA using sterile low-lint wipers and allowed to dry before use. When sterile items are received in sealed containers designed to keep them sterile until opening, the sterile items may be removed from the covering as the supplies are introduced into the ISO Class 5 PEC without the need to wipe the individual sterile supply items with sterile 70% IPA. The wiping procedure shall not render the product label unreadable.

(ix) Critical sites (e.g., vial stoppers, ampule necks, and intravenous bag septums) shall be wiped with sterile 70% IPA in the PEC to provide both chemical and mechanical actions to remove contaminants. The sterile 70% IPA shall be allowed to dry before personnel enter or puncture stoppers and septums or break the necks of ampules.

[(ix) Storage shelving emptied of all supplies, walls, and ceilings shall be cleaned and disinfected at planned intervals, monthly, if not more frequently.]

(x) Cleaning shall [must] be done by personnel trained in appropriate cleaning techniques.

(xi) Proper documentation and frequency of cleaning shall [must] be maintained and shall contain the following:

(I) date [and time] of cleaning;

(II) type of cleaning performed; and

(III) name of individual who performed the cleaning.

(I) [(G)] Security requirements. The pharmacist-in-charge may authorize personnel to gain access to that area of the pharmacy containing dispensed sterile preparations, in the absence of the pharmacist, for the purpose of retrieving dispensed prescriptions to deliver to patients. If the pharmacy allows such after-hours access, the area containing the dispensed sterile preparations shall be an enclosed and lockable area separate from the area containing undispensed prescription drugs. A list of the authorized personnel having such access shall be in the pharmacy's policy and procedure manual.

(J) [(H)] Storage requirements and beyond-use dating.

(i) Storage requirements. All drugs shall be stored at the proper temperature and conditions, as defined in the USP/NF and in §291.15 of this title (relating to Storage of Drugs).

(ii) Beyond-use dating. When assigning a beyond-use date, compounding personnel shall consult and apply drug-specific and general stability documentation and literature where available, and they should consider the nature of the drug and its degradation mechanism, the container in which it is packaged, the expected storage conditions, and the intended duration of therapy. A shorter beyond-use date shall be assigned when the physical and chemical stability of the preparation is less than the beyond-use date limits provided in subclauses (I) - (III) of this clause.

(I) Beyond-use date limits for Category 1 compounded sterile preparations. Category 1 compounded sterile preparations shall be prepared in a segregated compounding area or cleanroom suite and have a beyond-use date of not more than 12 hours when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius) or 24 hours when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius).

[(I) Beyond-use dates for compounded sterile preparations shall be assigned based on professional experience, which shall include careful interpretation of appropriate information sources for the same or similar formulations.]

(II) Beyond-use date limits for Category 2 compounded sterile preparations. Category 2 compounded sterile preparations shall be prepared in a cleanroom suite.

(-a-) Aseptically processed compounded sterile preparations without sterility testing performed and passed.

(-1-) If prepared from one or more non-sterile starting component(s), the preparation shall have a beyond-use date of not more than one day when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), four days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 45 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

(-2-) If prepared from only sterile starting component(s), the preparation shall have a beyond-use date of not more than four days when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), 10 days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 45 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

(-b-) Terminally sterilized compounded sterile preparations without sterility testing performed and passed shall have a beyond-use date of not more than 14 days when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), 28 days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 45 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

(-c-) If sterility testing is performed and passed, aseptically processed or terminally sterilized compounded sterile preparations shall have a beyond-use date of not more than 45 days when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), 60 days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 90 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

[(II) Beyond-use dates for compounded sterile preparations that are prepared strictly in accordance with manufacturers' product labeling must be those specified in that labeling, or from appropriate literature sources or direct testing.]

(III) Beyond-use date limits for Category 3 compounded sterile preparations. Category 3 compounded sterile preparations shall be prepared in a cleanroom suite.

(-a-) Aseptically processed compounded sterile preparations that are sterility tested and passed all applicable tests for Category 3 compounded sterile preparations shall have a beyond-use date of not more than 60 days when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), 90 days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 120 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

(-b-) Terminally sterilized compounded sterile preparations that are sterility tested and passed all applicable tests for Category 3 compounded sterile preparations shall have a beyond-use date of not more than 90 days when stored at controlled room temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), 120 days when stored in a refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees Celsius), or 180 days when stored in a freezer (-25 to -10 degrees Celsius).

(-c-) A Category 3 compounded sterile preparation in a nonaqueous dosage form (i.e., water activity level less than 0.6) may have a beyond-use date of not more than 180 days if based on documented current literature supporting stability and sterility.

(-d-) Additional requirements to assign Category 3 beyond-use dates to compounded sterile preparations.

(-1-) Category 3 personnel competency requirements as specified in subsection (c)(4)(L) of this section apply to personnel who participate in or oversee the compounding of Category 3 compounded sterile preparations.

(-2-) Category 3 garbing requirements as specified in paragraph (15)(C)(iv)(II) of this subsection apply to all personnel entering the buffer room where Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are compounded and apply at all times regardless of whether Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are being compounded on a given day.

(-3-) Increased environmental monitoring requirements as specified in subsection (c)(4)(M) of this section and paragraph (16)(C)(vi) of this subsection apply to all classified areas where Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are compounded and apply at all times regardless of whether Category 3 compound sterile preparations are being compounded on a given day.

(-4-) The frequency of application of sporicidal disinfectants as specified in paragraph (8)(H)(iv) of this subsection applies to all classified areas where Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are compounded and applies at all times regardless of whether Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are being compounded on a given day.

[(III) When assigning a beyond-use date, compounding personnel shall consult and apply drug-specific and general stability documentation and literature where available, and they should consider the nature of the drug and its degradation mechanism, the container in which it is packaged, the expected storage conditions, and the intended duration of therapy.]

[(IV) The sterility and storage and stability beyond-use date for attached and activated container pairs of drug products for intravascular administration shall be applied as indicated by the manufacturer.]

(9) [(7)] Primary engineering control device. The pharmacy shall prepare sterile preparations in a primary engineering control device (PEC), such as a laminar air flow hood, biological safety cabinet, compounding aseptic isolator (CAI), or compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) which is capable of maintaining at least ISO Class 5 conditions for 0.5 micrometer particles while compounding sterile preparations.

(A) Laminar air flow hood. If the pharmacy is using a laminar air flow hood as its PEC, the laminar air flow hood shall:

(i) be located in the buffer room [area] and placed in the buffer room [area] in a manner as to avoid conditions that could adversely affect its operation such as strong air currents from opened doors, personnel traffic, or air streams from the heating, ventilating and air condition system;

(ii) be certified for operational efficiency using certification procedures, such as those outlined in the Certification Guide for Sterile Compounding Facilities (CAG-003-2022) [(CAG-003-2006)], which shall be performed by a qualified independent individual initially and no less than every six months and whenever the device or room is relocated or altered or major service to the pharmacy [facility] is performed;

(iii) have pre-filters inspected periodically and replaced as needed, in accordance with written policies and procedures and the manufacturer's specification, and the inspection and/or replacement date documented; and

(iv) be located in a buffer room [area] that has a minimum differential positive pressure of 0.02 to 0.05 inches water column. A buffer room [area] that is not physically separated from the anteroom [ante-area] shall employ the principle of displacement airflow as defined in Chapter 797, Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, of the USP/NF, with limited access to personnel.

(B) Biological safety cabinet.

(i) If the pharmacy is using a biological safety cabinet (BSC) as its PEC for the preparation of hazardous sterile compounded preparations, the biological safety cabinet shall be a Class II or III vertical flow biological safety cabinet located in an ISO Class 7 area that is physically separated from other preparation areas. The area for preparation of sterile chemotherapeutic preparations shall:

(I) have not less than 0.01 inches water column negative pressure to the adjacent positive pressure ISO Class 7 or better anteroom [ante-area]; and

(II) have a pressure indicator that can be readily monitored for correct room pressurization.

(ii) Pharmacies that prepare a low volume of hazardous drugs, are not required to comply with the provisions of clause (i) of this subparagraph if the pharmacy uses a device that provides two tiers of containment (e.g., closed-system vial transfer device within a BSC).

(iii) If the pharmacy is using a biological safety cabinet as its PEC for the preparation of non-hazardous sterile compounded preparations, the biological safety cabinet shall:

(I) be located in the buffer room [area] and placed in the buffer room [area] in a manner as to avoid conditions that could adversely affect its operation such as strong air currents from opened doors, personnel traffic, or air streams from the heating, ventilating and air condition system;

(II) be certified for operational efficiency using certification procedures, such as those outlined in the Certification Guide for Sterile Compounding Facilities (CAG-003-2022) [(CAG-003-2006)], which shall be performed by a qualified independent individual initially and no less than every six months and whenever the device or room is relocated or altered or major service to the pharmacy [facility] is performed;

(III) have pre-filters inspected periodically and replaced as needed, in accordance with written policies and procedures and the manufacturer's specification, and the inspection and/or replacement date documented; and

(IV) be located in a buffer room [area] that has a minimum differential positive pressure of 0.02 to 0.05 inches water column.

(C) Compounding aseptic isolator.

(i) If the pharmacy is using a compounding aseptic isolator (CAI) as its PEC, the CAI shall provide unidirectional airflow within the main processing and antechambers, and be placed in an ISO Class 7 buffer room [area] unless the isolator meets all of the following conditions:

(I) The isolator shall [must] provide isolation from the room and maintain ISO Class 5 during dynamic operating conditions including transferring ingredients, components, and devices into and out of the isolator and during preparation of compounded sterile preparations;

(II) Particle counts sampled approximately 6 to 12 inches upstream of the critical exposure site shall [must ] maintain ISO Class 5 levels during compounding operations;

(III) The CAI shall [must] be certified for operational efficiency using certification procedures, such as those outlined in the Certification Guide for Sterile Compounding Facilities (CAG-003-2022) [(CAG-003-2006)], which shall be performed by a qualified independent individual initially and no less than every six months and whenever the device or room is relocated or altered or major service to the pharmacy [facility] is performed; and

(IV) The pharmacy shall maintain documentation from the manufacturer that the isolator meets this standard when located in worse than ISO Class 7 environments.

(ii) If the isolator meets the requirements in clause (i) of this subparagraph, the CAI may be placed in a non-ISO classified area of the pharmacy; however, the area shall be segregated from other areas of the pharmacy and shall:

(I) be clean, well lit, and of sufficient size;

(II) be used only for the compounding of Category 1 or Category 2 [low- and medium-risk,] non-hazardous sterile preparations;

(III) be located in an area of the pharmacy with non-porous and washable floors or floor covering to enable regular disinfection; and

(IV) be an area in which the CAI is placed in a manner as to avoid conditions that could adversely affect its operation.

(iii) In addition to the requirements specified in clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph, if the CAI is used in the compounding of Category 3 [high-risk] non-hazardous preparations, the CAI shall be placed in an area or room with at least ISO Class 7 [8] quality air so that high-risk powders weighed in at least ISO Class 7 [ISO-8] air quality conditions, compounding utensils for measuring and other compounding equipment are not exposed to lesser air quality prior to the completion of compounding and packaging of the Category 3 [high-risk] preparation.

(D) Compounding aseptic containment isolator.

(i) If the pharmacy is using a compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) as its PEC for the preparation of Category 1 or Category 2 [low- and medium-risk] hazardous drugs, the CACI shall be located in a separate room away from other areas of the pharmacy and shall:

(I) provide at least 0.01 inches water column negative pressure compared to the other areas of the pharmacy;

(II) provide unidirectional airflow within the main processing and antechambers, and be placed in an ISO Class 7 room [area], unless the CACI meets all of the following conditions;

(-a-) The isolator shall [must] provide isolation from the room and maintain ISO Class 5 during dynamic operating conditions including transferring ingredients, components, and devices into and out of the isolator and during preparation of compounded sterile preparations;

(-b-) Particle counts sampled approximately 6 to 12 inches upstream of the critical exposure site shall [must ] maintain ISO Class 5 levels during compounding operations;

(-c-) The CACI shall [must] be certified for operational efficiency using certification procedures, such as those outlined in the Certification Guide for Sterile Compounding Facilities (CAG-003-2022) [(CAG-003-2006)], which shall be performed by a qualified independent individual initially and no less than every six months and whenever the device or room is relocated or altered or major service to the pharmacy [facility] is performed; and

(-d-) The pharmacy shall maintain documentation from the manufacturer that the isolator meets this standard when located in worse than ISO Class 7 environments.

(ii) If the CACI meets all conditions specified in clause (i) of this subparagraph, the CACI shall not be located in the same room as a CAI, but shall be located in a separate room in the pharmacy, that is not required to maintain ISO classified air. The room in which the CACI is located shall provide a minimum of 0.01 inches water column negative pressure compared with the other areas of the pharmacy and shall meet the following requirements:

(I) be clean, well lit, and of sufficient size;

(II) be maintained at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius or cooler and a humidity of 60% or below [ 60%];

(III) be used only for the compounding of Category 1 or Category 2 hazardous sterile preparations;

(IV) be located in an area of the pharmacy with walls, ceilings, floors, fixtures, shelving, counters, and cabinets that are smooth, impervious, free from cracks and crevices, non-shedding and resistant to damage by disinfectant agents; and

(V) have non-porous and washable floors or floor covering to enable regular disinfection.

(iii) If the CACI is used in the compounding of Category 3 [high-risk] hazardous preparations, the CACI shall be placed in an area or room with at least ISO Class 7 [8 ] quality air so that high-risk powders, weighed in at least ISO Class 7 [ISO-8] air quality conditions, are not exposed to lesser air quality prior to the completion of compounding and packaging of the Category 3 [high-risk] preparation.

(iv) Pharmacies that prepare a low volume of hazardous drugs, are not required to comply with the provisions of clauses (i) and (iii) of this subparagraph if the pharmacy uses a device that provides two tiers of containment (e.g., CACI that is located in a non-negative pressure room).

(10) [(8)] Additional Equipment and Supplies. Pharmacies compounding sterile preparations shall have the following equipment and supplies:

(A) a calibrated system or device (i.e., thermometer) to monitor the temperature to ensure that proper storage requirements are met, if sterile preparations are stored in the refrigerator;

(B) a calibrated system or device to monitor the temperature where bulk chemicals are stored;

(C) a temperature-sensing mechanism suitably placed in the controlled temperature storage space to reflect accurately the true temperature;

(D) if applicable, a Class A prescription balance, or analytical balance and weights. Such balance shall be properly maintained and subject to periodic inspection by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy;

(E) equipment and utensils necessary for the proper compounding of sterile preparations. Such equipment and utensils used in the compounding process shall be:

(i) of appropriate design, appropriate capacity, and be operated within designed operational limits;

(ii) of suitable composition so that surfaces that contact components, in-process material, or drug products shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug preparation beyond the desired result;

(iii) cleaned and sanitized immediately prior to and after each use; and

(iv) routinely inspected, calibrated (if necessary), or checked to ensure proper performance;

(F) appropriate disposal containers for used needles, syringes, etc., and if applicable, hazardous waste from the preparation of hazardous drugs and/or biohazardous waste;

(G) appropriate packaging or delivery containers to maintain proper storage conditions for sterile preparations;

(H) infusion devices, if applicable; and

(I) all necessary supplies, including:

(i) disposable needles, syringes, and other supplies for aseptic mixing;

(ii) disinfectant cleaning solutions;

(iii) sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol;

(iv) sterile gloves, both for hazardous and non-hazardous drug compounding;

(v) sterile alcohol-based or water-less alcohol based surgical scrub;

(vi) hand washing agents with bactericidal action;

(vii) disposable, lint free towels or wipes;

(viii) appropriate filters and filtration equipment;

(ix) hazardous spill kits, if applicable; and

(x) masks, caps, coveralls or gowns with tight cuffs, shoe covers, and gloves, as applicable.

(11) [(9)] Labeling.

(A) Prescription drug or medication orders. In addition to the labeling requirements for the pharmacy's specific license classification, the label dispensed or distributed pursuant to a prescription drug or medication order shall contain the following:

(i) the generic name(s) or the official name(s) of the principal active ingredient(s) of the compounded sterile preparation;

(ii) for outpatient prescription orders other than sterile radiopharmaceuticals, a statement that the compounded sterile preparation has been compounded by the pharmacy. (An auxiliary label may be used on the container to meet this requirement); and

(iii) a beyond-use date. The beyond-use date shall be determined as outlined in Chapter 797, Pharmacy Compounding--Sterile Preparations of the USP/NF, and paragraph (8)(J) [(7)(G)] of this subsection;

(B) Batch. If the sterile preparation is compounded in a batch, the following shall also be included on the batch label:

(i) unique lot number assigned to the batch;

(ii) quantity;

(iii) appropriate ancillary instructions, such as storage instructions or cautionary statements, including hazardous drug warning labels where appropriate; and

(iv) device-specific instructions, where appropriate.

(C) Pharmacy bulk package. The label of a pharmacy bulk package shall:

(i) state prominently "Pharmacy Bulk Package--Not for Direct Infusion;"

(ii) contain or refer to information on proper techniques to help ensure safe use of the preparation; and

(iii) bear a statement limiting the time frame in which the container may be used once it has been entered, provided it is held under the labeled storage conditions.

(12) [(10)] Written drug information for prescription drug orders only. Written information about the compounded preparation or its major active ingredient(s) shall be given to the patient at the time of dispensing a prescription drug order. A statement which indicates that the preparation was compounded by the pharmacy shall [must] be included in this written information. If there is no written information available, the patient shall be advised that the drug has been compounded and how to contact a pharmacist, and if appropriate, the prescriber, concerning the drug. This paragraph does not apply to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

(13) [(11)] Pharmaceutical care services [Care Services]. In addition to the pharmaceutical care requirements for the pharmacy's specific license classification, the following requirements for sterile preparations compounded pursuant to prescription drug orders shall [must] be met. This paragraph does not apply to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

(A) Primary provider. There shall be a designated physician primarily responsible for the patient's medical care. There shall be a clear understanding between the physician, the patient, and the pharmacy of the responsibilities of each in the areas of the delivery of care, and the monitoring of the patient. This shall be documented in the patient medication record (PMR).

(B) Patient training. The pharmacist-in-charge shall develop policies to ensure that the patient and/or patient's caregiver receives information regarding drugs and their safe and appropriate use, including instruction when applicable, regarding:

(i) appropriate disposition of hazardous solutions and ancillary supplies;

(ii) proper disposition of controlled substances in the home;

(iii) self-administration of drugs, where appropriate;

(iv) emergency procedures, including how to contact an appropriate individual in the event of problems or emergencies related to drug therapy; and

(v) if the patient or patient's caregiver prepares sterile preparations in the home, the following additional information shall be provided:

(I) safeguards against microbial contamination, including aseptic techniques for compounding intravenous admixtures and aseptic techniques for injecting additives to premixed intravenous solutions;

(II) appropriate storage methods, including storage durations for sterile pharmaceuticals and expirations of self-mixed solutions;

(III) handling and disposition of premixed and self-mixed intravenous admixtures; and

(IV) proper disposition of intravenous admixture compounding supplies such as syringes, vials, ampules, and intravenous solution containers.

(C) Pharmacist-patient relationship. It is imperative that a pharmacist-patient relationship be established and maintained throughout the patient's course of therapy. This shall be documented in the patient's medication record (PMR).

(D) Patient monitoring. The pharmacist-in-charge shall develop policies to ensure that:

(i) the patient's response to drug therapy is monitored and conveyed to the appropriate health care provider;

(ii) the first dose of any new drug therapy is administered in the presence of an individual qualified to monitor for and respond to adverse drug reactions; and

(iii) reports of adverse events with a compounded sterile preparation are reviewed promptly and thoroughly to correct and prevent future occurrences.

(14) [(12)] Drugs, components, and materials used in sterile compounding.

(A) Drugs used in sterile compounding shall be [ a] USP/NF grade substances manufactured in an FDA-registered facility.

(B) If USP/NF grade substances are not available, substances used in sterile compounding shall be of a chemical grade in one of the following categories:

(i) Chemically Pure (CP);

(ii) Analytical Reagent (AR);

(iii) American Chemical Society (ACS); or

(iv) Food Chemical Codex.

(C) If a drug, component or material is not purchased from a FDA-registered facility, the pharmacist shall establish purity and stability by obtaining a Certificate of Analysis from the supplier and the pharmacist shall compare the monograph of drugs in a similar class to the Certificate of Analysis.

(D) All components shall:

(i) be manufactured in an FDA-registered facility; or

(ii) in the professional judgment of the pharmacist, be of high quality and obtained from acceptable and reliable alternative sources; and

(iii) be stored in properly labeled containers in a clean, dry place [area], under proper temperatures.

(E) Drug preparation containers and closures shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the compounded drug preparation beyond the desired result.

(F) Components, drug preparation containers, and closures shall be rotated so that the oldest stock is used first.

(G) Container closure systems shall provide adequate protection against foreseeable external factors in storage and use that can cause deterioration or contamination of the compounded drug preparation.

(H) A pharmacy may not compound a preparation that contains ingredients appearing on a federal Food and Drug Administration list of drug products withdrawn or removed from the market for safety reasons.

(15) [(13)] Compounding process.

(A) Standard operating procedures (SOPs). All significant procedures performed in the compounding area shall be covered by written SOPs designed to ensure accountability, accuracy, quality, safety, and uniformity in the compounding process. At a minimum, SOPs shall be developed and implemented for:

(i) the pharmacy [facility];

(ii) equipment;

(iii) personnel;

(iv) preparation evaluation;

(v) quality assurance;

(vi) preparation recall;

(vii) packaging; and

(viii) storage of compounded sterile preparations.

(B) USP/NF. Any compounded formulation with an official monograph in the USP/NF shall be compounded, labeled, and packaged in conformity with the USP/NF monograph for the drug.

(C) Personnel cleansing and garbing [Cleansing and Garbing].

(i) Any person with an apparent illness or open lesion, including rashes, sunburn, weeping sores, conjunctivitis, and active respiratory infection, that may adversely affect the safety or quality of a drug preparation being compounded shall be excluded from working in ISO Class 5, ISO Class 7, and ISO Class 8 compounding areas until the condition is remedied.

(ii) Before entering the buffer room [area ], compounding personnel shall [must remove the following]:

(I) remove personal outer garments (e.g., bandanas, coats, hats, jackets, scarves, sweaters, vests);

(II) remove all cosmetics;[, because they shed flakes and particles; and]

(III) remove all hand, wrist, and other body jewelry or piercings (e.g., earrings, lip or eyebrow piercings) that can interfere with the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (e.g., fit of gloves and cuffs of sleeves); and[.]

(IV) wipe eyeglasses, if worn.

(iii) The wearing of artificial nails or extenders is prohibited while working in the sterile compounding environment. Natural nails shall be kept neat and trimmed.

(iv) Personnel shall [don personal protective equipment and] perform hand hygiene and garbing in an order determined by the pharmacy depending on the placement of the sink. The order of garbing shall be documented in the pharmacy's SOPs. Garb shall be donned and doffed in an order that reduces the risk of contamination. Donning and doffing garb shall not occur in the same area at the same time. [that proceeds from the dirtiest to the cleanest activities as follows:]

(I) The minimum garbing requirements for preparing Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations include the following:

(-a-) low-lint garment with sleeves that fit snugly around the wrists and an enclosed neck (e.g., gown or coverall);

(-b-) low-lint covers for shoes;

(-c-) low-lint cover for head that covers the hair and ears, and if appliable, cover for facial hair;

(-d-) low-lint face mask;

(-e-) sterile powder-free gloves; and

(-f-) if using a restricted-access barrier system (i.e., a compounding aseptic isolator or compounding aseptic containment isolator), disposable gloves should be worn inside the gloves attached to the restricted-access barrier system sleeves. Sterile gloves shall be worn over the gloves attached to the restricted-access barrier system sleeve.

[(I) Activities considered the dirtiest include donning of dedicated shoes or shoe covers, head and facial hair covers (e.g., beard covers in addition to face masks), and face mask/eye shield. Eye shields are optional unless working with irritants like germicidal disinfecting agents or when preparing hazardous drugs.]

(II) The following additional garbing requirements shall be followed in the buffer room where Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are prepared for all personnel regardless of whether Category 3 compounded sterile preparations are compounded on a given day:

(-a-) skin may not be exposed in the buffer room (i.e., face and neck shall be covered);

(-b-) ll low-lint outer garb shall be sterile, including the use of sterile sleeves over gauntlet sleeves when a restricted-access barrier system is used;

(-c-) disposable garbing items shall not be reused and any laundered garb shall not be reused without being laundered and resterilized with a validated cycle; and

(-d-) the pharmacy's SOPs shall describe disinfection procedures for reusing goggles, respirators, and other reusable equipment. If compounding a hazardous drug, appropriate personal protective equipment shall be worn.

(III) [(II)] After donning dedicated shoes or shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, and face masks, personnel shall perform a hand hygiene procedure by removing debris from underneath fingernails using a nail cleaner under running warm water followed by vigorous hand washing. Personnel shall begin washing arms at the hands and continue washing to elbows for at least 30 seconds with either a plain (non-antimicrobial) soap, or antimicrobial soap, and water while in the anteroom [ante-area]. Disposable soap containers shall not be refilled or topped off. Brushes shall not be used for hand hygiene. Hands and forearms to the elbows shall be completely dried using lint-free disposable towels, an electronic hands-free hand dryer, or a HEPA filtered hand dryer.

(IV) [(III)] After completion of hand washing, personnel shall don clean non-shedding gowns with sleeves that fit snugly around the wrists and enclosed at the neck.

(V) [(IV)] Once inside the buffer room [area] or segregated compounding area, and prior to donning sterile powder-free gloves, antiseptic hand cleansing shall be performed using an alcohol-based hand rub [a waterless alcohol-based surgical hand scrub with persistent activity following manufacturers' recommendations]. Hands shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before donning sterile gloves.

(VI) [(V)] Sterile gloves that form a continuous barrier with the gown shall be the last item donned before compounding begins. Sterile gloves shall be donned in a classified area or segregated compounding area using proper technique to ensure the sterility of the glove is not compromised while donning. The cuff of the sterile glove shall cover the cuff of the gown at the wrist. When preparing hazardous preparations, the compounder shall double glove or shall use single gloves ensuring that the gloves are sterile powder-free chemotherapy-rated gloves. Routine application of sterile 70% IPA shall occur throughout the compounding day and whenever non-sterile surfaces are touched.

(v) Garb shall be replaced immediately if it becomes visibly soiled or if its integrity is compromised. Gowns and other garb shall be stored in a manner that minimizes contamination (e.g., away from sinks to avoid splashing). If compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations, gowns may be reused within the same shift by the same person if the gown is maintained in a classified area or adjacent to, or within, the segregated compounding area in a manner that prevents contamination. When personnel exit the compounding area, garb, except for gowns, may not be reused and shall be discarded or laundered before use. The pharmacy's SOPs shall describe disinfection procedures for reusing goggle, respirators, and other reusable equipment. [When compounding personnel shall temporarily exit the buffer area during a work shift, the exterior gown, if not visibly soiled, may be removed and retained in the ante-area, to be re-donned during that same work shift only. However, shoe covers, hair and facial hair covers, face mask/eye shield, and gloves shall be replaced with new ones before re-entering the buffer area along with performing proper hand hygiene.]

(vi) During [high-risk level] compounding activities that precede terminal sterilization, such as weighing and mixing of non-sterile ingredients, compounding personnel shall be garbed and gloved the same as when performing compounding in an ISO Class 5 environment. Properly garbed and gloved compounding personnel who are exposed to air quality that is either known or suspected to be worse than ISO Class 7 shall re-garb personal protective equipment along with washing their hands properly, performing antiseptic hand cleansing with a sterile 70% IPA-based or another suitable sterile alcohol-based surgical hand scrub, and donning sterile gloves upon re-entering the ISO Class 7 buffer room [area].

(vii) When compounding aseptic isolators or compounding aseptic containment isolators are the source of the ISO Class 5 environment, at the start of each new compounding procedure, a new pair of sterile gloves shall be donned within the CAI or CACI. In addition, the compounding personnel should follow the requirements as specified in this subparagraph, unless the isolator manufacturer can provide written documentation based on validated environmental testing that any components of personal protective equipment or cleansing are not required.

(16) [(14)] Quality assurance [Assurance].

(A) Initial formula validation [Formula Validation]. Prior to routine compounding of a sterile preparation, a pharmacy shall conduct an evaluation that shows that the pharmacy is capable of compounding a preparation that is sterile and that contains the stated amount of active ingredient(s).

[(i) Low risk level preparations.]

(i) [ (I)] Quality assurance practices include, but are not limited to the following:

(I) [ (-a-)] Routine disinfection and air quality testing of the direct compounding environment to minimize microbial surface contamination and maintain ISO Class 5 air quality;

(II) [ (-b-)] Visual confirmation that compounding personnel are properly donning and wearing appropriate items and types of protective garments and goggles;

(III) Confirmation that media-fill tests indicate that compounding personnel and personnel who have direct oversight of compounding personnel but do not compound can competently perform aseptic procedures;

[(II) Example of a Media-Fill Test Procedure. This, or an equivalent test, is performed at least annually by each person authorized to compound in a low-risk level under conditions that closely simulate the most challenging or stressful conditions encountered during compounding of low-risk level sterile preparations. Once begun, this test is completed without interruption within an ISO Class 5 air quality environment. Three sets of four 5-milliliter aliquots of sterile fluid culture media are transferred with the same sterile 10-milliliter syringe and vented needle combination into separate sealed, empty, sterile 30-milliliter clear vials (i.e., four 5-milliliter aliquots into each of three 30-milliliter vials). Sterile adhesive seals are aseptically affixed to the rubber closures on the three filled vials. The vials are incubated within a range of 20 - 35 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 14 days. Failure is indicated by visible turbidity in the medium on or before 14 days. The media-fill test must include a positive-control sample.]

(IV) [ (-c-)] Review of all orders and packages of ingredients to ensure that the correct identity and amounts of ingredients were compounded; and

(V) [ (-d-)] Visual inspection of compounded sterile preparations, except for sterile radiopharmaceuticals, to ensure the absence of particulate matter in solutions, the absence of leakage from vials and bags, and the accuracy and thoroughness of labeling.

[(ii) Medium risk level preparations.]

[(I) Quality assurance procedures for medium-risk level compounded sterile preparations include all those for low-risk level compounded sterile preparations, as well as a more challenging media-fill test passed annually, or more frequently.]

[(II) Example of a Media-Fill Test Procedure. This, or an equivalent test, is performed at least annually under conditions that closely simulate the most challenging or stressful conditions encountered during compounding. This test is completed without interruption within an ISO Class 5 air quality environment. Six 100-milliliter aliquots of sterile Soybean-Casein Digest Medium are aseptically transferred by gravity through separate tubing sets into separate evacuated sterile containers. The six containers are then arranged as three pairs, and a sterile 10-milliliter syringe and 18-gauge needle combination is used to exchange two 5-milliliter aliquots of medium from one container to the other container in the pair. For example, after a 5-milliliter aliquot from the first container is added to the second container in the pair, the second container is agitated for 10 seconds, then a 5-milliliter aliquot is removed and returned to the first container in the pair. The first container is then agitated for 10 seconds, and the next 5-milliliter aliquot is transferred from it back to the second container in the pair. Following the two 5-milliliter aliquot exchanges in each pair of containers, a 5-milliliter aliquot of medium from each container is aseptically injected into a sealed, empty, sterile 10-milliliter clear vial, using a sterile 10-milliliter syringe and vented needle. Sterile adhesive seals are aseptically affixed to the rubber closures on the three filled vials. The vials are incubated within a range of 20 - 35 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 14 days. Failure is indicated by visible turbidity in the medium on or before 14 days. The media-fill test must include a positive-control sample.]

[(iii) High risk level preparations.]

[(I) Procedures for high-risk level compounded sterile preparations include all those for low-risk level compounded sterile preparations. In addition, a media-fill test that represents high-risk level compounding is performed twice a year by each person authorized to compound high-risk level compounded sterile preparations.]

[(II) Example of a Media-Fill Test Procedure for Compounded Sterile Preparations Sterilized by Filtration. This test, or an equivalent test, is performed under conditions that closely simulate the most challenging or stressful conditions encountered when compounding high-risk level compounded sterile preparations. Note: Sterility tests for autoclaved compounded sterile preparations are not required unless they are prepared in batches of more than 25 units. This test is completed without interruption in the following sequence:]

[(-a-) Dissolve 3 grams of non-sterile commercially available fluid culture media in 100 milliliters of non-bacteriostatic water to make a 3% non-sterile solution.]

[(-b-) Draw 25 milliliters of the medium into each of three 30-milliliter sterile syringes. Transfer 5 milliliters from each syringe into separate sterile 10-milliliter vials. These vials are the positive controls to generate exponential microbial growth, which is indicated by visible turbidity upon incubation.]

[(-c-) Under aseptic conditions and using aseptic techniques, affix a sterile 0.2-micron porosity filter unit and a 20-gauge needle to each syringe. Inject the next 10 milliliters from each syringe into three separate 10-milliliter sterile vials. Repeat the process for three more vials. Label all vials, affix sterile adhesive seals to the closure of the nine vials, and incubate them at 20 to 35 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 14 days. Inspect for microbial growth over 14 days as described in Chapter 797 Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, of the USP/NF.]

(ii) [ (III)] Filter integrity testing [Integrity Testing]. Filters shall [need to] undergo testing to evaluate the integrity of filters used to sterilize Category 3 compounded sterile [high-risk ] preparations, such as bubble point testing [Bubble Point Testing] or comparable filter integrity testing. Such testing is not a replacement for sterility testing and shall not be interpreted as such. Such test shall be performed after a sterilization procedure on all filters used to sterilize each Category 3 compounded sterile [high-risk] preparation or batch preparation and the results documented. The results should be compared with the filter manufacturer's specification for the specific filter used. If a filter fails the integrity test, the preparation or batch shall [must] be sterilized again using new unused filters.

(B) Finished preparation release checks and tests.

(i) Each time a Category 3 compounded sterile preparation is prepared, it shall be tested for sterility and meet the requirements of Chapter 71, Sterility Tests of the USP/NF, or a validated alternative method that is noninferior to Chapter 71 testing. Each time a Category 2 injectable compounded sterile preparation compounded from one or more non-sterile components and assigned a beyond-use date that requires sterility testing is prepared, the preparation shall be tested to ensure that it does not contain excessive bacterial endotoxins. Each time a Category 3 injectable compounded sterile preparation compounded from one or more non-sterile components is prepared, the preparation shall be tested to ensure that it does not contain excessive bacterial endotoxins. [All high-risk level compounded sterile preparations that are prepared in groups of more than 25 identical individual single-dose packages (such as ampules, bags, syringes, and vials), or in multiple dose vials for administration to multiple patients, or are exposed longer than 12 hours at 2 - 8 degrees Celsius and longer than six hours at warmer than 8 degrees Celsius before they are sterilized shall be tested to ensure they are sterile and do not contain excessive bacterial endotoxins as specified in Chapter 71, Sterility Tests of the USP/NF before being dispensed or administered.]

(ii) All compounded sterile preparations, except for sterile radiopharmaceuticals, that are intended to be solutions shall [must] be visually examined for the presence of particulate matter and not administered or dispensed when such matter is observed.

(iii) The prescription drug and medication orders, written compounding procedure, preparation records, and expended materials used to make compounded sterile preparations [at all contamination risk levels] shall be inspected for accuracy of correct identities and amounts of ingredients, aseptic mixing and sterilization, packaging, labeling, and expected physical appearance before they are dispensed or administered.

(iv) Written procedures for checking compounding accuracy shall be followed for every compounded sterile preparation during preparation, in accordance with pharmacy's policies and procedures, and immediately prior to release, including label accuracy and the accuracy of the addition of all drug products or ingredients used to prepare the finished preparation and their volumes or quantities. A pharmacist shall ensure that components used in compounding are accurately weighed, measured, or subdivided as appropriate to conform to the formula being prepared.

(C) Environmental testing [Testing].

(i) Viable and nonviable environmental sampling testing. Environmental sampling shall occur, at a minimum, every six months as part of a comprehensive quality management program and under any of the following conditions:

(I) as part of the commissioning and certification of new facilities and equipment;

(II) following any servicing of facilities and equipment;

(III) as part of the re-certification of facilities and equipment;

(IV) in response to identified problems with end products or staff technique; or

(V) in response to issues with compounded sterile preparations, observed compounding personnel work practices, or patient-related infections (where the compounded sterile preparation is being considered as a potential source of the infection).

(ii) Total particle counts. Certification that each ISO classified area (e.g., ISO Class 5, 7, and 8), is within established guidelines shall be performed no less than every six months and whenever the equipment is relocated or the physical structure of the buffer room [area] or anteroom [ante-area] has been altered. All certification records shall be maintained and reviewed to ensure that the controlled environments comply with the proper air cleanliness, room pressures, and air changes per hour. These certification records shall [must] include acceptance criteria and be made available upon inspection by the Board. Testing shall be performed by qualified operators using current, state-of-the-art equipment, with results of the following:

(I) ISO Class 5 - not more than 3,520[3520 ] particles 0.5 micrometer and larger size per cubic meter of air;

(II) ISO Class 7 - not more than 352,000 particles of 0.5 micrometer and larger size per cubic meter of air for any buffer room [area]; and

(III) ISO Class 8 - not more than 3,520,000 particles of 0.5 micrometer and larger size per cubic meter of air for any anteroom [ante-area].

(iii) Pressure differential monitoring. A pressure gauge or velocity meter shall be installed to monitor the pressure differential or airflow between the buffer room [area] and the anteroom [ante-area] and between the anteroom [ante-area] and the general environment outside the compounding area. The results shall be reviewed and documented on a log at least every work shift (minimum frequency shall be at least daily) or by a continuous recording device. The pressure between the ISO Class 7 or ISO Class 8 and the general pharmacy area shall not be less than 0.02 inch water column.

(iv) Sampling plan. An appropriate environmental sampling plan shall be developed for airborne viable particles based on a risk assessment of compounding activities performed. Selected sampling sites shall include locations within each ISO Class 5 environment and in the ISO Class 7 and 8 areas and in the segregated compounding areas at greatest risk of contamination. The plan shall include sample location, method of collection, frequency of sampling, volume of air sampled, and time of day as related to activity in the compounding area and action levels.

(v) Viable air sampling. Evaluation of airborne microorganisms using volumetric collection methods in the controlled air environments shall be performed by properly trained individuals for all compounded sterile preparations [compounding risk levels]. Volumetric active air sampling of all active classified areas using an impaction air sampler shall be conducted in each classified area (e.g., ISO Class 5 PEC and ISO Class 7 and 8 room(s)) during dynamic operating conditions. For entities compounding Category 1 or Category 2 compounded sterile preparations, this shall be completed at least every six months. For entities compounding any Category 3 compounded sterile preparations, this shall be completed within 30 days prior to the commencement of any Category 3 compounding and at least every three months thereafter regardless of the frequency of compounding Category 3 compounded sterile preparations. Air sampling sites shall be selected in all classified areas. [For low-, medium-, and high-risk level compounding, air sampling shall be performed at locations that are prone to contamination during compounding activities and during other activities such as staging, labeling, gowning, and cleaning. Locations shall include zones of air backwash turbulence within the laminar airflow workbench and other areas where air backwash turbulence may enter the compounding area. For low-risk level compounded sterile preparations within 12-hour or less beyond-use-date prepared in a primary engineering control that maintains an ISO Class 5, air sampling shall be performed at locations inside the ISO Class 5 environment and other areas that are in close proximity to the ISO Class 5 environment during the certification of the primary engineering control.]

(vi) Air sampling [frequency and] process. [Air sampling shall be performed at least every 6 months as a part of the re-certification of facilities and equipment.]

(I) A sufficient volume of air shall be sampled [and the manufacturer's guidelines for use of the electronic air sampling equipment followed]. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for operation of the impaction air sampler, including placement of media device(s). Using the impaction air sampler, test at least 1 cubic meter or 1,000 liters of air from each location sampled. At the end of each sampling period, retrieve the media device and cover it. Handle and store media devices to avoid contamination and prevent condensate from dropping onto the agar during incubation and affecting the accuracy of the cfu reading (e.g., invert plates). At the end of the designated sampling or exposure period for air sampling activities, the microbial growth media plates are recovered and their covers secured and they are inverted and incubated pursuant to the procedures in subclause (II) of this clause [at a temperature and for a time period conducive to multiplication of microorganisms]. Sampling data shall be collected and reviewed on a periodic basis as a means of evaluating the overall control of the compounding environment.

(II) Incubation procedures.

(-a-) Incubate the media device at 30 to 35 degrees Celsius for no less than 48 hours. Examine for growth. Record the total number of discrete colonies of microorganisms on each media device as cfu per cubic meter of air on an environmental sampling form based on sample type (i.e., viable air), sample location, and sample date.

(-b-) Then incubate the media at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for no less than five additional days. Examine for growth. Record the total number of discrete colonies of microorganisms on each media device as cfu per cubic meter of air on an environmental sampling form based on sample type (i.e., viable air), sample location, and sample date.

(-c-) Alternatively, to shorten the overall incubation period, two sampling media devices may be collected for each sample location and incubated concurrently.

(-1-) The media devices shall either both be trypticase soy agar or shall be one trypticase soy agar and the other fungal media (e.g., malt extract agar or Sabouraud dextrose agar).

(-2-) Incubate each media device in a separate incubator. Incubate one media device at 30 to 35 degrees Celsius for no less than 48 hours, and incubate the other media device at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for no less than five days. If fungal media are used as one of the samples, incubate the fungal media sample at 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for no less than five days.

(-3-) Count the total number of discrete colonies of microorganisms on each media device, and record these results as cfu per cubic meter of air.

(-4-) Record the results of the sampling on an environmental sampling form based on sample type (i.e., viable air), and include the sample location and sample date.

(III) If an activity consistently shows elevated levels of microbial growth, competent microbiology or infection control personnel shall be consulted. A colony forming unit (cfu) count greater than 1 cfu per cubic meter of air for ISO Class 5, greater than 10 cfus [cfu] per cubic meter of air for ISO Class 7, and greater than 100 cfus [cfu] per cubic meter of air for ISO Class 8 or worse should prompt a re-evaluation of the adequacy of personnel work practices, cleaning procedures, operational procedures, and air filtration efficiency within the aseptic compounding location. An investigation into the source of the contamination shall be conducted. The source of the problem shall be eliminated, the affected area cleaned, and resampling performed. Counts of cfu are to be used as an approximate measure of the environmental microbial bioburden. Action levels are determined on the basis of cfu data gathered at each sampling location and trended over time. Regardless of the number of cfu identified in the pharmacy, further corrective actions will be dictated by the identification of microorganisms recovered by an appropriate credentialed laboratory of any microbial bioburden captured as a cfu using an impaction air sampler. Highly pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., gram-negative rods, coagulase positive staphylococcus, molds and yeasts) can be potentially fatal to patient receiving compounded sterile preparations and shall [must] be immediately remedied, regardless of colony forming unit count, with the assistance, if needed, of a competent microbiologist, infection control professional, or industrial hygienist.

(vii) Compounding accuracy checks. Written procedures for checking compounding accuracy shall be followed for every compounded sterile preparation during preparation and immediately prior to release, including label accuracy and the accuracy of the addition of all drug products or ingredients used to prepare the finished preparation and their volumes or quantities. At each step of the compounding process, the pharmacist shall ensure that components used in compounding are accurately weighed, measured, or subdivided as appropriate to conform to the formula being prepared.

(17) [(15)] Quality control.

(A) Quality control procedures. The pharmacy shall follow established quality control procedures to monitor the compounding environment and quality of compounded drug preparations for conformity with the quality indicators established for the preparation. When developing these procedures, pharmacy personnel shall consider the provisions of USP Chapter 71, Sterility Tests, USP Chapter 85, Bacterial Endotoxins Test, Pharmaceutical Compounding-Non-sterile Preparations, USP Chapter 795, USP Chapter 797, Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, USP Chapter 800, Hazardous Drugs--Handling in Healthcare Settings, USP Chapter 823, Positron Emission Tomography Drugs for Compounding, Investigational, and Research Uses, USP Chapter 1160, Pharmaceutical Calculations in Prescription Compounding, and USP Chapter 1163, Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding of the current USP/NF. Such procedures shall be documented and be available for inspection.

(B) Verification of compounding accuracy and sterility.

(i) The accuracy of identities, concentrations, amounts, and purities of ingredients in compounded sterile preparations shall be confirmed by reviewing labels on packages, observing and documenting correct measurements with approved and correctly standardized devices, and reviewing information in labeling and certificates of analysis provided by suppliers.

(ii) If the correct identity, purity, strength, and sterility of ingredients and components of compounded sterile preparations cannot be confirmed such ingredients and components shall be discarded immediately. Any compounded sterile preparation that fails sterility testing following sterilization by one method (e.g., filtration) is to be discarded and not subjected to a second method of sterilization.

(iii) If individual ingredients, such as bulk drug substances, are not labeled with expiration dates, when the drug substances are stable indefinitely in their commercial packages under labeled storage conditions, such ingredients may gain or lose moisture during storage and use and shall require testing to determine the correct amount to weigh for accurate content of active chemical moieties in compounded sterile preparations.

(C) Sterility testing. If the number of compounded sterile preparations to be compounded in a single batch is less than the number of compounded sterile preparations needed for testing as specified in clause (iii) of this subparagraph, additional units shall be compounded to perform sterility testing as follows:

(i) If one to 39 compounded sterile preparations are compounded in a single batch, the sterility testing shall be performed on a number of units equal to 10% of the number of compounded sterile preparations prepared, rounded up to the next whole number.

(ii) If more than 40 compounded sterile preparations are prepared in a single batch, the sample sizes specified in clause (iii) of this subparagraph shall be used.

(iii) The minimum number of articles to be tested in relation to the number of articles in the batch is as follows:

(I) Parenteral preparations.

(-a-) If not more than 100 containers in the batch, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 10% or four containers, whichever is greater.

(-b-) If more than 100 containers but not more than 500 containers in the batch, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 10 containers.

(-c-) If more than 500 containers in the batch, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 2% or 10 containers, whichever is less.

(II) Antibiotic solids.

(-a-) For pharmacy bulk packages of less than five grams, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 20 containers.

(-b-) For pharmacy bulk packages equal to or greater than five grams, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is six containers.

(-c-) For bulks and blends, the requirements of subclause (IV) of this clause apply.

(III) Ophthalmic and other noninjectable preparations.

(-a-) If not more than 200 containers in the batch, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 5% or two containers, whichever is greater.

(-b-) If more than 200 containers in the batch, the minimum number of containers to be tested for each medium is 10 containers.

(-c-) If the product is presented in the form of single-dose containers:

(-1-) If not more than 100 single-dose containers in the batch, the minimum number of single-dose containers to be tested for each medium is 10% or four single-dose containers, whichever is greater.

(-2-) If more than 100 single-dose containers but not more than 500 single-dose containers in the batch, the minimum number of single-dose containers to be tested for each medium is 10 single-dose containers.

(-3-) If more than 500 single-dose containers in the batch, the minimum number of single-dose containers to be tested for each medium is 2% or 10 single-dose containers, whichever is less.

(-d-) If catgut or other surgical sutures for veterinary use, the minimum number of packages for each medium is 2% or five packages, whichever is greater, up to a maximum total of 20 packages.

(-e-) If not more than 100 articles, the minimum number of articles for each medium is 10% or four articles, whichever is greater.

(-f-) If more than 100 articles but not more than 500 articles, the minimum number of articles for each medium is 10 articles.

(-g-) If more than 500 articles, the minimum number of articles for each medium is 2% or 20 articles, whichever is less.

(IV) Bulk solid products.

(-a-) If not more than four containers, the minimum number of containers for each medium is each container.

(-b-) If more than four containers but not more than 50 containers, the minimum number of containers for each medium is 20% or four containers, whichever is greater.

(-c-) If more than 50 containers, the minimum number of containers for each medium is 2% or 10 containers, whichever is greater.

(iv) Sterility tests resulting in failure shall prompt an investigation into the possible causes of the failure and shall include identification of the microorganism and an evaluation of the sterility testing procedure, compounding facility, process, and personnel that may have contributed to the failure. The sources of the contamination, if identified, shall be corrected and the pharmacy shall determine whether the conditions causing the sterility failure affect other compounded sterile preparations. The investigation and resulting corrective actions shall be documented.

(e) Records. Any testing, cleaning, procedures, or other activities required in this subsection shall be documented and such documentation shall be maintained by the pharmacy.

(1) Maintenance of records. Every record required under this section shall [must] be:

(A) kept by the pharmacy and be available, for at least two years for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and

(B) supplied by the pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records shall [must] be provided in an electronic format. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.

(2) Compounding records.

(A) Compounding pursuant to patient specific prescription drug orders or medication orders not prepared from non-sterile ingredient(s). Compounding records for all compounded preparations shall be maintained by the pharmacy and shall include a complete formula, including methodology and necessary equipment which includes the brand name(s) of the raw materials, or if no brand name, the generic name(s) or official name and name(s) of the manufacturer(s) or distributor of the raw materials and the quantities of each; however, if the sterile preparation is compounded according to the manufacturer's labeling instructions, then documentation of the formula is not required.[:]

[(i) the date and time of preparation;]

[(ii) a complete formula, including methodology and necessary equipment which includes the brand name(s) of the raw materials, or if no brand name, the generic name(s) or official name and name(s) of the manufacturer(s) or distributor of the raw materials and the quantities of each; however, if the sterile preparation is compounded according to the manufacturer's labeling instructions, then documentation of the formula is not required;]

[(iii) written or electronic signature or initials of the pharmacist or pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee performing the compounding;]

[(iv) written or electronic signature or initials of the pharmacist responsible for supervising pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees and conducting finals checks of compounded pharmaceuticals if pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees perform the compounding function;]

[(v) the container used and the number of units of finished preparation prepared; and]

[(vi) a reference to the location of the following documentation which may be maintained with other records, such as quality control records:]

[(I) the criteria used to determine the beyond-use date; and]

[(II) documentation of performance of quality control procedures.]

(B) Compounding records for compounded sterile preparations prepared from non-sterile ingredient(s) or prepared for more than one patient. [when batch compounding or compounding in anticipation of future prescription drug or medication orders.]

(i) [Master work sheet.] A master formulation record [master work sheet] shall be created for compounded sterile preparations prepared from non-sterile ingredient(s) or prepared for more than one patient. Any changes or alterations to the master formulation record shall be approved and documented according to the pharmacy's SOPs. The master formulation record shall include at least the following information: [developed and approved by a pharmacist for preparations prepared in batch. Once approved, a duplicate of the master work sheet shall be used as the preparation work sheet from which each batch is prepared and on which all documentation for that batch occurs. The master work sheet shall contain at a minimum:]

(I) name, strength or activity, and dosage form of the compounded sterile preparation [the formula];

(II) identities and amounts of all ingredients and, if applicable, relevant characteristics or components (e.g., particle size, salt form, purity grade, solubility) [the components];

(III) type and size of container closure system(s) [the compounding directions];

(IV) complete instructions for preparing the compounded sterile preparation, including equipment, supplies, a description of the compounding steps, and any special precautions [a sample label];

(V) physical description of the final compounded sterile preparation [evaluation and testing requirements];

(VI) beyond-use date and storage requirements; [specific equipment used during preparation; and]

(VII) reference source to support the stability of the compounded sterile preparation; [storage requirements.]

(VIII) quality control procedures (e.g., pH testing, filter integrity testing); and

(IX) other information as needed to describe the compounding process and ensure repeatability (e.g., adjusting pH and tonicity; sterilization method, such as steam, dry heat, irradiation, or filter).

(ii) A compounding record that documents the compounding process shall be created for all compounded sterile preparations. The compounding record shall include at least the following information:

(I) name, strength or activity, and dosage form of the compounded sterile preparation;

(II) date and time of preparation of the compounded sterile preparation;

(III) assigned internal identification number (e.g., prescription, order, or lot number);

(IV) written or electronic signature or initials of the pharmacist or pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee performing the compounding;

(V) written or electronic signature or initials of the pharmacist responsible for supervising pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees and conducting final checks of compounded preparations if pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees perform the compounding function;

(VI) name of each component;

(VII) vendor, lot number, and expiration date for each component for compounded sterile preparations prepared for more than one patient or prepared from non-sterile ingredient(s);

(VIII) weight or volume of each component;

(IX) strength or activity of each component;

(X) total quantity compounded;

(XI) final yield (e.g., quantity, containers, number of units);

(XII) assigned beyond-use date and storage requirements;

(XIII) results of quality control procedures (e.g., visual inspection, filter integrity testing, pH testing);

(XIV) if applicable, master formulation record for the compounded sterile preparation; and

(XV) if applicable, calculations made to determine and verify quantities or concentrations of components.

[(ii) Preparation work sheet. The preparation work sheet for each batch of preparations shall document the following:]

[(I) identity of all solutions and ingredients and their corresponding amounts, concentrations, or volumes;]

[(II) lot number for each component;]

[(III) component manufacturer/distributor or suitable identifying number;]

[(IV) container specifications (e.g., syringe, pump cassette);]

[(V) unique lot or control number assigned to batch;]

[(VI) expiration date of batch-prepared preparations;]

[(VII) date of preparation;]

[(VIII) name, initials, or electronic signature of the person(s) involved in the preparation;]

[(IX) name, initials, or electronic signature of the responsible pharmacist;]

[(X) finished preparation evaluation and testing specifications, if applicable; and]

[(XI) comparison of actual yield to anticipated or theoretical yield, when appropriate.]

(f) Office use compounding and distribution of sterile compounded preparations. [Use Compounding and Distribution of Sterile Compounded Preparations]

(1) General.

(A) A pharmacy may compound, dispense, deliver, and distribute a compounded sterile preparation as specified in Subchapter D, Texas Pharmacy Act Chapter 562.

(B) A Class A-S pharmacy is not required to register or be licensed under Chapter 431, Health and Safety Code, to distribute sterile compounded preparations to a Class C or Class C-S pharmacy.

(C) A Class C-S pharmacy is not required to register or be licensed under Chapter 431, Health and Safety Code, to distribute sterile compounded preparations that the Class C-S pharmacy has compounded for other Class C or Class C-S pharmacies under common ownership.

(D) To compound and deliver a compounded preparation under this subsection, a pharmacy shall [must]:

(i) verify the source of the raw materials to be used in a compounded drug;

(ii) comply with applicable United States Pharmacopoeia guidelines, including the testing requirements, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-191);

(iii) enter into a written agreement with a practitioner for the practitioner's office use of a compounded preparation;

(iv) comply with all applicable competency and accrediting standards as determined by the board; and

(v) comply with the provisions of this subsection.

(E) This subsection does not apply to Class B pharmacies compounding sterile radiopharmaceuticals that are furnished for departmental or physicians' use if such authorized users maintain a Texas radioactive materials license.

(2) Written Agreement. A pharmacy that provides sterile compounded preparations to practitioners for office use or to another pharmacy shall enter into a written agreement with the practitioner or pharmacy. The written agreement shall:

(A) address acceptable standards of practice for a compounding pharmacy and a practitioner and receiving pharmacy that enter into the agreement including a statement that the compounded drugs may only be administered to the patient and may not be dispensed to the patient or sold to any other person or entity except to a veterinarian as authorized by §563.054 of the Act;

(B) require the practitioner or receiving pharmacy to include on a patient's chart, medication order or medication administration record the lot number and beyond-use date of a compounded preparation administered to a patient; and

(C) describe the scope of services to be performed by the pharmacy and practitioner or receiving pharmacy, including a statement of the process for:

(i) a patient to report an adverse reaction or submit a complaint; and

(ii) the pharmacy to recall batches of compounded preparations.

(3) Recordkeeping.

(A) Maintenance of Records.

(i) Records of orders and distribution of sterile compounded preparations to a practitioner for office use or to an institutional pharmacy for administration to a patient shall:

(I) be kept by the pharmacy and be available, for at least two years from the date of the record, for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies;

(II) be maintained separately from the records of preparations dispensed pursuant to a prescription or medication order; and

(III) be supplied by the pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy or its representative. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records shall [must] be provided in an electronic format. Failure to provide the records set out in this subsection, either on site or within 72 hours for whatever reason, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records.

(ii) Records may be maintained in an alternative data retention system, such as a data processing system or direct imaging system provided the data processing system is capable of producing a hard copy of the record upon the request of the board, its representative, or other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement or regulatory agencies.

(B) Orders. The pharmacy shall maintain a record of all sterile compounded preparations ordered by a practitioner for office use or by an institutional pharmacy for administration to a patient. The record shall include the following information:

(i) date of the order;

(ii) name, address, and phone number of the practitioner who ordered the preparation and if applicable, the name, address and phone number of the institutional pharmacy ordering the preparation; and

(iii) name, strength, and quantity of the preparation ordered.

(C) Distributions. The pharmacy shall maintain a record of all sterile compounded preparations distributed pursuant to an order to a practitioner for office use or by an institutional pharmacy for administration to a patient. The record shall include the following information:

(i) date the preparation was compounded;

(ii) date the preparation was distributed;

(iii) name, strength and quantity in each container of the preparation;

(iv) pharmacy's lot number;

(v) quantity of containers shipped; and

(vi) name, address, and phone number of the practitioner or institutional pharmacy to whom the preparation is distributed.

(D) Audit trail [Trail].

(i) The pharmacy shall store the order and distribution records of preparations for all sterile compounded preparations ordered by and or distributed to a practitioner for office use or by a pharmacy licensed to compound sterile preparations for administration to a patient in such a manner as to be able to provide an audit trail for all orders and distributions of any of the following during a specified time period:

(I) any strength and dosage form of a preparation (by either brand or generic name or both);

(II) any ingredient;

(III) any lot number;

(IV) any practitioner;

(V) any facility; and

(VI) any pharmacy, if applicable.

(ii) The audit trail shall contain the following information:

(I) date of order and date of the distribution;

(II) practitioner's name, address, and name of the institutional pharmacy, if applicable;

(III) name, strength and quantity of the preparation in each container of the preparation;

(IV) name and quantity of each active ingredient;

(V) quantity of containers distributed; and

(VI) pharmacy's lot number.

(4) Labeling. The pharmacy shall affix a label to the preparation containing the following information:

(A) name, address, and phone number of the compounding pharmacy;

(B) the statement: "For Institutional or Office Use Only--Not for Resale"; or if the preparation is distributed to a veterinarian the statement: "Compounded Preparation";

(C) name and strength of the preparation or list of the active ingredients and strengths;

(D) pharmacy's lot number;

(E) beyond-use date as determined by the pharmacist using appropriate documented criteria;

(F) quantity or amount in the container;

(G) appropriate ancillary instructions, such as storage instructions or cautionary statements, including hazardous drug warning labels where appropriate; and

(H) device-specific instructions, where appropriate.

(g) Recall procedures [Procedures].

(1) The pharmacy shall have SOPs [written procedures] for the recall of any compounded sterile preparation provided to a patient, to a practitioner for office use, or a pharmacy for administration. The SOPs [Written procedures] shall include, but not be limited to the requirements as specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(2) The pharmacy shall immediately initiate a recall of any sterile preparation compounded by the pharmacy upon identification of a potential or confirmed harm to a patient.

(3) In the event of a recall, the pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure that:

(A) the distribution of any affected compounded sterile preparation is determined, including the date and quantity of distribution;

(B) [(A)] each practitioner, facility, and/or pharmacy to which the preparation was distributed is notified, in writing, of the recall;

(C) [(B)] each patient to whom the preparation was dispensed is notified, in writing, of the recall;

(D) [(C)] the board is notified of the recall, in writing, not later than 24 hours after the recall is issued;

(E) [(D)] if the preparation is distributed for office use, the Texas Department of State Health Services, Drugs and Medical Devices Group, is notified of the recall, in writing;

(F) [(E)] any unused dispensed compounded sterile preparations are recalled and any stock remaining in the pharmacy is quarantined [the preparation is quarantined]; and

(G) [(F)] the pharmacy keeps a written record of the recall including all actions taken to notify all parties and steps taken to ensure corrective measures.

(4) Recall of out-of-specification dispensed compounded sterile preparations.

(A) If a compounded sterile preparation is dispensed or administered before the results of testing are known, the pharmacy shall have SOPs in place to:

(i) immediately notify the prescriber of a failure of specifications with the potential to cause patient harm (e.g., sterility, strength, purity, bacterial endotoxin, or other quality attributes); and

(ii) investigate if other lots are affected and recall if necessary.

(B) SOPs for recall of out-of-specification dispensed compounded sterile preparations shall contain procedures to:

(i) determine the severity of the problem and the urgency for implementation and completion of the recall;

(ii) determine the disposal and documentation of the recalled compounded sterile preparation; and

(iii) investigate and document the reason for failure.

(5) [(4)] If a pharmacy fails to initiate a recall, the board may require a pharmacy to initiate a recall if there is potential for or confirmed harm to a patient.

(6) [(5)] A pharmacy that compounds sterile preparations shall notify the board immediately of any adverse effects reported to the pharmacy or that are known by the pharmacy to be potentially attributable to a sterile preparation compounded by the pharmacy.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 5, 2024.


Daniel Carroll, Pharm.D.

Executive Director

Texas State Board of Pharmacy

Earliest possible date of adoption: October 20, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-8084